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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2002-10-19 - 10:01 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Wuzup? well remember the movie i wrote about? well we went to see Tuck Everlasting..it was an amazing movie.Jonathan Jackson is HOT..i never even noticed it before until thursday night..he's got gorgeous blue eyes..:) anyway,it was an awesome movie because it taught you not to be afraid of death,but of the unlived life.To live your life to it's fullest.But Jeremy couldn't be more annoying.There was a girl to the right of us and she thought Jeremy was a GIRL..lol. it was funny..he kept TALKING and making weird noises.he's the worst person to go to the movies..or anywhere else with..lol.And he asked my mom if we could hang out yesterday hell no! lol so he thought we were going to go out and called and e-mailed me but i completely blew him off..it was mean of me but im so sick of him!! Well yesterday was kind of a waste..i ended up talking to one of my good friends on the phone for a few hours and then last night we went out to Boomers..its this place with arcade games..they have lazer tag,go carts,water bumper cars,air hockey,miniature golf..stuff like that.The mini golf was fun..we were both equally bad so it was good..lol.I did get a hole in one though..and my ball almost fell in the water..heheh.Air hockey was fun too..though i felt dizzy and pukish..haha.I got some tickets and i rocked at the basketball stuff.Though my friend lost her patience when we were playing mini golf because there were people in front of us and we had to wait so we skipped a hole because she couldn't take it..its funny..she acts A LOT like an Aries but she's a Capricorn..hmm..anyway i beat her at basketball..she couldnt handle it haha and our friend Jen was supposed to come but she never showed.I think Jen is more laid back and easier to get along with,but no one is perfect.We still had fun though.It was nice hanging with her because i haven't hung out with friends in a while..I felt like a kid last night..it was nice.lol..i guess ill always be a kid at heart.It was funny because as we were waiting for my mom these kids came up to my friend and said "that boy over there likes you" and she gave them a nasty look and said yah kid whatever then they said he really wants to go out and then they said just kidding..but i can tell she was really mad..sometimes she needs to loosen up..anyway we are all planning a big get together next week..we are trying to get Tonya,Nikki,Liz,Jen,Katie,me and her,Suzie,Bridget together and some more people..we'll see.Today is the day..traffic school..boy is this going to be fun..4 fricken hours of my day wasted..but at least im on my way to driving.Anyway i miss Nate! :( well ill be back tomorrow i guess.



Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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