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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-07-09 - 10:25 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Oh Sherry by Steve Perry

Well hello everyone!! I've made some changes to my diary as I am sure you can tell. Firstly, me and my Bunny have a new layout on endless-luv, so check that out. Like he said, the design site doesn't have the image, and we didn't save it. So, we are using a backup layout..it's a bit naughty..but I am sure all of us being mature adults can handle it..lol.

Also, the design site I used, has moved so I have lost my archive picture. :( So, I searched for a new template for my archives that would match my diary better, and found a Finch black and orange one. I LOVE Finch so I'm quite happy. =D This morning, I was looking for guestbook layouts, cos I thought the original guestbook layout was boring, so I went to Blue Swirl and got a Playboy Bunny Orange one! (: It took me a while to put it up, but it's up and I LOVE it. So yep, new archives layout, and new guestbook layout. And now everything matches. =) And I updated my 101 things.

Anyway, yesterday was quite decent. Well, after I updated I talked to Carly, and my honey bunny and mom brought me back some Pizza to eat before she left for the allergist. Yumm!! =D So, me and Nate talked for a couple of hours and then I told him I had to go and get ready to go out for their anniversary dinner. Ohh..they nearly had a fight because my dad was bitching that no one wanted to go to the pool with him. *Rolls eyes.*

So, mom came back..oh and while she was at the doctor's..she called me and said that she's having a LOT of health problems. She's basically allergic to tree pollen: Apples, Pears, Peaches, and Nectarines and the Chardonney she was drinking had fruit juices in it which set off a reaction of her getting massive hives/rashes. There's hives ALL over her back. She's also allergic to peanuts, cinnamon, etc. My mom is allergic to EVERYTHING..lol. The doctor said she MIGHT need nasal surgery, because she can't breathe well out of her left nostril, and if her right one goes, obviously she's shit out of luck.

The doctor said she needs to get off her supplements for 2 weeks, cos they are also making her itchiness worse. Ohh..she's ALSO allergic to Ibuprophen, and Excedrin. Poor woman. :( AND her eyes hurt. AND she is having liver problems, and heart burn. Though, she's been REALLY hard on me and mean to me lately, I sort of feel bad for her because I'm putting myself in her shoes and realizing she's going through a really bad time. This morning I got yelled at yet AGAIN for being online so early, and then my toast burnt, then she yelled at me about doing dishes so tonight is my turn.

LUCKILY she's going to a meeting tonight @ 6:30, so I'll have three hours without her. YIPEE!! *throws confetti* lol. Anyway back to yesterday..I listened to Hotel Paper, I was getting dressed, and then my dad says we should leave because it's getting late. So, we go over to the drug store to drop off my mom's prescriptions and we were on our way. There was a BIT of traffic on the way to the restaurant, so of course my dad got a little crazy.

So, we finally get there and walk into the restaurant. It wasn't TOO crowded there. :) Mmm..the food was SO good. I had bread, rice, french fries, a half slab of baby back ribs. =D Mm..it was to DIE for. We didn't dare have desert, cos we ate our asses off..lol. My dad of COURSE was being his corny ass self, and telling the same stories he's told at least 100 billion, bizillion times. My mom looked really uncomfortable, and kept shifting in our seat. The meal was one of the best I've had in a while though. Tony Roma's ROCKS!! I just wish it was closer to us. :( Hell, even the waiter was nice. It was just a really good dinner. I have a feeling that's the last Anniversary they'll be spending together though. *sighs*

Then, we took the streets on the way home and we went back to the drug store to pick up my mom's prescriptions, took my dad home, and decided to go to the beach because it was a beautiful night. What's sad is that my mom spent time with ME on their anniversary, instead of her own husband. So, we got there and lyed down on our normal bench and just talked, and enjoyed the scenery. Then on the way home, just sang along to some songs in the car. It was really nice.

Then when I got home, it was 9:30 so I had a half hour to kill before Real World would come on, so I decided to watch about a half hour of Say Anything. It's REALLY good so far, and I'm watching the rest tonight. Then, I watched Real World. Oh lord..more drama. It was Valentine's Day and Leah and CT got into a fight..the curling iron was on the floor, he didn't pick it up..blah blah. Then, Christina got in the middle of it. CT says he's in the dog house, they don't like each other. Then mysteriously the next day, Leah gets flowers from "Christopher". Chris however didn't send the flowers, and was drunk the night before and thought maybe his dad sent them to help him out. He did however, call his buddy while he was drunk and ask him to send flowers to his ex g/f who no longer wants any part of his inconsiderate ass..lol.

Chris is just really thoughtless, inconsiderate..he doesn't put any effort in anything. Then of course, Leah started going "oh thank you Chris!" In disbelief, THINKING he had changed, and he was all happy to be out of the "dog house", but still confused because he didn't send the flowers and his name was on the card.

THEN as Ace, Simon, And Adam predicted..it came back to bite him in the butt because Leah got an e-mail from her friend CHRIS in Maryland asking her if he liked the flowers. So Leah's all pissed, she tells Christina and Adam..who tells Ace. Ace tells Chris and Chris tried to play it off like her friend was lying, but Leah knows what's up and now Chris is BACK in the dog house..LOL. What an asshole. I can't believe Leah thought Chris was trying because he CLAIMED to send her flowers, that he didn't even send. What a loser.

Now she realizes what a jerk he is, and in his defense he says that he didn't deny the flowers because the girls were all "kissy on him" and he liked being out of the dog house. What I can't believe is that FLOWERS would make the girls all apologetic and shit. *shakes head* What an idiot..he was yelling at Leah and Christina too saying he doesn't even give a shit about the curling iron. GRR! I hate guys like that. Oh..and Ace sent 2 dozen roses to his g/f Kate. Anyway, next weeks looks interesting..Adam and Christina butt heads.

After watching that highly dramatic episode of the Real world, I decided to go to sleep. Me was tired. I woke up @ 6:30 and that's when miss evil yelled at me. I don't know what I am going to do today, but prolly not too much..I gotta get dressed though and brush my teeth.

Anyway, I don't know if any of you saw Nate's newest entry but if you haven't, you MUST read it. =) My baby is so kind & caring. If you haven't put in an effort to get to know him, or really read much or commented on his life, you should because if you don't you'll be missing out on a GREAT person.

Hell, I think in some ways he's a better person than yours truly. Though he has his own hardships in life, he devotes his time to be a good friend, to show he cares about people, to read about your lives. You guys should return the favor. I admire him so much. I look up to him in every way. He's my heart. =) And I'll love him always.

Anyway, before I end this I want to say once again HAPPY B-DAY to a VERY speshul person on this site..Soo.. Liz HAVE THE BEST B-DAY EVER!!! And congrats to Mon Mon on her new job!!! =D You'll rock it chica.

Well, buh bye ya'll. HAVE A GREAT HUMP DAY!!! lol.

Honey..I'll talk to you soon. (:

"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention."--Duguet

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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