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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Grrrr..who's sending me a virus?!
2003-08-09 - 8:01 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Everything I do (I do it for you)-Bryan Adams

Hey hey!! I hope you're all having an amazing weekend! Me mad! Some stupid MOFOS have been CONSTANTLY trying to send my computer a fricking Trojan virus for the last two days. Just yesterday I think we had about TEN virus alerts!! And we JUST installed new virus software thank god to block those asses!! If its guys..I'm kicking them in the nuts! If its chicks..umm lol..I'll..poke em in the tits?! lol.

Anyway so yesterday at the beach was pretty cool. I NEARLY forgot to call my mom though..till my dad reminded me. The drive on the way there though was tension filled, sort of because he brought up a topic of conversation I wasn't exactly comfortable with at all. The beach was CROWDED for 10:30 in the morning, so we parked in a lot. The only bad thing is I had to keep walking back to put quarters in. It was sort of cloudy, so I didn't get burnt..the sand was nice and the water was cool. There were nice breezes. I called Nate on the beach before we left.

JUST after we left it started raining!!! It NEVER fails..lol..oh yeah! on the beach me and my dad were talking about Orlando a bit and he said he wanted me to go on the Orlando site yesterday so I did but I couldn't find ticket prices..grr..I did get to map it out though and I told him my mom said she'd go so they talked that out more yesterday. He said the whole trip will be super expensive but there's a 90% chance that we're going..HOWEVER..guess what time we're leaving? At fricking SIX AM..the LATEST on Monday if we go..grrr. Me gonna be a crabby BITCH! lol. He also asked me what I want for my birthday but I said I don't know and to ask me as it approaches..since there's thirty something days left! :) He's going to call my grandpa a week before so I get a check.

Anyway, we left and then my dad had to return something at the mall and we came home. I talked to my bunny for a couple of hours, till I had to eat dinner. In my patio yesterday we all saw a FRUIT BAT!! I am NOT kidding!! This thing was a miniature bat..flying around of course and my dad was trying to swat at it with a broom..it was the FUNNIEST thing EVER to see him try to 'kill' it..lol. Finally he opened the door outside and it flew out.

So, then we ate. I found out last night some stuff about Michelle's family..like the fact that she and her mom moved into a house and I didn't even know! So my mom's hurt and is not even going to call her mom to tell her how sorry she is about Michelle's grandpa. It hurts me too because I used to be able to call her my best friend. We have so much history. People grow apart and drift apart and lose touch with each other I guess, and that is what happened. We changed..well she changed..I've always been me. It's a shame really. :(

Anyway, I took a shower after dinner and my mom told me she was going out with my aunt to get Ice Cream so she brought me back some yogurt..YUMMY!!! Then after I ate it, I watched Reba, then me and Nate talked on the phone for a little over two hours. :) And I went to sleep..and that's it really.

GRR The Sat 8 is the same one from last week so when they update it I'll have to do another entry with that on it. I don't even know what I'm doing today. Ohh so about Orlando..if we go I think we're gonna go to Magic Kingdom and MGM because my dad doesn't want to go to Animal Kingdom. My mom's still not thrilled. I guess we'll have to see what happens. She was kinda getting on my nerves yesterday, but we're ok now.

Haha..people have to go back to school next week. When we drove by the high school I went to I said that out loud "haha..have fun rotting in that prison!" lol I know..mean..hehe I am just SO happy that I'm not going back.

Well that's it folks..my mom's coming back with some bagels so I'll prolly be back later with the Sat 8. I HOPE to have a day to relax since I KNOW next week is going to be chaotic for me. Take care and have a great weekend everybody!!! I heart you all!!!

Honey ..we'll talk later. Hopefully I'll be here at the time you mentioned. I hope you're sleeping too. I love you so very very much!!! *kisses*

Stacey..your celeb style is Bohemian.

You're a smart, sensitive, soulful individual who probably likes standing out from the crowd. That's why you're likely to forgo current trends in favor of making your own style statements. Labels? Who needs 'em? Definitely not you. You probably like coming up with your own unique combinations of clothes (pleather pants and peasant tops?), and might haunt thrift stores or out-of-the-way shops.

Britneys of the world, move over: Because of the one-of-a-kind, down-to-earth vibe you project, we think Vanessa Carlton is your celebrity style match. You may not be ready to write and record your own music (yet), but you share the star's creative approach to all you do � you, too, want to carve your own path. Your unique way of looking at the world probably makes you a fun person to talk with � and a good friend to turn to. Keep experimenting with your clothes, your hair, your interests � you're sure to come up with something great.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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