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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

NY..here we come!!!
2003-05-06 - 6:02 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Harder to breathe by Maroon 5

Hey readers. :) I suppose you want to know alll about my day Sunday, and yesterday..right..RIGHT?! lol..if Not, go lick my bunny/cracker ass..Just kidding! Wow..I bet I lost a LOT of readers with that comment, huh?! lol.

Sunday..was the longest day EVER in my life..yikes. It was a nice day..don't get me wrong. Here's what happened..my friend came kind of early. She called around 8:45 to tell us she was coming in an hour, and bringing a friend..a MALE friend..ruh roh. I thought she was trying to hook me up, but nah..thank god.

My mom decided she wanted to come along. I thought it was a BAD idea considering we would be out nearly ALL day..until like 5..with like thousands, or even MILLIONS of people around. I mean this event was televised. It was a HUGE deal. Every year people from ALL over come to the Air and Sea show. My mom is claustrophobic and though she likes the heat, she can't stay in it for many hours or she gets faintish and feels like she's dehydrating, but she knew what she was getting herself into.

My friend got there kind of early..and then mom wanted to be taken to the bank. So she did her thing at the bank, and then we were on our way. STUPID us forgot to bring lunch, and towels so luckily my friend brought extra sandwiches. The traffic when we got off the exit was NUTS. My friend knew she wanted to park at the mall..she goes to the Air and sea show EVERY year. But then as we approached it, we were told it was closed off because it didn't open until 12.

Then, other parking lots were also closed off..and the places you COULD actually park, were FIFTEEN bucks. Isn't that CRAZY?! So we all decided to split the parking three ways, and we ended up parking in a parking complex near a hotel. I found out we had a ten minute walk..ALL the way across the bridge to the beach..in the HOT weather..hauling ALL our shtuff..grr..

Ohh..I forgot to mention..my friend's friend has ADD so he was wandering around..but I'll get to that later. So we made the walk out..i've NEVER seen so many people in ONE place in my entire LIFE. Along the way people were handing out signs, so we can fan ourselves..THAT'S how hot it was out there. But when you look over the bridge, it was GORGEOUS. The lake wasn't looking too good..but there were so many boats and palm trees around it when you look down.

Then we FINALLY got off the bridge..my friend's friend..ok his name is Josh so I don't have to keep saying friend's friend..lol..he ALMOST got lost. Luckily, we found him. So when you look around you see THOUSANDS of people and TONS of booths. A lot of places where you can sign up for Credit Cards, a lot of places selling food, The news station booth, an Army and Navy booth, a LOT of free shtuff. So we walked around looking at everything. Josh is SUCH a Jew..he took SO many free shtuff that the shtuff nearly fell out of his bag.

My mom even signed for a credit card so she can get us a free towel..lol. There was a booth with free condoms..don't ask me..lol..and Josh ended up taking a whole SHITload..wtf is up with this kid?! So my friend whispered to me.."he hasn't even been LAID yet.." lol. Then they were handing out free SMALL boxes of Apple Cinnamon cereal, so we took a bunch because we knew hunger would be setting in later.

It was sponsored by McDonalds so they had a HUGE ass McDonalds stand there. They had a TV stand there..all kinds of places where you can buy soda and water..but it was two bucks. I couldn't take it anymore, so my mom bought me a soda and Josh wandered around to MORE booths and took ALL the free shtuff he can get his hands on, cos he said the money WAS coming out of our tax dollars.

So we look around the beach..could you believe you couldn't even SEE the sand?! THAT's how many people were there!!! There wasn't even an INCH of space to sit. So we ended up standing on some people's blankets..lol. We were right under the SCORCHING sun..I swear it must have been the HOTTEST day of the year. A LOT of people gave us dirty looks. Especially Josh because he'd clap LOUDLY everytime a plane would do a trick, or fly by. Oh..as we got there we JUST missed the boat show..damn it!!

We saw two people being lifted from the water into a plane and then it ended, and the Air show began. The plane tricks were AMAZING. It was a once in a life time experience. We saw The Blue Angels, planes that looked like Air Force 1..planes that looked like they were crashing into one another..planes all flying together..every kind of plane trick you can IMAGINE. It was so awesome. One plane had an American Flag up, and you can hear the announcer say "God bless America!" So everyone started singing..lol.

You could truly feel American pride there. During all of this, Josh kept trying to hit on me and ask me questions..it was getting VERY annoying. He was so creepy. But since he's a little slow, I didn't want to be rude and just ignore him. Then my friend was saying how she's going to corrupt me when I turn 18. She said she's going to take me to the Casino when I'm 18, and then take me clubbing..just to see what it's like and if I don't like it, I never have to go back again. I might as well try it out. Time to have some FUN in my life.

That's exactly what my mom said..Stacey needs to experience that and blah blah. She said she's getting a tattoo and I should get one too..lol. She even told me what to get and where to get it. Heh..i'm going to be WILD. When I turn 18..ALL hell will break loose. Good ole angelic Stacey will be gone, and to replace her will be devilish Stacey with a tattoo, gambling, and clubbing..and prolly getting a car by then. My friend even told me she'll help me out with a job over the summer.

Woo hoo! :D So anyway, college came up and my mom told me something interesting..I'll get to that later though. So, it was getting hotter out. Luckily, I put suntan lotion on before I came. My friend sprayed some tanning oil on me..I think she was trying to tell me something..lol.I'm such a white girl!!

