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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey


I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Welcome to my cast page! =� These are all the people that have come and gone in my life..I love you all..each and every one of you has shaped the person I am today, and for that I thank you.

Stacey--Well DOH ME! LoL or Stace whichever...born 9/10/85 in Brooklyn New York & the person's diary you are reading. :)

Nathan --My boyfriend..my future husband..one day, the father of my children. We met two years ago on Bolt.com..started out as friends..it took us a while, but eventually we became much more. He is my world..my soulmate..my rock..my fuzzy bunnay..my tiger..best friend..everything to me..basically the one I was meant to be with..the one I belong with..the one who has stolen my heart. When I dreamed of the perfect person for me..I never thought it would be him but sometimes the people you would always overlook or, don't expect take you by surprise and the person you don't think would be the one for you, is. Right now we are far away from each other but we know we will be together SOON. I love you soo much baby. (K) Meeting him was the best experience of my whole life.

Eileen--My mom..oh boy..lol..the woman who has a lot of strength and is the one person who can both piss me off and amaze me at the same time. The one who knows me better than I know myself. I owe a lot to her..she has ALWAYS been there for me, whenever I have needed her. She has tried to be the best mom she can be despite all the hardships we faced. She is someone I greatly admire and in some ways, wish I can be more like. That woman has soo much humor and intelligence. She tried to raise me right and has been the driving force in my life. She has had to be BOTH a mom and dad to me. Because my own dad is a major asshole. She had to struggle and go through so much to have me and she has tried to give me the world. We do but heads a lot but in the end, there's nothing but love I have for this woman.

Steven--My dad (the sperm donor)..the jerk I talk aboot a lot. The one who has caused me great pain in my life and hasn't been much of a dad. I know he didn't want me..I know my MOM was the one who wanted a child. He is just the type of person who should have never had a child..can't handle it. Basically a miserable bastard. We HAVE had our moments but he doesn't put much of an effort into parenting and has just been absent through many things in my life and has abused me and my mother. But maybe one day I can forgive all of it..for now I don't like the guy or respect him but nonetheless, I don't wish him any harm and when my parents get a divorce, he will still be a part of my life..and it's just something I need to accept.

Zoe--My cat :-) She's been with us for a looong time. Ever since we lived in New York..for aboot 9 years now. She's a bitch..lol plain and simply but she is affectionate and adorable. I love her lots!! =�

Pumpkin--My other cat..we adopted him right after my cat Brandy died..December of '01 and he has been a member of the family ever since. He is huge and orange and sweet. He's my precious one lol. :) Oh and the other animals we've had are..Frankie..a dog who was with us till I was 5 and had to be put to sleep..Peaches..a cat who looked like a peach lol and died during an operation..Elvis..black and white cat..was VERY sick..had kidney problems and died during surgery..Brandy..a cat..had her for a LONG time..was soo kind..died in December of 01..we had to put her to sleep because she had Cancer.

OK those are the main people..here's the other people..they still have a huge part but these are the people I occasionally mention in my entries.I will start with grandparents.

Grandma Lilly--This is my dad's mother. To tell the truth, we were never close. She used to hold me as a little baby and I remember not liking her too much. I never really got to know her though because she died when I was only 6 in January of 1992 from Ovarian Cancer. She was only in her Sixties. She complained a long time but her children or husband never listened. What I do remember was that she was good to the people she loved, and very generous. I miss her and my only regret is not opening up myself to her.

Grandpa Zigfried(Ziggy)--My dad's father..the only grandparent I have that is still alive. The one his grandchildren call (Oppi) which is german for "Grandfather." I know he loves me a lot..he always gives me money..lol..he's 81 years old..still in decent health [exception of Diabetes] and is doing ok on his own. He lives in the Bronx New York and though I complain aboot him because he can't hear he's still a good grandfather.

