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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-07-08 - 8:56 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I go blind by Hootie and The Blowfish

Hi readers. (: Before I give a short recap of my day yesterday..I just want to tell ya'll that I updated my playlist, currently, and my comments about some of you on my profile, if you wanna check that out. ;)

Yesterday was EXTREMELY unproductive, and EXTREMELY frustrating. Mondays are ALWAYS bad for me..plus the 7th of every month is always bad for me. Hell, I didn't even get to shave yesterday. :( after I updated, we went out to lunch and then we just drove around the beaches and shtuff. My mom wasn't feeling well, I wasn't feeling well because I was an agony over my ear..it itching and all so we both felt like shit. She took her pain out on me..yelled at me about everything and ruined any chances of it being a good day.

We had some ice cream, and went home and didn't talk much. I then talked to Nate for about five minutes and unfortunately my frustration spilled out on him. :( I'm sowwy baby. I told him I'd call him later. Afterwords, I ate and then played a lot of CD's I haven't listened to in ages, watched TV. I decided I am going to watch Say Anything tonight.

I then called Nate, the convo started out kind of bad with initial frustrations, but ended up really well. =D I hated having to leave him, but I was so tired. I missed Road Rules..all I know is I did see Abe get kicked off. :( A guy named Chris is replacing him. Hopefully I'll get to see what I missed later.

I'd make this longer, but my mom is going to come back soon with our breakfast. Then, I gotta get dressed but I'm not going out till later on when we go out for their anniversary dinner. My mom has to go to an allergist today, so yep I'll be here till evening. Ohh..they just handed out cards. HA! The card I picked out for sperm donar was a LOT better, than the one he picked out for evil eye. How weird is THAT?! lol. LMAO..his card is so UGLY and bland, he even admitted it. Ohh guess what..I forgot to mention this but my fricking anklet fell apart the other day. Tis what you get for buying a $5 anklet I guess. Nate and my layout on endless-luv is gone, so we'll have a replacement layout. Hehe..it's very HOT. :OP

Well, before I go and eat soon..I'm going to put quizzes up. Have a great tuesday everyone..and thanks to Carly for the HTML tip. (:

Buh bye!!

Nate...I'll be here when you get online. I missed you so much. :o( You besta be sleeping right now!! I love you more than you'll ever know. (K)

"What you are afraid to do is a clear indicator of the next thing you need to do."--Anon.

You represent... hope.
You represent... hope.

You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Love
You are Love.

You love life, you love all those around you and
the world that you live in. You are happiest
when you are doing something for someone else
or for the common good of mankind.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're nice, polite, and very easygoing, but i'm
sorry to say that ur kind of a pushover =(
Isn't it a shame nice people are treated so bad
these days? Well anyways I would advise you to
be polite but also let people know your rights
or else i'm afraid you're just gonna get
stepped all over. =(

Are U a JERK?!
brought to you by Quizilla

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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