My mom looked like she was going to DIE. We were STILL standing and fanning ourselves..And stupid me didn't put a bathing suit on!!! Neither did my mom. So we couldn't exactly take our shirts off, and sit there in our bras..lol. Though I am sure Josh wouldn't have mind..lol.

FINALLY someone left, so we had a place to sit. The person next to us, even let us use part of our blanket. She left too so we had PLENTY of space to stretch our legs..but still..there were SO many people. We started drinking lots of water, and my friend offered me some cookies. We ended up drinking ALL the water we brought with us..and everyone started turning all red.

So, FINALLY after ALL of that talking and all that..the Air show was just about over. My mom forgot to take a camera..so no pictures..sorry. It was truly awesome though. I was totally in awe. It was getting irritating because the guy in front of us was smoking RIGHT in my face..and you all know how I feel about that. So we finally got up and left..then Josh wandered around some MORE. We walked A LOT..someone was spraying us with water..and we talked to the woman from TV.

My mom wasn't looking so good, so we decided to walk to the mall to get something to eat. Which meant we had to walk BACK on the bridge again. We were going to get pizza, but began the LONG walk to the mall instead. We passed SO many people on the way back!! It was NUTS. Then..grr! on the way to the mall there were a LOT of Army and Navy booths so Josh HAD to ride the rides there, and take MORE free stuff. So, we went to the booths. The only thing I stole was a Navy poster..and my friend stole me some Navy pencils..lol.

So Josh and my friend rode a ride and then when they were done..Josh had to do ALL the Army and Navy challenges, and wander and get himself lost AGAIN. We waited nearly an HOUR!!! He said he was sorry and my friend yelled at him, and then we went to the mall. The only thing is..we couldn't find the entrance cos of remodeling. My friend found one and we walked through the parking garage in there. We NEEDED food and air conditioning BADLY. So, we walked through the mall..FINALLY got to sit down..talked about prom and shtuff. Only to find out there was NO food court..cos of freaking remodeling, like I said.

We did find a place that had cookies though, so my mom bought us some and we sat down. Of course, she ended up cursing me out and shit later on..but anyway, by this time we were ALL tired, and headachy from the days events. So we left the mall after we ate, and made some MORE small talk, and walked the LONG walk back to the car with everyone else. I've never, ever seen so many people. What I noticed was the majority were black, and spanish..I think it was because of the area we were in.

So we got back to the car..my friend just HAD to blast Techno music on the way home..but we didn't care..lol. She brought us home..we said our goodbyes and nearly conked OUT..lol. It was a great day but WAY too hot. We ended up getting back around 6. I did my homework, took a shower, and went to bed. I was knocked out. It was a wonderful experience, but we should have brought more water and been more prepared.

So yesterday..hm..the day at school was ok. I saw my friend and she told me that Josh is suing McDonalds because he told them he is diabetic and NEEDS water, and they wouldn't give him a free cup. And he is suing a girl that was at the Navy booths, because she told him he was fucking around, and he should join the Navy and drop out of school. lol..Then she said she only yelled cos of the heat. I don't see how he can sue her over that though..he said that's one reason why we waited so long for him.

I later found out his parent's don't give a shit about him, and that he's looking for a job but can't find one cos he's not clean and doesn't shave and all that. I feel really bad..poor kid. :( I FINALLY got to see my friend's boyfriend..only to find out i've never seen him before. So, fifth hour was fun. : ) Man..FUUCk..I have two tests tomorrow..grr.

Anyway, I got home..so, I told Nate what my mom told me about College..she said that because BOTH my parents worked in NYU for free in the 70's and early 80's, I can get in there free..tuition would be free and all I'd have to pay for is books and all that. She said if I wanted to go, it would be my choice..but she's staying here.

So, my dream growing up was to attend college at NYU or anywhere in NY..so of course I was excited. So yah, I told Nate and said I know we don't want to go there though. But to my surprise, he said his dream was ALSO to go there for College. : ) So what our plan is..I am going to have a job over the summer..

He is going to finish college over there, until next year while I am working. Then we are going to move to New York for school..I'll start College there, and he'll start film school there. Hell yeah!!! I am sooo damn happy!! Nyu is such a great school, and being there with him is truly going to be amazing.

I can't wait to be back!! Back in my familiar surroundings, where I feel comfortable..where there is so much to show him, so much to do..lots of yankee games to attend. Woo hoo! So I am going to be here, working till next year when Nate finishes college, and then we're moving. :) We don't know about after school, but for school we'll be there.

I am one VERY happy bunny!!! Nate is going to write about it later too. I can visit some family members and all that. Gotta love the big apple!!!

Anyway, so that's a HUGE change in plans that we are both excited about. Besides that..I missed the challenge last night but as Nate wrote about, it sucked and the guys won..grrr! freaking pisses me off. They won EVERYTHING, nearly. It sucks they had to end on a bad note, well for the girls. I was really rooting for them!!

Tonight is A Idol..fuck yeah. And I have to start my prom preparations. I've decided I'm getting a hair cut on thursday.

My mom bought another CD burner, but this one doesn't seem to be working either..argh. And some chinese person keeps calling me..grr..wtf..I am surprised they haven't figured out that they are getting a WRONG #!

I've rambled enough and it's time to go..so I'm out. Have a great Tuesday ya'll.

Sweetie..I'll talk to you later. I'm so excited about sharing the big news with everyone!!!

"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." -- Buddhist Proverb

"You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing." --Marie Stopes

"We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all!"

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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