Grandma Becky--My mom's mom. I hate to admit this..but she was the one I cared aboot the most and loved the most out of ALL my grandparents. We were sooo close. She taught me soo much aboot life..was always there for me..was always someone I can talk to and I know would listen to any problem I had. Was soo vibrant and full of life. She was a very intelligent woman..very head strong like me..very kind and caring and funny. All her grandchildren loved her to death. She was the best grandparent anyone could ever be blessed with. I always looked up to her. But sadly, she got very sick after my grandfather died..her and my grandfather were BEST FRIENDS..were all each other had for a while..I have NEVER seen two people LOVE each other as much as they did..they had an INCREDIBLE bond that even death will not break or crack. She had Parkinson's and moved here with us in March of '98 but had to be put in an adult home later on because my aunt could no longer take care of her..she died of respiratory problems and a combination of that and her disease in September of '01..just 5 days after my birthday. I think about her EVERYDAY and miss her soo much. I know wherever she is, she is happy. Her sister is the only one that's alive out of all her siblings..named Bobby..real name Sarah..my mom was SO CLOSE to naming me Sarah but then she realized that that is Bobby's real name. Bobby is in her late Eighties..and is in the adult home that my grandma stayed at in Long Island. She also has other siblings..Sonny..which is who I was named after..who has a daughter named Fran who is my 2nd cousin..Faye who is married to Al who died in December of 01..have a son named Marty who is a millionare and lives in California..he's my second cousin and has a wife named Irit and a daughter named Michelle(my third cousin) who is 11 years old. Other siblings are Frank and Irving..Irving's wife recently died..my grandma was the youngest.

My grandfather Sam--My mom's dad..becky's husband..was such a cool guy! Hilarious! Very quiet though. But such a loving and good man with a heart of gold..I like to think I have some of my grandparent's traits. He was my grandmother's heart..they had a 10 year age difference but still made it work..he was 10 years older. He was a fighter..he worked hard in his life..gave my grandmother ALL he had. He died in December of 96' of cancer when I was only 11. He meant a lot to me and I did attend the funeral and to this day realize what a great life he had..he lived till 89 yrs old and enjoyed everything. Never looked back. I greatly admire him. He has a sister named Jean who was a GREAT painter and some other siblings.

--OK now onto aunts and uncles--

Sheila--My mom's older sister..my aunt. She lives aboot 10 minutes from us. Me and her do NOT get along very well but she did let us live with her when we moved here and for that I am eternally grateful. She is very close with my mom and is a lot like her. She has been cool to me and though we have different views we have similar personalities. She used to live in Long Island and has been married THREE times..lol..and has three kids.

Steve--Sheila's husband..my uncle through marriage. Allen and him were best friends growing up though Sheila and him never hung out. They met up again a few years ago and got married in April of '01. He has been married before her and has three kids of his own..Allison, Heather, and Dylan. He lives in Alabama. The father of Sheila's kids though is Lester and they got divorced in 1982..he now has another child with someone else named Danielle who is 16.

Allen--My mom's older brother..my uncle. An ASSHOLE..major asshole. Caused my grandma a lot of grief through life and is just a mean spirited person. He moved to Las Vegas in July. He has a bitch for a wife and 2 kids. No one in the family likes him..he is mainly the 'black sheep.'

Reva--Allen's wife..aunt through marriage. I HATE her..that's all I will say because it is a long story.

Allan--My dad's brother..my uncle..he is my dad's younger brother. He has lived all over the place..NY..NJ..Georgia..Wisconsin..etc. He's back in Georgia. He's a cool guy. Is very wealthy and successful..he comes here occasionally to visit his in-laws.

Nancy--Allan's wife..my aunt through marriage.she is VERY bubbly and talkative and a phony..lol..but she is nice though she can grate anyone's nerves.

Jerry--My dad's older brother..my uncle. Helps out my grandfather with his business. Was once Married to a BITCH named Marcia who tried to tear apart the family..she had an affair and so they got a divorce. He is now married to another woman named Brenda and lives in New Jersey..upstairs from his kids.

