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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Love.--my thoughts
2002-10-06 - 2:02 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

now that i made almost an entire entry about sex..lol this 1 will be about LOVE.yes that crazy little thing called love.The thing many people dream about,hope for,wish for,and search for their whole lives.It's finally come to me.That's the strange thing about love.U can't look for it,it has to find YOU.which for all you single people,can be hard to believe & shit but it happened to me,& i didnt think it would again after many failed romances.U just have 2 have faith in all that love is and does & then u will have it.I think love is the greatest thing in the world.Love makes u feel complete.And i know a lot of people that are alone,couldn't disagree with me more but u will find love and then u will know.Though,i'm not with my love..we are 2,000 miles apart it doesn't change ANYTHING because even if we were TEN thousand miles apart,the same feelings would remain.Distance doesnt mean shit..unless u let it mean something.Love is better than ANY drug out there..its a "natural" high..you literally feel like u are high on life.& no matter what kind of crap is going on and what day you have,it just makes everything seem so little.It literally takes all your problems and makes them so much easier to deal with.U feel like u've found ur true best friend.You feel like you can face ANYTHING.u feel like you can deal with any obstacle,& anything life throws your way.You feel like you're a "better person".u feel all encompassing and that nothing really matters anymore.All those feelings of loneliness are just gone..u feel great because u are going through life's journey..hand in hand with the person you are meant to be with.u won't let anyone get between u and destroy what you & ur partner have.& anything negative people say about ur relationship..u don't care.Because U are in the relationship.And people that were in a relationship prior to when the two of you got together can talk shit all they want & say how bad the person is,but u don't listen because YOU are IN love and happy and NOTHING is going to get you down.What doesn't work for 1 person can work for another.Just because 2 people have bad chemistry doesn't mean either of them are bad people,it means it didnt work for them & when they move on & start relationships with other people,it isnt doomed to failure.Love takes time..dont rush it..open ur heart up to it and your mind and it will come.Don't let it slip away..hold on to love..and dont let it go unless its time to and you'll know when that happens.So believe my friends love is out there..go get it!



Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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