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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-02-02 - 9:47 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: Don't Speak by No Doubt

Current refreshment: Nothing.

Current state of mind/mood: Feeling like shit. ='(

Hey everyone!! It's been a few days so I thought i'd tell the events AND tell you what I have done on diaryland..things look a bit different so I will explain.

Well, yesterday with the help of my Nate chaoscritter..I made a Cast page..so check that out. Also, he tried to help me with an archive page but along the way things got messed up so I fixed it up myself..so everything looks MUCH better and is now archived. That was yesterday..today..well this morning I have created a Bio page and put all my Rings on one page.AND took out my pic because it was causing me too much trouble.

Soo check it ALL out! I am proud of myself..am learning. It's funny because when I feel like shit I know what I am doing more than when I am feeling well..lol.

Well on Friday we had a pep rally..it sucked ass of course..lol..they all do..I was supposed to meet my friend Julie there but I couldn't see her because of the crowds, so I ended up sitting with Adam..blah..lol.

Yes that bitch actually brought in my poetry log..sheesh I can't believe she was in school. I got my scholarship shtuff back so I have to fill out the forms and send em out..I haven't looked at em yet.Well this weekend I was supposed to go to the Beach..and wanted to go sooo badly but my plans went to CRAP because it's "the time of the month." So I was home all day yesterday doing shtuff on here and watching Now and Then and doing homework and shtuff.

Ohh! last week there was a Bomb threat at my school...haha..that would have been funny if someone had actually blown it up..well that is if it was empty and no one was in it.Then again I would like to take all the people I hate..which is a LONG list lol and place them in there when the bomb goes off..lol..god I am MEAN. Just kidding but the spitter would be my first choice..haha..oh! He wrote me an e-mail asking me to go to the movies last night and I wrote back and said I didn't feel well so I couldn't go which isn't a lie..AND to shut him up I told him I might go next weekend with him..yah right..lol.

My computer is all fucked up..there's a haze over it and a lot of gray lines..mom called up Gateway yesterday but BLEW up at me and claimed it was MY FAULT that there are gray lines going through the computer..because I am on it too much and I was on yesterday..I told her it was ridiculous. Then she just started yelling on and on aboot Nate too..it was getting soo annoying..she's so fucking irritating..still mumbling things to herself. We are getting a part for it on the 8th to fix the problem.

When I feel better I really really want to see that new movie "How to lose a guy in 10 days" with Kate Hudson and Matthew McCaugnhey..or however you spell it..lol.

Shit today is grandpa's birthday..blah..that means I have to endure MORE of him saying "What I can't hear you." And even MORE awkwardness. I never know what the hell to say to him. Our conversations consist of "How's the weather?" blah blah..lol. Oh shit! I was just looking through my note pad to find a piece of paper and just found my EX boyfriend's number..:/ lol maybe I should prank call him..hehe.

Well I am sure all of you heard aboot the space shuttle Columbia crashing yesterday in Texas..what a shame..I was VERY upset when I heard aboot it and feel VERY bad for the families who have lost those people on the space shuttle ='( but the media is still going on aboot it and how it might be terrorist related. Me and fuzzy were talking all aboot it yesterday..and how they blow everything up and cover things to death. Sure, it was a tragedy but how much ARE we gonna hear aboot it?? Not to sound mean because it deeply affected me but I don't want this to also be something the media just fucks up.

Baby! I saw that episode of Friends yesterday..the one where Ross tells Rachel that "You are my lobster." Aww! I was thinking aboot you the WHOLE time. I loved that episode. Seeing Ross when he was younger was sooo funny too. And I liked at the end when they kissed. =) AND I saw Scooby Doo on TV but it was with Scrappy Doo.."SCOOBY DOOBY DOOOOO" sweetie..hehe.

Oh An-ha this girl that I mentioned on my Cast page..asked me on Friday if I am going to prom..(me and her are friends but haven't talked in a while.) So I said "No..why?" So she said "oh why not?" and seemed disappointed. So I said ehh I don't know..so she said that she wanted to know cos her and Liz M are sharing a limo and she wanted to know if I wanted to share it with them so I said at this point No..I don't think so but i'll let you know. So she said Ok..ehh I am not really sure if I want to go to prom. I really have to think that one through. Yesh, it's my senior year and something when I look back on my life, I won't forget but I don't know.

On Friday, also somebody hijacked a postal truck in Miami and held up a gun to the woman in the postal truck..it was like a kidnapping hostage sitation and ALL over the news..the guy called himself "black." I don't know what happened with that. But as I was telling Nate..Miami sucks! It's just full of thugs, ghetto's, and it's just mainly people from New York that are low lifes..there are exceptions but ehh I don't like Miami..there's a lot of bad there. BUT I do like South Beach..Miami is just NOT the place anyone wants to be at.

Sorry if anyone lives out there or if I offended anyone but that's just how I feel..I am by no means prejudice or racist though..just want to get that through.

Valentine's is in 12 days..I have to buy something for my baby soon. :) And send it out..and shit..next weekend I will be VERY busy doing a president report for my Government class because it is due on the 12th and I haven't started it yet. The president I got is Andrew Johnson..the impeached one of course..lol.WOO HOO! Mom says I will get to eat a Wendy's salad for lunch later..I think it's out of guilt for how she treated me yesterday but at this point, I couldn't give a rat's ass..lol.

God I really need to lie down..plus I have babbled long enough. I just wish mom would stop being such a BITCH to me..I am soo not in the mood. Well my lover..I will talk to you later hopefully..I hope you are in a better mood than you said you were last night. I have seen a Walk to Remember too..I cried..twas very sad but romantic and cute at the same time. Shane West is awesome. That is just a MUST SEE movie. Well, I love you..I'm out..peace.

"Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power -- a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment."


Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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