OK now onto the cousins!

Dawn--Sheila's daughter. My cousin. We were VERY CLOSE at one point. She is 30 years old..she lived with my grandma for a long time and is VERY artistic and book smart and serious but very odd and quirky. The good one out of the kids..lol. She has since moved to Seattle where she lives with her boyfriend, Tom. They are getting married in 1 or 2 years. .

Karen--Sheila's other daughter. My cousin. Her and Dawn are fraternal twins..she lives here about 40 mins away. There's a LOT to say aboot her and I do in my entries lol so I won't go on aboot her here.

Scott--Sheila's son(my cousin)..the oldest..31 years old. Aww!! I love him to DEATH! He always performed wrestling moves on me when I was younger though lol so I was terrified of him. But he is such a great guy..is soo funny! Has a wicked sense of humor. Is very well adjusted and lives in Long Island New York with his bitchy wife Terri..his three kids were born in April of 01..they are all triplets and named Derek, Erika, and Alexa.

Eric--Allen's son(my cousin)..is 23 or 24 years old..was always into music and strumming his guitar. Lived with Allen for a while but now he is on his own and lives in Australia with his girlfriend and has a child with her..his daughter was born a year or more ago. Is the younger one out of the 2 kids..me and him were kinda close.

Heath--Allen's other son..my cousin..the older one..I think he's around 25 or 26. Still lives in New York..has his tongue pierced..a good kid though. Has a girlfriend that is a model and took good care of my grandma. :)

David--Allan's son..my cousin..17 years old..since we are close in age, we are close. An awesome kid. :)

Lisa--Allan's daughter..my cousin..she is 11 or 12 yrs old..my grandma never got to meet her.. :( is a ray of sunshine lol but also very annoying.

Eric--Jerry's son..my cousin..lives in New Jersey..weird guy lol the older one.

Brad--Jerry's other son..my cousin..lives with Eric. I think he's 22 or something. I haven't seen either one of them in YEARS.

OK now into ALL the friends I've had through the years and acquaintances.

Michelle--The one I talk a lot aboot in my entries. I met her in Pre-K..one day she just started talking to me and we became inseperable..we've been through everything together and for a LONG TIME..through much of my life we were best friends despite our differences and that we were total opposites. She used to live in New York but moved to California when we were 8..she is only 9 days younger than me. She is now a grade behind..(a senior in HS) because when she moved it just screwed it up for her. We were in Girl Scout's together..We have drifted apart and have our own lives. Her parents got divorced a couple of years ago and she hasn't been the same ever since. She now lives with her dad in Huntington Beach. She has a boyfriend named Manny who she has been with for awhile. And though we aren't close anymore, she will ALWAYS have a piece of my heart.

Chris--We met in the pool club in Brooklyn in 89 when we were 4..he is 6 months older than me and we did a lot together and spent our summers together. Like me and Miche, me and Chris also grew up together and shared things and leaned on each other. His mom and my mom are friends..just like my mom and Miche's mom are friends. He is VERY smart. I used to have a crush on him actually. He's just a really sweet kid..a lot like me..but we haven't talked since September. We are both busy and do our own thing. He understands me and is someone I can ALWAYS talk to and won't judge me..and accepts me. He's very speshul. He comes here to visit his grandma in the summer who lives a 1/2 hour away so we do see each other and just reflect on the past and our futures..we just had awesome times together. He means a lot to me..I will always love him like a bro no matter WHAT happens in our lives. We've grown apart though..tremendously. He went off to college in NJ.

Jinna--My best friend through grade school..I met her in 4th grade and at first, for some reason did not like her at ALL. She moved to Brooklyn from Queens and came to my school and one day we just started talking. We were best friends from 4th-7th grade. She lived on the same block as me..so we just walked to each other's houses and hung out EVERYDAY..people would always see us together. She is 11 days younger than me. We were EXTREMELY close and thought we would be best friends forever..but alas at that age forever doesn't mean forever. We changed and grew..seperately..when I moved in 7th grade..that was the end of an era. I think aboot her A LOT and wonder where she is. I told her things I have not told ANYONE..I just hope she is doing well and that I will see her one day. She is an amazing person.

