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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Wiped out!
2003-08-05 - 7:49 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: You're so vain by Carly Simon

Hey! I am soooo freaking tired right now. :( Well, mainly from yesterday..let me 'splain..

After I updated, I decided to start cleaning for an hour before I'd talk to Nate . So, I started ripping pics off the wall and got most of them off.

When I came back after an hour, I talked to Nate until around 2 and he had to leave and we made plans to talk on the phone later on that night. So, after we talked my mom came home and brought me back some lunch and I went back to ripping stuff off my walls. That took about another hour or so and now I can actually SEE some of my walls..lol..it's freaking me out.

Anyway, I was in an ambitious/determined cleaning mood which doesn't happen too often, so I emptied stuff out of my drawers, cleaned my bathroom a bit, washed the windows, and cleaned my dresser and desk. I was soo wiped out after all of that, that I decided to save cleaning the closets for today. Yep..I have TWO closets..which means double the cleaning unfortunately.

During this time it was raining soo hard so I couldn't go anywhere anyway and today looks like much of the same. Oh well..this happens to be the rainy season. While I was cleaning, I heard my dad bitching about his vacation..blah blah blah. I'll spare you all of what he was saying. He was just in one of those depressed/feel sorry for himself moods. My mom was complaining. Ugh..I ended up getting in one of those moods later on last night..but I'll get to that soon.

After cleaning, I just finally relaxed and didn't do anything. :) Then I ate dinner, read, and relaxed some more till 9:30 when I called Nate and we talked till 11 something when he just got tired so I let him go. I watched hehe..something naughty on TV..lol..and then went to sleep around 12..and here I am.

Well, I have to write an e-mail to Michelle today..why you ask? Because her mom e-mailed my mom and told her that her dad [Michelle's grandfather] passed away the other night. Considering the last time we wrote each other was last year, I'm not too thrilled about writing her because I'm sort of pissed, but it's only right that I do..and I do feel really bad and am so sorry for her loss. I know how it feels to lose a loved one..I've lost quite a few in my lifetime. I guess I'll just be a good friend to her, and let her know I'm here if she needs anything.

Besides that..today is a friend of mine's b-day..I KNOW she'll NEVER read this but I want to say it anyway..lol..HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY KATIE!!! Hells yeah! (: Today is also Denise's b-day.

Ugh..I think I have hives. My WHOLE body is itchy..my legs, my feet, my ankles, my arms, my thighs..I'm just breaking out into itches..I wonder why..it's just so freaking annoying. There's a HUGE ass bump on my thigh..it seems like it's a bite, but considering the last time I went out was Sunday I'm not so sure. Gah I can't stop scratching. HELPPPP! lol. We're going back to our old phone company because our voice mail is all screwed up.

I gotta do SOMETHING to take my mind off this crap. Oh yes, so last night..when I was talking to Nate I don't know why but I was just feeling a mixture of things..sad, bitter, etc. I really don't know WHY and what it was about but I was in some sort of funk and just having one of those moods. However, when I have them I know they usually pass quickly.

I think that's all I wanted to talk about..don't know..my mind's drawing a blank. I STILL haven't gotten around to star gazing. I doubt I will tonight either because of Real World. Oh yeah..Road Rules was SURPRISING! Dave voted off..drum roll..CARA!! The previews looked sooo deceiving cos it looked like he was going to send Donell home. Donell put on a good act and starts crying and shit..you can tell it was fake. So they got a new girl to take her place named Tina..Tina seems to like Dave, which I am sure is not going to go over well with Mary Beth who has a HUGE thing for Dave..hell they even slept in a tent together.

A lot of people said though that it seemed like Donell had met his match. She seems really whiny, high strung, high maintenance, outspoken, and opinionated. I just don't particularly like her. The mission was for them to go two days or something in a farm without eating..there was a house with lots of food in it, but if they stepped foot in it they'd lose the mission. Tina starts bitching about it and stuff but they made it through the mission and sacrificed a chicken. That killed me to see yet I know i'm a hypocrite, cos I do eat chicken..I just don't want to see anyone killing one. I'd rather not think about it when I'm eating something from KFC..lol.

That was basically it..next mission looks interesting because Tina blatanly states that she would hump Dave in a second. God, the look on Mary Beth's face was priceless! Poor girl! :( She's got some competition.

Well, I better get started on cleaning a closet a bit before me and Nate talk..just SOMETHING to get my mind off the fact that I'm in so much fricking agony. Then afterwords I'm going to take a shower, and clean the other closet later. I think there was something else I wanted to talk about, but I'll save it for some other time..I'm not in one of those 'deep' moods right now. Have a great Tuesday all!!! *hugs*

"Never explain -- your friends do not need it and you enemies won't believe you anyway."--Elbert Hubbard

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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