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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Sad day.
2002-12-07 - 10:34 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey everyone.What's going on? Not much here.Today is going to be a sad day for me..it is the anniversary of my grandfather's death.He died on this day in 1996..so it's been 6 years.

It doesn't even feel that way.Time can just pass you by right before your very eyes.My mom has lit a candle in his rememberance.What I remember about him was he was a good man.Very quiet but very funny as well.Very strong, intelligent, very caring and very romantic.I'd like to think that some of his traits are also my traits.I didn't get to know him very well..I was only 11 when he died but I know he loved me and his wife AND his children and grandchildren though he was a hard person to get to know..i am like that as well.

What I remember most is the love and deep respect he had for his wife.They were so happy and soulmates and best friends.They were such great people.And now I believe they are up there somewhere STILL in love.They were everything to each other and they had a great marriage.They were together for like 60 years or so.After he died my grandma cried a lot and just wanted to be with him and she got what she wanted.She was in so much pain..she couldn't even live without him.

At his funeral I didn't cry..i felt like I was less of a person but i think it's because he didn't want anyone to cry for him..that's just the kind of amazing person he was.I hope that when I get married i have that great of a marriage..i've never seen two people so much in love as they were.They were so close..i bet they are like i said somewhere having a great time.He was just so special.Everytime I think of him i just have a smile on my face..i am so proud to be his grand daughter.Instead of grieving over the loss of him,i'd like to continue remembering him and what an impact he left on this world.He was so much more than a father,a husband, a grandfather, and a great grand father..he was just of so much importance to this world.I think about him nearly everyday and know he is in a better place.Today is going to be hard but i know he's up there somewhere giving me that strength to carry on.

I know he'd be proud of me and what's going on in my life and that i am in love for the first time ever in my life.He'd be happy for me.That i found someone that i am seriously thinking i can be with for the rest of my life.I hope grandpa that me and my future husband are what you and grandma were to each other.It's going to be hard to live up to that,but i'll try.Thank you for the person you were and you live on in my heart.And your spirit guides me every single day.I miss you and hope to meet up with you one day again.. peace.



Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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