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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Yet another Survey.
2003-06-12 - 7:15 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Into you by Fabolous

Hey! Does ANYONE like my layout?! lol. I am beginning to think no one does..:( Oh well..I like the layout.

Well, yet another survey is coming your way..that is only because nothing much is happening around here. Only major thing is my dad is threatening my mom with free marriage counseling [and he means it] if she "doesn't get her act together soon." Of course, my mom is downplaying everything and acting like she doesn't give a damn. Oh..and I got my $30 yesterday. Basically, me and my sweetie talked a lot and he helped with the layout..he did it all for me basically. I love you honey!!! critterchaos

Here it is.....


Name: Stacey Beth

Sex: Female

Age: 17 [18 in 3 months]

Birthday: Sep 10

Siblings: None

Pets: 2 Cats

Hair: Medium Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Eye Color of Choice: Green

Writing Hand: Left

Current Residence: Florida


Nervous Habits: biting my lips, playing with my hair, cracking my knuckles,etc.

Do you bite your nails?: Yes when I'm bored.

Do you pick your nose?: lol..who doesn't?! j/k

Are you double jointed?: nope. :(

Can you roll your tongue?: not really.

Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Nope.

Can you blow smoke rings?: Nope.

Can you blow spit bubbles?: Yeah, when I'm thirsty I do..lol.

Can you flare your nostrils?: a bit.

Can you cross your eyes?: yes!

Tattoos?: none yet

Piercings and where? none.

Do you make your bed daily?: Yup, unless I'm too tired.


Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl it.

Have you ever eaten Spam?: Eww No.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Double Fudge Brownie

How many cereals in your cabinet?: Cheerios, Fruit Loops, etc.

What's your favorite beverage?: Root Beer

What's your favorite restaurant?: Reds..mmm..ribs!

What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: None, unless the Pizza is too hot.

Do you cook?: Not really.


How often do you brush your teeth?: Twice..morning and night.

How often do you shower/bathe?: Every other day

How long does your shower last?: usually anywhere between 15-30 mins

Hair drying method: I just let it air dry

Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Yep, blonde streaks.

Do you paint your nails?: Yeah, sometimes.


Animal: BUNNIES!!! & Tigers

Food: Italian/Chinese

Month: December

Day: Wednesday

Cartoon: Scoobyyy Dooby Dooooooo

Flower: Roses, Carnations, Daisies..whatever.

Shoe Brand: Adidas & Skechers

Color: Green

Sport: Basketball, and soccer.

Body part on you: My lips

Body part on the opposite/same sex: Eyes and lips.

TV show: Dawsons Creek

Holiday: New Years

Book: 1984

Vacationing Spot: Cali

Perfume or Cologne: Cool water, Adidas, Ck1, Angel


The CD Player: So long Astoria by The Ataris

Person you talk most on the phone with? Nate

Ever taken a cab?: I'm from NY..of course I have..lol.

What color is your bedroom?: White

Do you use an alarm clock?: I have one, but don't need to use it anymore.

Name one thing you are obsessed with: only ONE?! lol. My Boyfriend. (:

Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: Nope.

Ever sunbathed nude?: Nope..but I might try that one day.

Window seat or aisle?: Window


What's your sleeping position?: on my side..my left side.

Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yeah..still using a blanket.

Do you snore?: Nope.

Do you sleepwalk?: nope

Do you talk in your sleep?: yes! lol

Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: sometimes.

How about with the light on?: Nope.

Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Yes. usually i fall asleep with the TV in the background.


What do you look for in a girl/Guy?: I'm not looking.

What is the first thing you notice when you look at a girl/guy?: lalala

What do you think of cheating?: I think it sucks, and if you really don't want to be with someone THAT much, just break up with them! Sheesh.


Coke or Pepsi?: Coke

Oranges or apples?: oranges

One pillow or two?: one

Deaf or blind?: Deaf..argh..I dunno.

Pools or hot tubs?: Hot Tubs. :)

Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes.

Tall or short?: tall

TV or radio?: radio

Beach or pool?: beach

Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs

Snooze button or jump out of bed?: jump out.

Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset

Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: Hamburger

Morning or night?: Night

Sports or news?: News

Bikini or one-piece?: Bikini

Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors

Chris tmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Christmas Eve.

Cake or ice cream?: Ice Cream

Bert or Ernie?: Lol who cares.

Spicy or Mild?: Mild

Spearmint or Peppermint?: Spearmint

Call or Write?: Write

Peanut Butter or Jelly?: Peanut Butter

Hamburger or Hot Dog?: Hamburger

Dog or Cat?: Cat

Bath or shower?: Shower

Book or Movie?: Movie

Green or Red apples?: Red

Rain or Snow?: Snow

Nike or Adidas?: Adidas


Took a shower?: yesterday

Watched Bambi: a very long ass time ago

Talked on the phone?: yesterday

Read a book?: in school

Punched someone?: Never

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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