Nadya--She came into our school in 5th grade and we instantly hit it off..her, Jinna, and I were best buddies. I also hung with her a lot. She was a genius! Just very smart who I know will go places in life if she hasn't. But I got VERY jealous because I thought she was trying to steal Jinna away and because I was friends with Jinna first..I was very protective. So after a while we just did NOT get along..fought all the time and one day we just stopped being friends. She turned out to be a major bitch..but I still wonder what became of her..and though I think she was trying to ruin my life I will never forget the times that me, her and Jinna had together..it was the best and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Michaelann--My next door neighbor in New York..was a year younger than me and she was one of my first friends. And though there was an age difference we had many sleepovers together..always hung out and played nintendo and had parties together..talked aboot boys and shtuff..she was a cool chick..and someone I will always remember. Me and her younger sister..who is now 14 also were close.

Ashley--lived a house down from me..we were friends too and close..she is 2 years younger than me..we laughed together and just chilled. She moved to Florida..in the city I live in oddly enough!! lol a year or 2 before I did but then I heard she moved to New Jersey with her 2 sisters Mandy and Lindsey..VERY religious family.

Emily--prolly the one I was closest with on the WHOLE block..lived across the street from me. 10 months younger than me. She had an older brother named Danny and we all went to her house ALL THE TIME and played board games and all listened to music and shtuff. We were very similar. But then she moved to Westchester and I never heard from her again..but we had an awesome bond and I miss her a lot.

Erica and Cori--I am putting them together because they are twins. Me, Emily, Michaelann, Ashley, and them would be together all the damn time! lol We would all go to their grandma's house upstairs and watch TV and play house and do all kinds of shtuff..and the neighorhood boy named Eton would hang out..though they hated him..I was the ONLY one who could see past all the obnoxiousness lol and I think we had a crush on each other or something. All of us have so many great memories together. We spent every waking moment together..there is NOTHING that we all didn't do..it was just a blast. ALL of them have a very special place in my heart.

Lina--girl that lived on the block that I was very close with..she was egyptian and just a real cool person.

Brittany--girl at the pool club..was friends with me and Chris..and we were also friends with this guy named Carlos. We all had contests together and had many good times. I miss her a lot.

Michael--kid I wrote aboot a while ago..read my entry called "A lot on my mind" if you want to know aboot him..he, me and these kids named Richard and Jimmy were close.

Gideon--my mom's friend's son..we were never that close though but his birthday is a week before mine..he's ok..they live in Miami now.

Jonathon--My first crush..can I get an aww?! lol I won't get into that one because I know my boyfriend is reading this..lol..but he was just someone that I look back on and smile. Matthew was also a crush.

Cindy--I met her in 6th grade and were friends through 8th..there's a big story around that but basically when she came here to FL I came to find out she changed A LOT..I told her off and we just stopped talking but she told ME off in a letter after that. Though we are no longer a part of each other's lives I hope wherever she is she's doing OK with her life.

Ashley--This is ANOTHER Ashley..we met at the beach in 4th grade..she was a really awesome human being..we didn't know each other for too long but I learned a lot through her.

Elena--We were close..we walked home together after school..I met her in middle school and we were both OBSESSIVE backstreet boys fans..lol..we also had the same passion for acting and dancing.

Other people I were close with: Julia, Kristy, Susan, Jessica, Patrick, AnnMarie, these 2 kids named David, Susanna(who was friends with me, Jinna, and Nadya) Christina, Natalie, and some other people that I can't remember lol they weren't anything too special so I won't say much. Ohh and this ANNOYING kid named Anthony who had a crush on me and wreaked HAVIC on my life in middle school..lol.

