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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My day at the mall.
2003-04-18 - 10:28 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Running against the wind by Bob Seger

Hey Readers. Well, I have been trying to change my layout. None of the layouts i've been trying to use are any good..lol. The first one I tried, I didn't like because it was extremely vertical..and the other one just wasn't doing much for me. I've been trying to change my guestbook as well, but that didn't work too well either. So for NOW, I am sticking with what I have..until I see layouts that work for me.

So for now, all I did was put the birthday and weather pixie onto my extra page to make my diary look less cluttered.

Anyway, here's a recap of the past two days. On wednesday, hmm..oh I presented in government. I think I did pretty well. I barely read off the index cards, so it was pretty good. I wasn't as nervous as I normally would be, so it's all good.

Me and Nate chaoscritter talked for a bit. (: Then I watched Dawsons Creek..which was rather interesting. Saw the end of A Idol..the me and mom watched the end of "The Banger sisters" which was a HORRIBLE movie. I recommend none of you to see it. Yesterday I woke up kind of late..well for me at 7..lol..watched some old Dawson's Creek episodes on TBS and shtuff. I then cleaned my bathroom. Then I watched Wonder Years. After that, I took a shower and me and mom went off to the mall to get a dress and shoes. We went to one store called Madame Butterfly that my friend told me to go to.

Ugh..it was terrible. They had dresses on sale for 50 bucks but it looked like they came from a garage sale..lol. And some of them, like I told my mom, looked like sleeping bags. The rest were all like 160 bucks which is CRAZY to pay for a dress I'll prolly only wear once. So then we went to JC Penny. I immediately saw a dress I fell in LOVE with but it was 130 bucks. It was red, really long and nice. So then I saw another dress that I also liked. It was cheaper..100. So I tried it out and we bought it. It's sooo purdy! It's a little long on me, reaches just above my feet, but it's gorgeous.

It's coral, sparkly, and it has straps. It really complements my figure and all that and makes me really stand out. It ended up being on sale for only 60 something bucks!!! So afterwards, we went through the mall to look for shoes but couldn't find any. So we decided to go to Payless on the way home. I saw these shoes I liked. They are black, have a small heel, are classy..not too casual, but not too sophisticated and only 15 bucks. So all I need now, is a handbag and stockings.

After that, I talked to Nate. I thought we were going to talk on the phone but then something happened and we couldn't so we will today. Then I watched Friends..talked to Nate some more. And then I went to sleep.

This morning me and Nate talked AGAIN but then he had to go to sleep..and that's when I started screwing around with my templates and layouts. And hopefully pretty soon I'll go out, or maybe not. Cos..ugh..I feel sick. :( My throat is all sore and scratchy, I am finding it hard to swallow, my ear hurts, so I don't feel so good right now. And I feel all headachy. I woke up with that feeling. Then my dad came home and my parents started fighting because my dad is having car probs and he needs a new car and his dad won't give him money for a down payment for one.

So then he starts going at my mom saying she needs a job..so she defended herself and said his father should be helping out..and his mom was a decent woman because she would help him get a car and his father is a stingy asshole or something..so my dad's in a lovely mood..*note the sarcasm.* It's a nice day, but I don't know what's going to be yet. I feel like going to blockbuster and renting another movie.

I want to thank all of you for your supporting me during these difficult times. It means more to me than you'll ever know. :) Anyway, I might screw around so more with layouts later. Have a good day all. And this plug goes to Jen loveshayden. No reason..she's just a good friend of mine.

Sweetheart..we'll talk later when you wake up. I love you!!!

Friday Five

1. Who is your favorite celebrity? mm..I have many.

2. Who is your least favorite? Britney Spears

3Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? Yep..in New York my mom's friend used to live near where Soap Operas studios were and we saw some walking out and all that..and i've been to concerts and shtuff.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? No, I am more of the behind the scenes type..I don't like a lot of attention focused on me. If people fainted or swooned over me, I wouldn't know how to react and I would hate going somewhere disguised or being mobbed.

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why? No one..though my life isn't the greatest, I couldn't live someone else's.

I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it."--Charles Schulz

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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