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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Down with love.
2003-05-18 - 11:34 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Semi charmed life by 3rd eye Blind

Hey everybody! I hope all my readers are having an amazing weekend. Mine has been hella good. :)

Yesterday I didn't do anything for the first part of the day, but for the second part..I took a shower, got dressed, and then me and mom went to blockbuster to return the movies, and then we drove to the swap shop, to get some fruit..but it was closed. So we took a little "Road trip" if you want to call it that..lol..acting all silly and crazy in the car.

Then I suggested we go to IHOP later, but then I wasn't sure if we could, because my friend e-mailed me saying she wanted to see The Matrix Reloaded at 8:40, and her friend might be coming again. I asked her if we could see another movie, because the matrix just doesn't really interest me. She suggested Daddy day care, which I KNEW we wouldn't like, and X Men 2 which isn't my thing. So I asked her if we could see Down with Love. She said sure, and to meet her there, and her friend might be coming.

It turns out that her friend never showed, and just about EVERY movie was sold out. The Matrix..forget it..totally in demand, and sold out. The movie I wanted to see, sold out..the ONLY showing that wasn't was the 10:35 one. I wasn't too thrilled about it, but I agreed. We didn't want to sit around for 2 hours, so afterwards we went to the mall..to walk around and my friend hadn't had dinner yet, and she was hungry. I had my phone with me, and she called her friend and used up most of my battery.

Man, I haven't been in that mall in YEARS. It looks very much the same, and we had some laughs when my friend tripped over her chair! lol. What a clumsy person. We walked around in some stores like American Eagle..and just talked about some things. Then we went back to the movies. LUCKILY it wasn't sold out. I got a small sprite, and popcorn but my friend poured some sprite in a cup for herself thinking that I'd get a free refill, which is what a girl told us. It turns out that we couldn't because it was a small drink. Grr! So, she poured my sprite back in and ended up eating most of my popcorn!!

Anyway, we walked around the theater because we had time to kill. I saw some people in my school, we went into the arcade room which I didn't even think existed. Then we finally made our way to the theater. Guess who I saw?! My friend Liz!! I couldn't believe it. What a coincidence..she was going to see the same movie we were, and the same time of course. She wasn't with a friend, she was with her mom. We didn't get to talk too much because she saw some people she knew there. I heard some people saying the movie sucked, and it was too obvious..but I wasn't really paying attention.

The ushers finally stopped cleaning, and me and my friend got some pretty good seats. Just as the lights went out, someone ended up sitting on the left side of me on the end..grr..how sucky, because I was all sprawled out and comfortable, and rested my legs across it. We even had the seats in front of us to put our feet, but people ended up filling in every single seat.

The guy next to me pissed me the hell off, because he was chewing so loud, and he fell asleep and started snoring, and before that was talking to himself. The movie was soooooo slow. It's basically about the 60's, in New York, and some woman named Barbara something or other, played by Renee Zelwigger, and Ewan McGregor, and she wrote a book called 'Down with love' about independent women, being equal in the workforce, and they should substitute chocolate for sex, and they don't need love..and blah blah.

It was soo boring. The guy next to me FINALLY left through half of it, along with Liz and her mom. So I had the seat to myself..I was happy..ended up being SO comfortable, that I fell asleep!!! Yes, in the movie I wanted to see, I fell asleep. I kept waking up though, when my friend would talk to me..and my friend fell asleep a bit too. It was really hard to understand, and kind of musical-ish. NOT my kind of movie at ALL. I should have read the plot before I ended up seeing it. DO NOT see it!! or maybe I didn't like it, because I was just tired and crabby.

It was VERY long, and afterwards my friend took me home and I ended up getting home at 1 AM!!! I was soo tired, I just crashed. My mom was there to greet me at the door, because I called her telling her we were at the mall, and saw the late showing. I even saw people from my school walking in at 12:30!! How nuts!!

Then, I woke up..me and mom had breakfast, looked at my yearbook together..and then we went through ALL of the pictures of me when I was younger. I found some to send Nate. I was SO adorable!!! You could have eaten me up. Some pixs really saddened me because my cats were in there, and my grandparents that died, and my old neighborhood, and old friends and all that. It really made me think, and reminisce. Ohh boy..my mom just called up my aunt inviting her to my graduation..lol.

I am really, really tired. And now me and mom are going out AGAIN to get a new toaster, and some other crap. So that's all for today..I've been informed that I must get dressed. Bye!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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