OK here's the more recent people..the people I've known from 9th grade..on..first I will talk aboot the boyfriend's.

Tim--My first boyfriend..I met him when I was 14..he lives in Georgia and we were in love..or I thought we were.He's also my longest relationship and WHY I have all the issues I do. He was a year younger than me and was the first guy to ever break my heart. There's a LONG story behind this one.

John--a good friend of mine. We dated after me and Tim broke up..BAD idea though..we didn't have much in common at all and he hardly said a word. We were VERY on again-off again.

Matt--Someone who had a difficult life and I reached out to. Was speshul to me..we only went out for a short time though..he's also from Brooklyn and he had to move back there because his sis died..I've since heard that he's engaged so I am very happy for him.

Matt--another Matt. We also didn't last too long but I learned a lot from him..he just was not my type at all and one day we just stopped talking..He lives an hour away from me. I often wonder what happened to him.

Billy--someone I talk to occasionally. A lost soul.. Very lonely. He's a very romantic guy. He is in the army now and lives in North Carolina. I think he cheated on me, he was alright..it was good while it lasted.

Mike--broke my heart. :( lived in Iowa but moved to FL..younger than me too.. he was such a sweetie but we only lasted for a month.

Andrew--cheated on Tim with him..BIG mistake..was a moron..we lasted like 2 weeks before I realized what an idiot I was for cheating and what an idiot he was in general..he graduated two years ago.

Kyle--though we never dated I felt like I should put him in this category because he's been a good guy friend of mine..and Terrance too.

Robert--god..someone I don't even want to talk aboot. Screwed me over..we met in January of 02..he was the first guy I ever kissed..our relationship was just physical and he played me hardcore. If you want to know more, ask but I'd prefer not to talk aboot it.

NOW onto friends AND acquaintances. =)

Caitlin--someone who was my first friend when I moved here..we were best friends from 8th grade-11th but then I saw what a huge bitch she was and wanted nothing to do with her..we are now enemies..her nickname is Cheddar and she's a piece of shit..lol.

Julie--a good friend of mine. Very quiet and smart but funny and interesting. She is a good person to talk to and just very sweet and caring. She went off to College.

Heather--was a friend of mine in freshmen year..met her through Cheddar..she was a cutter and deeply troubled and moved in sophmore year.

Keri--also met her through another friend. We were friends until she also moved Sophmore year to Kansas.

Manny--Cheddar's EX..we met through Cheddar..he used to like me and we talked a lot and dissed Cheddar and this girl named Melissa who no one likes and is just really funny looking but Melissa thinks me and her are friends..LOL. Now me and Manny don't talk but we were pretty close.

Nikki--The first person I met in high school..is VERY strange..lol but we are friends. She was in my goverment class and we actually have a lot in common..I know her pretty well.

Jen--aww! I love her..she rocks! :) She's always been sooo sweet, and soo smart. She is going to do something great for this world. She is very soft spoken..we are good buddies and have known each other for years. She is wonderful and has a boyfriend named Eric who she will prolly marry.

Liz M--A close friend of mine..we used to have lunch together. We used to hang out a lot. She now is in college in North Carolina.

Liz E--We started talking in 10th grade..we ALWAYS just talked aboot guy's lol..she was really fun to be with and nice..she moved last year though.

Claudia--Someone I was very close with..She was 2 years older than me but we were cool..then we just stopped talking and she changed schools.

Ryan--We used to be friends, until he dropped out.

Jenna--We were friends until she graduated.

Bridget--more of an acquaintance than a friend really but towards the end of school we became friends.

Alisha--She was in my math class in 10th grade..she's extremely smart and very sweet.

Brittany--Met her in 9th grade..was in my drama class..then we stopped talking and started talking again in 11th grade..she likes Josh Hartnett too :) but we don't talk anymore..again.

Suzie--not really a friend but she has a take no shit attitude which I love lol and can beat everyone down. She's alright.

