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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2002-12-10 - 5:43 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Wuzup diaryland peeps? lol I'm soo bored so I thought i'd write an entry though it's 5:43 in the morning..heheh.I just want to tell ya'll about my day yesterday.First off,I have the BEST boyfriend in the world..hehe.He said to me in conversation last week that early this week I should expect my first Christmas present and to not get excited because it's only small.But of course I did get excited.

So we were talking and he said to me did you check your e-mails? So i said no why..and he said something from diaryland should be there.So i check and lo and behold I get an e-mail from diaryland saying thanks for joining to be a gold member and to confirm that i joined the list.So I'm sitting there going "huh"? And he said yes I did..and Merry Christmas.He signed me up for a year to be a gold member! Aww! ain't he great? lol Great grammar i know.He got himself a year of it too.I am not going to create surveys cos I KNOW I am going to go SURVEY CRAZY! hehe But he's so amazing.I can't believe he did that for me.It's just things like that that make me fall even more for him.

So anyway I just wanted to tell everyone that.Well here's more of my day..I was walking to my fourth hour..grr this WHOLE week is a regular week meaning though my classes are shorter,i have every single class in one day..and more homework.Well,i see a sign on the door that says 2nd,3rd,and 4th hour report to the theatre.So i saw my friend on the way there and we went.I didn't know what was going on.They only had a few classes in there and obviously,it wasn't all the seniors.It turns out there was a presentation about AIDS.Every year they show the same one and since we are seniors and the oldest of anyone in the school,they show it to us every year because we are most at risk.It was really heartbreaking and touching.

What really scared me was that my county has the FOURTH highest rate of people infected with AIDS out of the whole US.New York city is 2nd..lol.And they said women are more at risk..urgh.But anyway they showed a video about this lady that had AIDS and she was just talking about it and her life..the video scared the shit out of me.She just looked horrible.She had unprotected sex and got it through her partner who didn't bother to tell her about his sexual history.What a shame..her life was pretty much over.She was so worried about getting pregnant that she went on the pill but instead of getting pregnant,she had AIDS.And the presentor dude also has AIDS.He's had it for 20 years i think he said.And obviously he's still alive and I think that's so incredible.But the statistics he gave were just mind boggling.Of course half of the people in there were sitting there like cocky bastards thinking it will never happen to them..yeah right.

People just need to be careful and as the man said,they are not even close to a cure OR vaccination.How sad :( But anyway enough of that,ooh last night i had a brilliant idea lol I decided to bring my radio in my bathroom so i can listen to it while taking a shower.Well i kept coming out of the shower to change the station and now my mat in the bathroom is SOAKED.I almost slipped on it..lol.Anyway,Adam is STILL trying to convince me to go to Grad Night..i dunno.It's a lot of money.But he said if I don't go there's always Project Graduation.What they do is after graduating they are going to keep us locked up lol in the school only because after graduation everyone likes to get drunk off their ass..they are going to give out free foods and drinks and MONEY! hell yeah i'm going to be there! haha.It's gonna be fun.God May is going to be soo busy.I found out my graduation day is June 3 which is also the day everyone else gets out BUT i get to leave 3 weeks early. :) We are graduating in a nearby College's gym.So the Adam guy says to me "Ooh we are going to be standing near each other because our last names are near each other on the alphabet"..woopie woopie joy joy..lol.As you can see i'm just thrilled hehehe.He is kind of annoying.So he said i am going to walk before him..yah no kidding since my last name is before his.

I told the spitter to f off yesterday..lol..and that Brianna chick who sits with us got citrus jello on my pants.I was soo ready to bust some ass lol.My mom had another "talk" with me yesterday this time about the computer.She said that since her "boyfriend" or whatever the heck he is lol gets on at 4..she wants me to use the computer between 3 and 4 and then get back on at 5 if i want to.Grr..anyway woo woo i kissed the rain yesterday while talking to my baby.No dreams of you last night hon..:(

Ooh I found out the exam schedule for next week.Monday is regular..Tuesday is periods 1-5 and then the 6th hour exam.Which for me is my English exam..oh well,i'll be getting it out of the way.Wednesday I get to come to school at 11:00 WOo hoo! And that's my 2nd and 3rd hour exams.Which for me is my Keyboarding and Marine Science exams.Thursday I also go in at 11 and that's my 4th and 5th hour exams which for me is my Economics and Psychology exams.And the last day which is friday..We go in at 7:30 but i think get out early and that's my 1st and 7th exams which for me is Math ARGH lol and Art.Well anyway we are watching this really COOL movie in my Psych class called "When a man loves a woman"..Meg Ryan is in it..she's awesome.It has to do with alcoholism and co-dependency.And it's cool cos in the beginning of the movie,the song "When a man loves a woman" was playing..i was actually lip synching it LOL and my teacher was singing it and waving her arms like they do in concerts during ballads..lol.So far I love the movie.

So anyway woo EIGHT more days of school till VACATION! lol.Damn it I just remembered..I am not going to get to talk to my baby today.. :( He's going over to his grandma's to watch her and be a good grandson lol.But mom wants to talk to that guy online today anyway.Tonight is real world..am not going to watch.Will probably fall fast asleep lol.Well i think i've wrote enough..maybe later i'll add some quizzes.Honey,i hope you liked the poems I have for you on here.Love you.Bye everyone! *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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