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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

About Meh.
2002-12-14 - 9:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Name: Stacey

Age: 18.

Where I reside: Ugh I don't even want to begin to talk about it.

Race: Caucasian(white)

What I've got in me: I am Polish and Russian from my mom's side and Austrian and GERMAN from my dad's.

What I'm Like...Personality-wise:Hmm there are no words to describe meh but i'll try..here are the good things..i'm sweet, smart, caring, funny, down to earth, sensual, passionate, Compassionate, kind, romantic, loving, easy to talk to, a good listener, friendly sometimes, crazy, wacky, goofy, unique and purdy cool :) not too bad looking either, a good writer, loyal, good at making conversation, honest.

but I do have my bad traits and side.....like.....moodiness (at times), quick tempered, sensitive, not trusting, critical, not the easiest person to put up with at times, not a good athlete, picky, fickle, opinionated, very stubborn, sometimes a BITCH, don't know when to shut up sometimes, judgemental (rarely), not emotional enough, sometimes hold grudges, a perfectionist, and overanalytical.

But love me or hate me.......that is me!

My likes:

My boyfriend, The Beatles, No Doubt, Rain, Cloudy days, Sour Patch Kids candy, Monopoly, writing in my journal, poetry, chocolate, reading, NYC, Yankees, lip gloss, blading, thinking, laughing, swings, lollipops, convertibles, adidas, tanks, sandals, blue eye shadow, mountains, kids, palm trees, comedies, talking, sensuality, psychology, dancing, fireworks, kissing the rain, pickles, shopping, singing, going to the beach, hoodies, salads, sourpunch straws, Atlanta, The breakfast club, Coyote ugly, Now and then, jeans, horoscopes, leather, candles, jewelry, ribs,Eminem, 311, glow in the dark shtuff, belly button piercings, Sublime, bowling, mini golf, basketball, driving, gum, green, water parks, good charlotte, Godsmack, flirting, feeling sexy, Nirvana, The Calling, Tantric, Nelly, Ja rule, soccer, vintage shtuff, sunsets, The Vines, Lenny Kravitz, DMX, writing letters, Cinnamon flavor, Dave Matthews Band, perfume, chick flicks, Dawson's Creek, Incubus, The Real World, Gilmore Girls, Hoobastank, Friends, Beanie babies, cuddling, skirts, leopard, Tommy Hilfiger, Sugar Ray, hand holding, kissing, swimming, Lifehouse, The Strokes, Coldplay, U2, music, magazines, Abercrombie and fitch, Spencer's, tattoos, rap, 2 Pac, quizzes, surveys, princess pj's, star gazing, Pharell, SOME Oldies music from the 60's and 70's, music from the 80's, california beaches, Colorado, South Park, dr. pepper, root beer, Josh Hartnett, my family, chinese food, strawberries, peaches, whipped cream, coconut shampoo, roller coasters, ice skating, road trips, rock music, concerts, italian food, cajun food, MTV, Vh1, running, cats,air conditioners, compliments, sarcastic wit, talking to friends online, BLING BLING..lol.And lately..I've been starting to like Scooby Doo..he's so cute! oh shuddup! hehe :)

My dislikes:

ignorance, school, mustard, country music, mexican food, 100 degree weather, when my computer crashes, fish, when i'm sick, boredom, when people pick fights with me, the spitter, possessive assholes, controlling assholes, people that force their religion on you, close mindiness, when I don't get my way sometimes, bad spelling, bugs, blood, snakes, immaturity, snobs, bitches, bullies, shit kickers, sunburns, criminals, ex boyfriends, know it all's, liars, nosy people, N Sync(though Justin's new song "Cry me a river" is HOT!), annoying teachers, math, haters, jealousy, insecurity, my dad, phonies, players, posers, backstabbers, racism, homophobes, depression, loneliness, insensitive assholes, seeing people I care about in pain or sad, annoying relatives, people who ignore me, stalkers, nightmares, bad drivers.

My goals in this life: To really live a life where I can honestly look back on it and say I did what I wanted..I have no regrets..and I lived life to it's maximum and fullest,and took risks.To have a family,be healthy,have a job,get married,be happy,successful and like I said accomplish everything and of course to take over the world..lol.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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