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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Real World Paris style!
2003-06-11 - 7:54 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey brothas and sistas. ;) I updated my currently page just now if any of you are interested in checking that shit out.

Anyway, yesterday was pretty boring for the first part of the day..then I got to talk to my baby which made everything better. We talked almost FOUR hours, and we're gonna talk on the phone today. :) I got several IM's on MSN. I am sorry to anyone I ignored. I wasn't trying to be mean, it's just me and Nate didn't talk on Monday and I just needed to be "alone" with him. I am sure ya'll can understand that. No disrespect of course, cos I respect you all. Ok?! Hopefully there's no hard feelings.

Anyway, my grandpa got out of the hospital BUT now he's in rehab. He's going to be in rehab for a week, and then after that they don't know what to do with him. My mom suggested to my dad that they think about clearing his apartment out, and just give it up cos he can't be alone. Of course, my dad said no way but yet, he's got about a week left in there, and they don't know what they are going to do with him yet. Shiit..they besta start thinking about it. My dad of course, freaked and said and I quote: "I have too much headaches in my life, too much frustrations..I shouldn't have even moved here." Sighs. He always slings that crap on her, when he doesn't want to face what's going on, and just wants to be a little boy and hide and not take on responsibility.

My friend never called yesterday..how great, huh?! Nah, I understand she's busy and has a lot of shtuff on her mind rather than calling me. I just need to learn how to not take things personally. Ohh..I saw some Dawsons episodes..back where Andie started going crazy. A few of them don't even look familiar. Is it possible that ME the DC freak missed a few episodes?! lol.

I saw my next-door-neighbor. She congratulated me on graduating. (: How nice. Then she said she's going to have a gift for me, but I highly doubt it since yesterday was the first time I've talked to the woman in the 5 years I've been living here..lol. She didn't even know my name when she tried to get my attention. She called me "Tracy." Grr! I hate that! My name's STACEY dammit! lol.

I ended up doing dishes yesterday morning and a bit last night..shocker I know..lol. I saw Real World. It was good..there's definitely some sexual tension between Chris and Christina. How odd..they are attracted to each other, and have similar names. What is this crap about an egg though?! lol. She's obsessed with eggs. They got their job thing in the mail..they have to write in their travel guide while going to different places in Paris and shtuff.

Ace seems the one least willing to learn any French..well at first..he said he hates the french people, he went up to some guy in a car and called him a french bastard, he misses the american way of life, and the culture and he doesn't like it there. Then after the french lessons..[which they have to go to once a week], he saw an arch in paris, and it totally changed his mind and he said he's not going to complain about France again and he's going to try to learn the language and shtuff. Then Adam said he'd apologize to Leah, and she didn't deserve the way he acted..doh!! yikes. That was pretty much it in a nutshell. Oh yeah..and Chris gets drunk, and it's not too pretty.

Next week looks to be more interesting..Mallory and Ace hook up, her parents say they are disappointed in her..and she feels like an idiot and shtuff and appears to be crying. Gosh, she seems so innocent, yet..she's not. Very odd..then again, I fall into that category too. ;) lol.

Well, yeah..I THINK that's all I want to say. After I eat something I have to give Nate a time to call me..I am not even sure if I'm going out or not yet.

Bye darlings. (: Hope you have a great Wednesday. *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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