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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Survey..have fun! =)
2003-02-17 - 10:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

1.. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? Hmm..My fuzzy..family..SOME members..some friends.

2. Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? My Fuzzy. (K)

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)? my hips..as for personality..i am wayy too sensitive for my own good.

4. What is the one thing you just have to do before you die? Skydive..fuck yeah..get tattoos..bunjee jump..ok that's MORE than one..lol.

5. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? I'd buy myself a car, a nice house for me and Fuzzy preferably on an island, go SHOPPING lol, give some to family and friends, get whatever my sweetie and I would need.

6. What do you want people to say about you when you die? She lived out her dreams.

7. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? a loooong time..well yah cos i'm a gurl..lol.

8. What would you like to be reincarnated as? A butterfly..I am like a butterfly..pretty to look at it but hard to catch..lol J/K! :�

9. Do you make fun of your friends? Nah.

10. Do you enjoy talking to your self? LOL I do it a lot.

11. What's your biggest fear? Loneliness..failure..god I have many.

12. What would you have liked to be named? Shaina

13. What's your most prized (material) possession? god..my journals..poetry..jewelry..photos..everything from my childhood (I DON'T WANNA GROW UP DAMNIT! LOL) and, my sweetie's heart. : )

14. What songs bring back the most memories? goodness.."Shape of my heart" by The Backstreet Boys(first song I ever danced with a boy to), "This I promise you" by N Stink..lol.."What a wonderful world" by Louie Armstrong, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something.."Ironic" by Alanis Morissete, "Another night" by Real McCoy, "I'll make love to you" by Boyz II Men, "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor", "I'll be there for you" by The Rembrants, "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion, "Wind beneath my wings" by Bette Midler, "This is how you remind me" by Nickelback, "Always" by Bon Jovi, "Unchained melody" by The Righteous Brothers, "Wannabe" by The Spice Girls(OH SHUSH! me and my best friend at the time sung it ALL THE DAYUM TIME!!), "Mm Bop" by Hanson(me and michelle sung it all the time), "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down, "Everybody" by BSB (again me and my friend sang it all the time), "Broadway" by the Goo Goo Dolls, "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel, "Shattered dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz, "Criminal" by Fiona Apple AND MANY MORE!!! lol.

15. What's the largest organ in the human body? Wow, thats a very odd question. The skin..or is it the heart? no the skin...

16. Do you have a bar trick? yeah...in my dreams....

17. Could a pack of wolves have done a better job raising you than your parents? LOL nah..my parents have not done the best job, but I guess my mom did what she could with what little she had..that's what you do with life..you make the most of whatever it gives you.

18. What do you look for in the opposite sex? Who says I am looking? BLAH! lol..you never find someone if you are looking anyway..ok ok..sweet, passionate, intelligent, funny, romantic.

19. If you were given one day to live what would you do? Be adventurous..spend the day with my baby.

20. What's your best physical feature? My nose.

21. What's your summer job? My lazy ass didn't have one.

22. What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted? I don't get punishments..I never do anything wrong...*riiiiight*..lol.

23. What have you learned about love? It's in places that you don't expect.

24. How have you changed in the past year? I've grown up a lot..have become more mature.

25. What's your way of escaping reality? diaryland..poetry..music.

26. What hair problems have you had? Oh god..it's wayy too embarassing..ok NO ONE knows this..now everyone will..doh Stacey..lol..but..in first grade, I had lice.

27. What's the most annoying thing people tell you about you? I am stubborn..sarcastic..a smart ass..VERY opinionated.

28. Have you met any celebrities? Nope.

1. If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why? Walk the moon. Sun's too bright.

2. What color do you think best describes you and why? Though I LOVE green..blue..I have that calm, peaceful effect though at times I am temperamental and moody.

3. Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? Too late..I already have..no turning back. : )

4. Which sense could you not live without, and why? hmm..taste...all I need is sight, and hearing really though. Taste..not that important.

5. Have you ever written on a mirror? No.

6. If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why? How I reacted to things..I think our reaction to something matters more than just having the bad event. It's all in our reaction that determines everything.

7. Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors? beneath the night sky..contemplating the secret to the meaning behind living in this universe. : )

8. What is the most beautiful thing in the world? A sunset.

9. Name one person whose changed your life for the better? Nate.

10. What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in? Dancing. :)

-What do you...?-

1. What do you think of the way you look? Average.

2. What do you think about your attitude? It's really shitty..at times..I have a touch of the rebellious teenage "i don't give a shit what you say, I am going to do what I want..when I feel like it" kind of attitude.

3. What do you think about life after death? I think life just goes on and on..hence "the circle of life"..we may leave this earth, but we don't truly die..our hearts and souls live on.

4. What do you think about karma? What goes around comes around..if you treat someone like shit, everything will come back to you ten-fold.

