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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

15 months,,awww..we actually get to celebrate..:)
2003-12-21 - 1:33 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey! Well I'm back! :D Once again, can't be too long cos as soon as Nate gets out of the shower, we're leaving.

Today is our anniversary. :) When he gets out of the shower I am going to give him a little something for our anniversary. This whole experience is a dream come true..getting to cuddle with him a LOT, getting to hold hands, just getting to be together.

Yesterday was pretty tiring but awesome..very scenic. =) He basically just gave me a tour of some cities, we climbed "Red Rock" and "Hunt's Tomb" which pretty much killed us both..lol..SO worn out afterwards. We went out for some good chinese food..mmm. Tonight we are going to decorate the christmas tree as a family..awww..I get to put the angel on the top of the tree..his sister wants me to. I KNOW she likes me cos she just drew some pics for me and gave me some starbursts. And this morning she talked to me for a bit on the couch. She is SO cute! Makes me want to have a sibling..lol. Her and the new cat have bonded..haha. Today we're going to the movies in the mall to actually BUY stuff..lol. Basically as you guys can tell, Nate's going to be writing more than me..BUT when I get home I will have a long entry up telling you about everything that we did.

This morning we watched LOTR: Fellowship of the ring. We tried watching it the other day but I fell asleep..lol. I felt bad but everytime I put my head on his shoulder, I end up feeling sleepy. We also watched The Osbourne Christmas special. I called my mom this morning..I've actually kept my promise and called her everyday if you can believe that..haha.

Last night we watched some tv and then lied down in his sister's bed again..aww cuddling. We were lying so close together..it felt so amazing. My poor bunny was SO tired. After a while I left and went to bed myself. Did I say how BEAUTIFUL it is here??? God, I do not want to go home..I don't even want to think about it. It's even better to be here with the person that I love. :)

As you know, the other day was my sweetie's birthday. awww It was cool to meet some more of his family. I can tell that they like me which means the world to me. Dinner was good and as he said, we went to the mall that day and then were tired so we just relaxed. Thanks to all that wished him a happy birthday. I was SO happy to have shared it with him. It was nice to see all the christmas lights that night. :)

The flight coming in was ok, a little bit of a delay..a kid next to me was trying to have a convo with me while I was trying to sleep..lol. The airport though..oh man..gosh, getting through it was a challenge. I ended up waiting for about three hours or so but it was worth it to see my bunny. :-)

Anyway so basically we've just been going out some and relaxing some. Ohh yeah..I saw "Sidewalks of New York" for the first time yesterday..it was really, really good. Then we watched "Fast times at Ridgemont high" which was good too. I looove watching movies with him or even just driving around cos of all the hand holding. Mmm it feels GREAT to hold his paw. :D The hugs and kisses are of course wonderful too. I'm so fricking lucky. He's just incredible. :)

Hmmm ok I don't feel like writing anymore lol so I'm going to go. I'll write more some other time. I've read all your entries and I'll be back sometime next week. Have a great christmas, yo! lol <3 you all! Bye.

PS: Some pictures HAVE been taken but against our will! lol. He took some of the fountain yesterday too and when we were on Hunt's Tomb. More details soon as I said and I'm sorry it took so long to update..:(

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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