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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Deep thinking.
2002-12-15 - 9:39 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

What song I'm listening to: "I don't wanna miss a thing"-Aerosmith.

What i'm drinking: Root Beer.

Current state of mind: Pensive but a bit stressed and annoyed.

Hey all.I know you are SHOCKED because there is actually an entry here.I do suffer from bouts of laziness as is the answer to the question of why I haven't wrote a real entry in a while.

My mom is as usual being a pain in the ass.Guess what? We got into another fight.This time it was about grocery shopping.She said to me before "I don't have the energy to go shopping by myself..get dressed and come with me." So I said to her that it will take me forever to get dressed (which it usually does)and then I said that when she gets back I'll help her take the groceries out of the car and unpack em for her.So she didn't say anything and her response was to slam the door.I don't get what her problem is.I am again glad that she's gone and I can think.But I know later on she's going to have something to say.

And last night when I was talking to Nate 2 people tried to call..I figured it was some kind of telemarketer.Guess who it was? HER.I KNEW it.She started scolding me about not answering the phone and she said she didn't get why the answering machine came on and I should have answered the beeps and shit.God she can be soo annoying.So I know to answer them for next time.Anyway I made me some hot chocolate this morning..twas so good.When I woke up I was FREEZING.So i switched into a long sleeve shirt and PJ pants and put on my leopard slippers and made me some nice hot cocoa.YUM! I haven't had it in a while.

Next week like I said is going to be CRAZY..Monday I have to mail Nate's shtuff out and study for my English final.And then Tues-Fri are finals..grr.I'm not going to have much time for myself.Plus Nate's b-day is Thurs so I have to remember to send him something off the internet..along with the other shtuff too tomorrow..mom's sending it out for me while i'm at school.AND our 3 month(yes it's been THAT long) anniversary is on Saturday..and THEN christmas.Anyway,please send that pic of you sweetie.So I can have something to put in my picture frame.THAT was why I was babbling and rambling about it last night..it was a hint that I want a picture of you to put in there. :)

Grr my hands feel like they are suffering from frost bite..so damn cold.Anyway sweetie we must remember to take that compatibility test when you come here.I organized my CD's this morning.I never really realized how many I actually have.I still could use some more but tis ok.And I FINALLY bought new head phones so now I can hear music out of BOTH ears..LOL.I am now listening to a Boyz II men song..they are great to listen to especially when you are in love with someone.And sweetie,maybe you can get me to like Lord of the rings,but NOT wrestling like I said..lol.We don't have to have exactly the same tastes in things..then it would be BORING.The differences spice it up.You have already gotten me to like Scooby Doo..what's next? lol

It turns out that last night the restaurant they(my aunt,cousin,and mom) were going to go to(the one I hate) is getting closed down! lol I laughed when I heard that.Me and mom went to Taco Bell yesterday and she said something funny to me.I mentioned that Nate likes Mexican Food so she said to me..that's my main man..then she said..tell my future son-in-law that I like it too.So i said to her huh? So she said just kidding.Was she really? I wonder if she really does want me and Nate to get married someday.Wow that would be crazy if things got that serious.It would be great though,but we'll have to see.My theory is..

That you meet that certain someone when the timing is right.I think God has a plan for all of us.And when you meet that person for you,that's when you are supposed to meet them.If you meet them a day earlier than that or later it's not the same and it's just not part of god's plan.I am a strong believer in fate.But I think fate only brings us so far and what we do when we get there is what matters.And of course there's always that moment..the moment we all yearn for someday..the moment when everything is right within the world..the world just suddenly stops..and the moment is frozen in time..when you look into the eyes of the person you love and you know,you are going to be together forever.God I hope I can do that with Nate.

Certain people just know when they first see someone that that is going to be the person they are going to be with for the rest of their life.Do i believe in love at first sight? To a certain degree though i don't think it's love..it's lust.Love is totally different..love is a connection between 2 beings..a connection that grows when they get to know each other and enjoy each other's company and personality,and love their soul,and heart,not their body..love is acceptance..taking the good with the bad and accepting that totally unique being.That is what's so great about people..we are all different and there's something about all of us that really SHINES.

I think one of our purposes for being around is to take that thing or that part of you that really shines and use it to your advantage..first you have to find it,and then use it for all it's worth.And of course take that bad in you,and try to make it good or realize it's there,and some things you just can't change..but that's what makes us beautiful..our imperfections/flaws/faults/weaknesses.Everyone is beautiful.Everyone just needs to know that.We are all definitely works in progress and we will be working until the day we can't work on ourselves anymore.

That's what's so great about life..that you have a chance to live it,to fall in love and to have dreams.Dreams are great..dreams give you something to hold and to grasp onto and to take with you until the day they become a reality.Dreams are what keeps many people sane in this world.Don't let them go..no matter what anyone says..they are special..they are yours and no one can destroy them..follow them to wherever they lead you to..don't be afraid or feel they will never amount to anything,they might..they might not.Enjoy them and make em happen.We can all do whatever we set our minds to..we need to believe in ourselves first.We are all capable of doing whatever we set ourselves out for to do.We can all be who we want to be..it's NEVER too late no matter how far you are in life,to go back and be that person you want to be..we can always scratch everything out and start fresh and be that person we are proud to be.Goals are also good..we all need them if we want to become something amazing in this life."Life is like soccer..you gotta have goals."

Be happy..do whatever makes YOU happy.Not anyone else..but you.Though this might sound selfish,you have to look out for yourself first.No one else is going to live for you,but you.The rest will be taken care of.Oh god now my head hurts from thinking too much..lol.And some more shtuff about love and then I'll stop hehe..when you love someone..don't let them go.Hold onto them.Love is precious,rare,and soo hard to find.Once you find it take it for all it is and go with it! No matter what insecurity you have,revel in it,embrace it,and be grateful that you have it.Few are so lucky.Tell the person you love EVERY single moment you get that you love them..don't make them forget or not know.LET them know.Or if you can,show them.You can't EVER say it enough times.Trust me,there will never come a day where someone will get sick of hearing they are loved.Alright well that's my rant..LOL.Deep thoughts huh? Well i hope my mom doesn't come home for a while.I love you Nate.I will keep telling you that forever.Nothing compares to you..no one compares to you.You are the best person I've ever known or will ever know.Alright peace..have fun and enjoy life..carpe diem..seize the day!


Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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