Mike K.--a nice kid..used to write me e-mails ALL the time lol is kind of annoying and a dork but sweet.

Adam--a friend of mine. He was in my english class and he's a good person to talk to. He knows EVERYTHING! lol. He went off to college and we don't talk anymore.

Jade--we said hi in the halls all the time. she's soo sweet and was on the basketball team. we were in the same english class last year and she always had my back.

Katie--I met her in 9th grade..we HATED each other for a time..but then we grew up lol and became friends..she was in my government class and actually got pregnant TWICE last year and had miscarriages..she is now prolly going to marry her boyfriend. We are tight.

Ryan--My friend from South Africa that moved here a few years ago..he's soooo sweet..he was in my Physical Science class junior year..we used to tease each other all the time and he's soo intelligent..he was supposed to graduate last year but got held back. He's just soo cool..I wuv you Ry! lol :�

Lauren--A year older than me..graduated 2002..we were SUPER CLOSE..we went to the beach all the time and I introduced her and Michelle..me, her and cheddar were close at one point. We talked about everything there was to talk aboot and I have always admired her and liked her as a person a lot. She is really crazy though lol but nice and smart. I miss her a lot..she went to a College in NY and I haven't heard from her in A LONG time but hopefully we will keep more in touch.

Rich--Was Lauren's best friend..graduated a year before I did..We always talked online and sometimes in person and chilled. He's a good guy..I don't talk to him anymore but I have nothing but love for him.

Marcus--just an acquaintance..a nice guy..met him last year.

The spitter (Jeremy)--LOL we met last year..he's an annoying pest who stalked me and had a crush on me..he has a twin brother named Seth and he's 17..I can't stand the kid.

An-Ha--a chinese girl who is SUPER SMART..i think, the smartest person i've ever met..very weird lol and talkative but a friend of mine nonetheless. Went off to school in Ohio.

Stephanie--a girl who was in my nutrition class. We talked about all kinds of shtuff and she was so nice.

Christine--also was in my nutrition class. Me, her, and Steph would talk everyday.

Denise--a chick who was in my math and marine science class. We talked occasionally.

Debbie--black girl that was in my math class. We had so many laughs!! We talked all the time and she's just as bas at math as I am.

Nayara--a girl that was in my computer class..she's a sophmore. I started talking to her months ago and we talked all the time.

Carmen--She was in my goverment and english class. She was one of the people I went to prom with. We used to be aquaintances, but became friends quickly.. now we don't talk.

Anthony--a kid I met two years ago..very cool kid. :)

Tonia--best friends with Nikki..basically most of the people I mentioned above all know each other. She is real kick ass..down to earth..good person to know. Also people I Know and talk to a bit: Colleen, Jennifer, Sheirley, Sherry, etc.

Nat -Nate's friend, mine too..a writer..and a GREAT one at that. Very intelligent, deep, witty, a dreamer, goofy, and interesting. She lives in Maryland and is someone who cares a lot for people and is always there for them. She's a great person to know. :) She's going to really make it in this world, definitely. I wish she'd update more. :(

Mon Mon - Nate's friend too, and mine..lives in Kansas with her boyfriend Andre. She's so very cool and sweet..she's SOOoo Funny!!! another one I would really like to talk to some time. She brings so much happiness into the lives of others, just being herself. She rocks!!!

Caroline -This is my BEST friend. She's such a sweetheart. I feel that we have much in common, been through a lot of the same stuff. She's ALWAYS there for me, and vice versa. And she's such a good person, so fun and caring and special. She's in love with Rikki. I love just reading her updates, you really get a glimpse into who she is. I'm SO lucky to be in her life. Luv ya, hon!!!

Anna -I think she's SO smart, probably one of the smartest people I've come across. She has great words of wisdom, she's extremely nice, caring, beautiful and totally amazing. (: MY LIL SIS! I LOVE YOU!

