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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2002-12-23 - 6:48 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey! good morning everyone.Woo one more day and then Christmas Eve.:) I FINALLY can go out tomorrow..I reallly wanted to go out today but DOH I forgot that my mom has to take the car over to the dealership to get some things checked out and fixed..so the car will be gone most of the day.If we really wanted to go out we can either take my dad's car out...hell nooo! it smells in there..eck and it's nasty or have my aunt drive us around.Ah and you're probably wondering what is up with my diary..well on the right side is a pic of me..taken months ago but i still look the same. :)

I REALLLY don't feel like being in the same car w/ my aunt after all the last fight we had.She invited my mom to a christmas dinner the day after christmas but didn't include me because she knows i wouldn't go..a lot of people that i don't really care for are going to be there..her husband's family basically.blah..i'll just chill that day.Soo my mom says she wants to stay home anyway and she thinks i'm going to feel worse today so she says we'll go out tomorrow.Woo hoo!I'll prolly feel better tomorrow.Speaking of which..honey..I hope you feel better.Woo hoo mom just called and told me she won't be home till at least 11:30..and shit today is my friend's birthday so I have to give her a call.

Sweetie,let me know how the visit with the 'vet' goes and everything.I'll understand if i don't see you online a lot today cos i know you feel like crap.:( Today i will probably just watch some christmas movies on tv cos i know some will be on and do the homework i have to do on break..i may read a bit too..listen to music and just relax.Well i have to eat somethin..i feel very weak and i didn't really have dinner last night soo here i go.bye bye and if i don't write tomorrow or christmas..MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! May you all have a happy christmas and tis the season for giving..soo give! Happy New year as well.I'm out..bye :) Nate..I love you.


Ps.When i get the shtuff i'll let you know sweetie.

Here's a poem about Colorado for my sweetie..yesh someone ACTUALLY wrote a poem about Colorado..check this out.


by Brandon Ramsey

We watched the snow fall

in Colorado

Shared the evening by the


Danced a dance in the


Stole a kiss with


Wished upon a falling star

Dared to dream of you and


By Christmas morning you

were gone

Now I'm sleeping with


It's was three years to

the day

Since our fateful

winter's night

When a voice from

Christmas past

Caused me to slowly turn

my head

You said that you were


You were young and afraid

of love

I said you're still so


And everything I

remembered you to be

Your smile still takes my

breath away

Your eyes still hold the

stars from that night

And after all these years

and all this time

There's just one thing I

think you should know

Christmas isn't Christmas

Without you in Colorado

We sit and talked for


At the local coffee shop

And somewhere along the


We both seemed to lose

track of time

And when you said you had

to go

I felt my heart skip a


The tears slowly began to


When I said I can't take

losing you again

You smiled with tears in

your eyes

And said you wouldn't be

very long

You just needed to make a

phone call

And cancel your flight

back home

You said I want to spend


With you in Colorado

And you said...

Your smile still takes my

breath away

Your eyes still hold the

stars from that night

And after all these years

and all this time

One thing has always

stayed the same

Christmas isn't Christmas

Unless I'm with you in


ONE more thing check this



The black cloud has finally lifted, Virgo. Phew! We're so happy that you are happy again. It had been a while since anyone has seen your twinkling eyes and sweet smile. Now that you've returned to the light, consider why you were stuck on the dark side for so long. Prevention is key.

Woah! there's actually some truth to that!! =P

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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