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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Hollywood Homicide.
2003-06-15 - 7:22 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: So anxious by Genuwine

Hi to all my readers. :)

Yesterday ended up being pretty good. After I updated, I ate lunch then me and dad left for the movies. We ended up getting there pretty early. LOTS of old folks round, and of course young girls as well. What movie did we see? Hollywood Homicide. I think the older folks were there to see Harrison Ford, and the younger folks such as myself..wanted to see Josh Hartnett.

It was a very GOOD movie. Critics kind of trashed it and gave it one star, but it ROCKED. Lots of action/comedy. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it was a looong movie..it kind of dragged on more than it should have. Josh and Harrison work SO well together. Master P is awesome too. You MUST take your asses to see it!! I predict that it's going to be one of the best movies of the summer. I saw the previews..the ONLY movie that looked pretty decent was Gigli w/ J Lo and Ben Affleck..though I am not a big Affleck fan, it looks to be funny.

What a great movie though! Woo hoo. I would tell you the plot, and what parts I liked the best and info about their characters, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who wants to see it..so I'm keeping my mouth shut. :X

Then afterwards, we came home. I called Nate critterchaos..we talked until I had to leave. My dad decided he wanted to have Italian for dinner [yum!], so we went to Rotelli by the beach. I ate some GOOD pizza!! The convo was alright. My dad was cracking jokes and shtuff, asking me questions about what I thought of the movie and TRIED to make it seem like he was interested in my opinion on certain topics.

So, after that we decided to take a walk on the beach because it was nice out, and not so hot because the sun was setting. So, we did..we found somewhere to sit, and just enjoyed the breezes, and the sunset and all that. Aww..there were lots of kids around. They were the most precious and cutest things ever. I just love kids--always have & always will. Then of course, I saw some couples holding hands and shtuff..argh.

We spent an hour there, then we walked around on the sidewalk a bit, then went back to the car and got home. I then got online to talk to Nate and we talked for hours, till my mom forced me to leave..said she wanted to go online..and it was too late for me to be online. So I fell asleep..slept a LOT better than I did Friday night..and now here I am.

Today is father's day. My dad joked around and said he wants breakfast in bed..riiight..lol. I have to give him his gifts this morning, and I don't know what we're doing today considering yesterday was movies and the dinner. I'd love it if I could just relax.

Ohh..I think my grandpa's getting out of the hospital real soon [so, that's good news], and I found out my friend had a virus..that's why she never called me. She talked to my mom though, and told her to tell me "Hi." I have to call my grandpa today..it being father's day and all and he's the only grandpa I have left.

The thought of giving my dad a hug and maybe kiss on the cheek is making me nauseated..lol..I know that's really bad but eck. You all know how I feel about the guy, so I am not feelin' the whole Father's day thang. I was feelin' the Mother's day thang, but not this. The guy never really does anything for me anyway..I can say MANY more bad things about him, but I'll spare ya'll..I guess I just have to make the best of this day, and then before I know it, it will be over.

Ohh..I know what I really wanted to write about..I am going to be on a break/hiatus for a week..and so is Nate. We're going to be on a break till next Saturday. What that means is..I will still read all of your diaries, and updates but I will not be writing any entries for about a week, and if any of you sign my guestbook/write me a note I won't be writing you back till next saturday..BUT..you can still write me if you wish. This same thing goes for Nate as well. We are both on a break.

Mainly, I'm on a break because I just need one..as does Nate. We just want to focus on only each other for the next week. I just need a breather from this site. Like I said, we will still be lurking around reading diaries. I will write an entry again next saturday to tell ya'll alll about my week, and write everyone. This will be a good thing for me and Nate. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but it hasn't worked out till now.

So, just wanted to let ya'll know if you wonder why I disappeared and where I went off to..lol. Hope ya'll have a great Father's day!!! (:

"Sometimes you have to walk away to see if the other person will follow."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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