Carly -This is my good buddy Carly. She is SUCH an absolute sweetheart. She's just a beautiful, beautiful person. Compassionate, one of a kind. She's ALWAYS the first to cheer people up when they are down. She's soo funny when she's hyper and truly amazing, and special. I see great things for her in her future. (: She's one of those people I hope sticks around in my life. Luv you.

Sommer -This is my friend Sommer. She's so friendly, very popular and truly great at computer shtuff. Everyone likes Sommer!! There's not ONE bad thing I can say about her. She's truly great..tooo great for words. She left d-land but has a great new site.

Tiff -This is my friend Tiff. She's really nice. I love helping her with her love probs. (: She's always there for a friend in need, truly a gorgeous person. She has a good head on her shoulders, and she continues to astound me with who she is. We are really close, and when she does update, I love reading it. We have common musical tastes too. (: She knows i'd do anything for her. Girls want to be like her, guys want to be with her. Very awesome. She needs to update more!

Jean -I love her poetry. She truly has a gift, and she's a lot of fun and a great friend. She's so down to earth and I'm glad to know her. =D

Laura -I LOVE her writing. I can feel the pain in her entries, and she's just longing for the love that I truly hope she finds. (Edit: She found it) :) She's soo fricking sweet, caring, gorgeous, one of the greatest people..we are so close and I'm glad. She's sooo mature for her age. I know she'll have a great life.

Brian -I've known this fool for a while..lol j/k. He's cool, a smartie, funny, witty, real and friendly. Good musical taste. His ramblings are amusing and it seems that he just loves life which is very refreshing. Ashley --I love this chick!! Unfortunately, she doesn't have the easiest or best life but she's such a sweetheart and is just hoping things will get better. I hope so too cos she's so great and caring and deserves happiness.

Derek -This is D man!! My DAWG!! Der, Der! lol. He's SUCH a sweet guy. He brings so much humor, sincerity, and brilliance into this world. He truly cares about people, and I enjoy immensely reading about his life. He has a sense of who he is, and what he wants and I think that's a great thing. I don't know what I'd do without this dude! He's awesome. Bling Bling! He's just gotten me through the toughest times. I'm grateful.

Gaby -My friend Gabs. Aww..she's very sweet & caring, very easy to get along with. She's always the first person to try to make a person smile when they've had a bad day, and to make them feel good. To be friends with her is truly a wonderful thing. :) She's got an angelic quality about her, and she just likes to have fun, and seems to be on a quest for love.

Jade -My friend JLG. There's a lot to be learned from her. (: She's so genuine, sincere, introspective, always herself, she really has a handle on life and what it's all about. I love her dark poetry and her writings.

Lisaanne -My buddy. :) Another sweetheart!! Girl next door quality. Different. She's funny, awesome, loyal, amazing. I like hearing about her day and what happened. I'm glad she's my friend.

Sam ..more comments soon...

Ashlynn I love her lots..she's such a good person. It seems she's very well liked, she's just so real and so warm and easy to get along with. (: She's fun too and a great chick!!! We are SO alike!!

Christina -Chree, a friend of mine for awhile. Very intelligent girl. I believe she can do whatever she puts her mind to. She knows tooo much for her age. She's so mature, interesting, she just longs for love. She's someone most can relate to, and there's something about her that just stands out and makes you want to get to know her. She's an amazing writer. At times, I get jealous. :)

Sam - Sam! She's back! :D

Adriana -My friend. She writes some good shtuff!! I love her diary. She has great stuff to say. (: She's so insightful & interesting. She's newly married. She's a nice girl. She's so honest and raw in her emotions.

Mariah -This is my girl!! Hollla! lol. We are very good friends, have an awesome bond. she's SOOoo very nice, quirky, billiant, amazing, always there, so loving, caring, personable, friendly..all that good shtuff. She knows I care lots about her. (:

Connie -Woo hoo! Love this girl. I looove her poetry, and her beautiful words. They get down to the very heart and soul. I'm happy to know her. Amazing, amazing person.

