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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

American Wedding.
2003-08-04 - 9:56 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Headstrong by Trapt

Hello to my old fans, my new fans...woo hoo fizzans baby!! lol. Oh god, I think I'm a BIT hyper after drinking chocolate milk but anyway...lol..I am sure ya'll are just dying to hear about my day yesterday..[right] so here goes.

After I updated, I dressed and just tried to pass the time before I'd go to the movies. I ate lunch and then went with my mom to get mexican food for my parents. The reason of why I went is because I needed to talk to my mom about what my dad was talking to me about on Saturday.

So, now I understand that better..we came back and I heard my dad mumbling and whispering to my mom about not wanting to go, so I yelled out "Yeah I heard that..fine..don't go." So he said he just didn't feel like it, so of course that proceeded into both of them having a fight over who would take me. I asked my mom if she'd like to go and she said sure, since she loves comedies and we convinced my dad to go to the pool or something.

Just before we left he asked me if I was pissed, so I said "no..it's ok." So then he said "As long as you're going right?" So I said "yep"..and then right when he was walking out of the room I had the HUGEST smile on my face because I much rather wanted to go with my mom. :) I think he saw me smile however..lol..but at this point I just don't care. Anyway, oh yesh before all this me and Nate talked for a few mins till he had to leave.

Me and my mom got there, found a parking spot. Oddly enough, it wasn't TOO crowded in the theater. So, we got our tixs, our popcorn and drinks and went into the theater. They were showing the previews and while we were watching those I saw one for Freddy Vs Jason so I told my mom I was going to see that with Nate in a few weeks, so she said "speaking of that..I think you should tell your father really soon that Nate's coming here because if you don't then he's going to have a huge ass attitude and the sooner you tell him the better." So, I thought about this..realizing she was right and told her that I'd tell my dad about it next sunday, so now I have a week to think about what to say..lol.

Then after the previews started, American Wedding started. It was SOooo fucking HILARIOUS!! At some points I was crying, and thought I'd pee in my pants from laughing so hard. My mom was cracking up too. It was even better than American Pie 1 & 2. I needed those laughs though desperately. Gosh it was great. I don't want to give the plot away considering I know a lot of you want to see it. Get your asses to the theater right NOW to see it!!!!! The soundtrack was great, and it's # 1 in the box office for a very good reason!! I command you guys to see it..lol.

Anyway, so after the movies we went back home and I just chilled till around 6 when I got to talk to Nate again I ate a hot dog, and then she kicked me off around 8:30. After that, I watched something on TV..I am not sure what the hell it was cos I was so out of it from my headache, and being nauceous from eating popcorn so I fell asleep at I don't even know what time..lol. So I didn't get to star gaze..tonight for sure!..before Road Rules comes on.

There's a LOT of tension this morning. Basically the activation system to retrieve the messages isn't working and for some reason or another, my dad is OBSESSED with checking the messages and when we do, all we hear is a constant busy signal. My dad wants to call the phone company, but it's not going to do a bit of good considering that we can't even call long distance on the phone.

I copped an attitude and told him to just stop freaking about the answering machine...lol. He didn't like that too much, but a lot of the times I just get so sick of being polite to him and just want to tell him off. My mom starts bitching about her sore neck and then they nearly got into a fight about one thing or another till my mom said she had to leave. She won't be here much of the day, so I'm stuck with him. :( Oh yeah, we decided IF we do go to Orlando, we'd probably leave on Friday and come back on Sunday, but who knows..my dad hasn't spoken about it to my mom yet so there's a chance we won't go. The reason for the Friday-Sunday would be because a day or so after that we'd go see Denise and Chris.

I've decided to be productive today considering that i'm stuck here, Nate will be at College..soo what I am going to do is start cleaning out my closets and get trash bags out and throw away some junk. Gosh, I'm such a packrat. I'm also going to take a lot of pictures off my walls that would disturb Nate if he were to see them when he's here at the end of this month..lol.

I'd like to thank everyone who has just been giving me so much love lately..adding me to their lists, etc. I think I am a VERY boring person however and I don't see what the big deal about me is..lol. When I started this, I thought Nate would be the only one to read my babbling and randomness but I guess I was wrong. I am happy to say that I am, and that there's people on here who actually really like me. :) It's amazing..if I was this respected in school, I would have been popular..lol. But alas, I roamed through the halls with people only knowing my name and not wanting to know anything else about me. For the first time EVER I think, I feel like I belong, I feel wanted and besides love, it's one of the best feelings in the world. THANK YOU each and every one of you who has set time aside to read about my life, thank you for being the great people you guys are and touching my life in ways you've never known possible. It just blows me away. *hugs*

Well that's it for this entry..I gotta brush my teeth and get dressed. Perhaps I'll be back later? Have a wonderful wonderful week you amazing people--rock on!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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