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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2002-12-11 - 4:49 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com


-- name: Stacey

-- birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

-- current location: South Florida.

-- eye color: brown

-- hair color: chestnut brown with some light parts

-- height: 5'7

-- shoe size: 9

-- marital status:very happily taken and in love.

-- righty or lefty: Lefty

-- zodiac sign: Virgo

-- innie or outtie: Innie

// series two - describe

-- your heritage: Polish,Russian,Austrian,German.

-- the shoes you wore today: Sandals..my brown ones with black straps

-- your hair: long and really purdy.

-- your weakness: chocolate,my boyfriend,dawson's creek,magazines.

-- your fears:failure,bees,blood,drowning,losing someone i love,being alone.

-- your perfect pizza: cheese and pepperoni.

-- one thing you'd like to achieve: to "live".

// series three - what is...

-- your most overused phrase on aolaim: LOL.

-- your thoughts first waking up: "I can't wait to talk to my sweetie."

-- the first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: Eyes, smile, hair,and then everything else.

-- your best physical features:My nose, lips, and butt.

-- your bedtime: On school nights I try to get to bed by 10..on weekends usually anywhere from 11-1 AM.

-- your greatest accomplishment: finally finding my first true love....*blushes*

-- your most missed memory: Just my whole childhood.

// series four - you prefer

-- pepsi or coke: Coke

-- mcdonald's or burger king: BK!

-- single or group dates: single.

-- adidas or nike: Adidas!

-- lipton iced tea or nestea: lipton....mmm....yum.

-- chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

-- cappucino or coffee: Coffee

-- boxers or briefs: I'm a girl! On guys I prefer Boxers.

// series five - do you

-- smoke: Nope.

-- cuss: A LOT!

-- sing well: Ehh I could be worse.I'm average in that area.

-- take a shower everyday: no..evey other day.

-- do you think you've been in love: I thought all the times before were "love" but NOW I know what true love is. So those of you who've not found it, ENVY me! :P.......I love my Nate. :)

-- want to go to college: Get back to me.

-- like high school: I hate it.It's fricken prison

-- want to get married: one day,yes.

-- type with your fingers on the right keys: not really!

-- believe in yourself: most of the time..i have my days though.

-- get motion sickness: yeah and when im in a car i can't read or i'll puke.

-- think you're attractive: I'm alright.,i've been told i'm a "Sexy bitch" though..lol.

-- think you're a health freak: hell no!

-- like thunderstorms: yep.

-- play an instrument: nope....wish I could though.I used to play the flute.

// series six - in the past month, did/have you...

-- drank alcohol: nope.

-- smoke(d): no.

-- done a drug: no....just caffeine.

-- have sex: hell no.

-- go on a date: nope.

-- go to the mall?: hell yeah!

-- eaten an entire box of oreos: nope.

-- eaten sushi: eww...no.

-- been on stage: no.

-- been dumped: nope...me? dumped? yeah right! lol

-- gone skating: nope..i'd like to though.

-- made homemade cookies: no, but thought about it.

-- gone skinny dipping: no....just the shower.

-- dyed your hair: no.

-- stolen anything: nope....I'm a reformed thief. :P

// series seven - have you ever...

-- played a game that required removal of clothing?: nope.

-- if so, was it mixed company:

-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not my thing.

-- been caught "doing something": doing what? *asks innocently* lol.

-- been called a tease: a few times.

-- gotten beaten up: surprisingly,no.

-- shoplifted: yup.

-- if so, did you get caught: nope. :)

-- changed who you were to fit in: that's what i kind of do in high school right now.

// series eight - the future....

-- age you hope to be married: toughie..i'd like to wait till im out of school first..and if everything works,i'd like to marry my boyfriend.

-- itinerary?: lol......there has to be an itinerary?

-- numbers and names of children: two or three would be just fine i guess.names? whatever me and the future husband decide upon.

-- descibe your dream wedding: any wedding who cares.

-- how do you want to die: hmm.....in my sleep would be ok.

-- where you want to go to college: Get back to me.

-- what do you want to be when you grow up: Grow....up? ME? HAHAHA!

-- what country would you most like to visit: Australia.

= current clothes: green shirt,faded jeans.

= current mood: hungry and don't want to study. :( missing my boyfriend.

= current taste: lip gloss lol

= current hair: i need to brush it.

= current annoyance: nothing really.

= current smell: it smells in this room really baaadly!

= current thing you ought to be doing: studying.

= current desktop picture: none.

= current favorite groups: No Doubt, The Beatles.

= current book: not reading one.

= current dvd in player: I don't have a DVD player..back in the 80's..lol.

= current refreshment: none.

= current worry: wondering about my boyfriend..and when we are going to get to talk.

= current crush: I don't have a crush.....I'm in love.

= current favorite celebrity: Gwen Stefani.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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