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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

#69!! hehehehe!! I'm alright.
2002-12-05 - 6:20 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Wusup? Well I am feeling soo much better from yesterday's entry..I really am.I forgot to mention I FINALLY got the candy back yesterday that people brought from me a month or so ago so I have to go get that today..the box is soo fricken huge and i have to HAUL it around school ALL DAY :(.I was supposed to get it yesterday but at the end of the day my teacher wasn't there.The spitter's brother came up to me in the morning and said to me "Don't believe anything my brother says"..and that he "exaggerates"..lol who cares.Me and the spitter nearly got into a fight yesterday! it was soo damn funny.

He's such an idiot.Grr I wanted to make an About Me section and a Cast section like my boyfriend did..(ChaosCritter) if you want to look him up..but I don't feel like going through all of that.And I Loooved that shtuff baby.In 2 weeks I have the dreaded EXAMS..huge exams that count for much of your grade..argh..They are the week of my sweetie's birthday. :( But then i'm getting FIFTEEN days off so hell fricken yeah.This radio suxs some ass..it keeps cutting out.But anyway the end of the year I get out 3 weeks i think it's 3 before anyone else and don't have to take finals if I don't get over 10 absences so the finals that i'm taking in 2 weeks are the last finals i will be taking in high school..how sad,it's almost over.Boo fricken hoo..lol.

Wow..I have to mail out my Nate's christmas shtuff soon..because there are birthday and christmas shtuff in there.Ugh next week I have quarter tests but it's also the last week ofmy Psych class :( I'm really going to miss that class.Everything else is a full year.I'm thinking about being a Student Aid 5th hour so this way i'll get my volunteer hours in..don't have any as of right now..and i won't have a class and i'm allowed to since i'm a senior.You basically just go to the classes and hand out passes to the teacher to get the student out of class for whatever reason.

Oh shit..I forgot to mention..just as we were eating dinner my aunt AND cousin came over on Tuesday night.BAAD timing..lol.I was kind of a "brat" because I decided to stay up in my room until it was time to eat.So i came downstairs and my mom said "you better say hello to them"..so i walked in the room and said hi.My aunt left after we ate but my cousin stayed until 10:30 i think..who knows..i fell asleep soo quickly.Grr i don't want to go to school :( Everyday i have to deal with immaturity.

But anyway,yesh honey i'm glad i decided to be online last night and that we had that talk.Cleared up a lot in my mind..made me see a lot of things that i haven't seen.Don't forget..talk to your mom today! and let me know what happens.My parents actually got along yesterday twas weird but that probably means today is going to be one of those crappy days with them.My dad talked to my grandpa..i think that man needs a hearing aid.I HATE calling him because i have to yell so he can hear me..he thinks i'm in college..lol.The poor guy..he's so deaf.I used to go to his house and he'd BLAST the TV till like the highest volume..i couldn't stand it.He's so damn stubborn..refuses to admit he needs some kind of hearing device..wow does stubborness run in the family or what? lol

Anyway i gotta go in FIVE minutes..i haven't even gotten dressed yet..yesh I think I gave you a mental picture babe...lol.Got to put my make up so i can look purdy..hehe.So bye all..talk to you later.And i plan on writing a lot more entries vs.having quizzes on here.Love you..most importantly,Love you Nate.

XOXOXOO -Stacey-.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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