Liz --LIZ!! She's such a sweetheart!! She's very caring, she's into music and we have quite a bit in common. She really has a great life, and I'm happy for her. She's an awesome friend, and person to know. Love this girl!!

Cleo --She's nice..going through pain, but I hope she gets happy real soon. (: (Edit: I think she is) :)

Shannon -My friend Shannon. She's a nice girl..real interesting and cool.

"Liz" -Awww me dig this chick!! she's so freaking intelligent, one of the biggest sweethearts in this world, very caring, fun, and truly one of a kind!! I'm so glad to be her friend. =D

Sarah -Awww Sarah! She's a great friend and I love reading her entries. I can relate to her a lot and she's very down to earth and an original, fun, smart sweetie.

Danae -My friend. We are so much alike that she calls me her twin!! heh heh.

Brian -Friends with Danae. Is a cool, sweet, fun guy.

Chrissy -She's an AMAZING poet. I LOVE her poetry. She's soo kind, caring, wonderful and I wish there were more like her. She's always there for me and it means a lot. She's a huge talent and she's so intelligent. And beautiful.

K She's so sweet!!! She's very loving and sooo cool. I don't know what i'd do without her! She's an excellent friend and person overall. Doesn't update.

Pacey --such a nice girl! Sweet, caring, amazing and very much in love.

Lisanne and her friend -Lisanne and her buddy's joint diary.

Steven -very smart, great writer, and funny. Doesn't update much.

Angel -She's so witty, fun, interesting and I really enjoy reading her entries!!

Shannon..will come up with more soon...

Miss Takes --Her poetry is some of the best poetry I've EVER read. She has a unique, amazing way with words. Her writing is just..great..it gives me chills reading it. She's also one of the nicest people ever and I care for her tonns. Beautiful chica. I MISS YOU!

Pat --very caring, brutally honest, good mother, sweet, loyal and beautiful. Doesn't sugarcoat ANYTHING.

Alex --SUCH a sweetheart. I know him from LJ and he's really one of the nicest guys out there.

Kay --I love her quotes of the day. She's such an awesome writer and I love being her friend and knowing her.

Kay --Kay's other diary.

Vic --duuddee. He wants to be in love. He's a great, sweet, caring guy who is funny and always there for people. I'm glad to know him. Doesn't update much. :(

Angyl --really cool girl, loves her boyfriend, awesome writer, writes steamy, great erotica stories, is loyal to her friends and is very interesting. Doesn't update much.

Amy --nice girl, another great writer, talented, intelligent, has a lot of great things to say and is so kickass. Doesn't update much.

Meaghann --She's So cool, very sweet, interesting, fun, funny, great musical taste. <3

Claire -- She's got an awesome personality and she's an amazing friend and I hope to get to know her better. Doesn't update much.

Olivia ..We've been friends for a while. She's cool and this is her new diary. We've really been through a lot together as friends..we've had our ups and downs but something tells me that no matter what we are always going to be in each other's lives. She is just someone I was MEANT to meet.

Me --My poetry diary.

Me and Nate -Me and Nate's love diary where we write each other back and forth. Tis so very sappy..READ IT!!!

Ash --Ashlynn's private diary.

Anna --Anna's french diary...

Me --My private diary.

Nate --Nate's private diary.

Brittany --Danae's cousin. Seems nice..hardly updates though.

Kay .--Kay's poetry diary.

Mariah --Mariah's poetry/lyrics diary.

Mariah --Mariah's other diary.

I have MANY online friends too that I won't even mention lol. AND I am SURE I forgot to add A LOT OF PEOPLE in the friend's category but the ones I have included are the ones that just stick out in my head. And the other people I didn't mention are people that were prolly not in my life too long. To the rest of you on here I haven't included..never fear..I will soon!!!

Well that's it..the people in MY life..woo hoo..some are not but it's all good..like I said thank you all of you for teaching me valuable lessons.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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