5. What do you think about love? I think it is the most INSANE, powerful, completely amazing feeling in this universe.

6. What do you think about fate? I think it takes you to a certain place..when you get there though, it's up to you to do something with it.

7. What do you think about yourself? I think I really don't understand myself..I think I am getting to understanding myself though.

8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard? After a shitty day..a good day ALWAYS follows..we all have to get through the storm to get to the rainbow anyway.

9. What would you give your life for? Love, My friends or family or anything I strongly believe in.

10. What do you think about your first love? He knows How I feel about him. =) No words can even give him justice.

11. What do you think about the first person that loved you? I don't know because I really don't know who loved me first..I guess Tim..in his SICK, and twisted way loved me. Though he dicked me over, I look back at it as a learning experience..something that HAD to happen to get me where I am at now, so for that..I could never TRULY hate him.

12. What are you scared of? Loneliness..though oddly at times I don't mind being alone..FAILURE..my dad is one and I don't want the same fate for me..many other things..though fear definitely holds you back from going places you want to go in this life.

13. What would life be without friends? It would be completely miserable..there would be no life without friends.

14. Without family? Heh! at times, I think MUCH BETTER..though, I love them.

-Do you...?-

1. Do you write in a journal or diary? uhh..yesh..lol..doh..I haven't written in soooooo long though..sorry kiddies aboot that..when the desire comes back, I'll write again.

2. Do you keep an organizer? hell no..I am soo dis-organized anyway what the heck would it do?!

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in physical attraction at first sight..lust at first sight. You can only feel love when you truly get to know someone within..when you know their soul.

4. Do you believe that every person has one soul mate? yes..if you would have asked me SIX months ago my answer would be more like this.."I think because there are over 6 billion people in this world..there could be more than one person for everyone." NOW..that I have FOUND my soulmate, I truly believe he is the one I was meant to be with..there could be no one else that is a better match for me no matter what. Hell, I believe that even in the difficult times..no matter what I know we belong together.

5. Do you believe in God? Yes

6. Do you believe in everyone (even the beyond helpless)? We all have a capacity for bettering ourselves..so yes..we have a capacity to do anything we set ourselves out there to do.

7. Do you believe in having a good education? blah. Not at the moment I dont!

8. Do you believe in horoscopes? hell yeah boi! lol

9. Do you believe in yourself? At times..yes..other times..it waivers..I get VERY insecure at times..just like anyone though.

10. Do you shower daily? Every other day..woo hoo today is my shower day..I loove showers..It's my time to think when I am lathering up...okk..time to stop with my ramblings..lol.

11. Do you cry easily? it depends if it's the "time of the month or not" lol or I just cry when I am having a bad day. Sometimes on one day, the tears flow more than on the next day..it ALL depends.

12. Do you believe in Heaven? Yes

13. Do you believe in hell? Been there and back..lol.

14. Do you believe in reincarnation? Definitely..it's possible.


1. Band? SOooo many..Coldplay, U2, Dave Matthews Band, Linkin Park, 311, Incubus, Lifehouse, No Doubt, Bush, The Beatles, The Calling, Tantric, The Doors, Boyz II Men, Journey, Bon Jovi, American Hi-Fi, The Pretenders, Sugar Ray, Letters to Cleo, NewFound Glory, POD, Fuel, Sublime, Foo Fighters, Simple plan, Soul Asylum, Good Charlotte, The Strokes, Goo Goo Dolls, The Vines, Saves the day, Ataris, 3 Doors Down..I can go on and on and on...........

2. Singer? Michelle Branch and 2 Pac..India Arie, Nelly, Madonna, James Taylor, Ja Rule, Ashanti, DJ Sammy, Eric Clapton, Jewel, Janet Jackson, Eminem, Richard Marx, Duncan Sheik, Don Henley, Bryan Adams, Alanis Morrisete, Fiona Apple, Norah Jones, DMX..etc.

3. TV Show? Gilmore Girls, Dawsons Creek, 7th Heaven, Friends, Road Rules, South Park, Real World ,MTV shows.

4. Movie? Now and Then

5. Actress/Actor? Julia Stiles/ Josh Hartnett

6. Drink? Root Beer

7. Role Model? Me.

8. Day? Wednesday

9. Ice-cream? Double fudge brownie..:�

10. Quote? I have lots, see my quotes page

11. Song? "Underneath it all"-No Doubt

12. Holiday? All of them..New Year's tops the list though.

13. Season? autumn

14. Color? green

15. Flowers? roses or carnations

16. Book? 1984 by George Orwell

17. Subject? right now? prolly english ..art too.

-What do you think of when you hear...?-

1. Dog? my first one..:(

2. Warm apple pie? umm..lol..american pie..hehe..

3. Socks? soccer class freshman year.

4. Fish? I won one when I was younger but gave it away.

5. Nails? polish

6. Swimming? my childhood

7. The # 69? heheh..sex...*looks down and away..* :�

8. School? Jail

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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