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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I miss you. ):
2003-06-09 - 2:34 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: You Learn by Alanis Morisette

Hey people! First of all, I updated my Cast page if ya'll went to check it out. Whoever is on my Buddy List is on there, there's comments about you all. (:

That was done mainly out of boredom, as was the Questions and Answers thingy. Thanks once again Anna!!! Anyway, I'm bored because I have no one to talk to on this day. My baby's not going to be around today. :( So, yesterday...

Me and Miss Evil went to Wal-Mart to get my dad a Father's Day gift. Mainly a gift for thanking him for being the scum of the universe. I got him boxers with the Hulk on them, my mom got him the standard and cliche' box of chocolates.

Then I went rummaging around. I went to look for some lotion stuff, but couldn't find what I wanted. I ended up buying Simply Basics Vanilla Sugar instead. Mm!! Gosh guys, it smells great and it leaves my skin feeling all silky smooth. It's very addictive..I can't stop applying it to my body. It's like a drug, but the good kind..haha.

I also got Cool Water for Women. The ONLY reason is because when Nate writes me letters, he signs them with his cologne [Cool water for Men] and I just loove the smell, and sit there smelling the letter and envelope for hours to smell him. Now, at least I will never forget his smell, because I have Cool Water too. It's a really tiny bottle and was $7, but I couldn't resist.

Afterwards, we went to Wendy's. I got my salad on..and of course got the Chicken BLT. I can't even form into simple words how heavenly that salad is. It's truly orgasmic . Me likes that word..LoL.

Then, we just drove down east to the beach. My mom just poured out her heart and told me everythhiing about herself, how she's feeling, what she's going through. Not that I cared ALL that much, because of the other day, but still she's my mom and I tried to help her out in the best way I could, and tried to listen. Then, my aunt called and asked us if we wanted to go to a mall. My mom said Ok, so we followed her there.

It wasn't really a MALL. Just a bunch of stores on the outside. Stores like Sports Authority, Walgreens, Famous Footwear, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. Basically an "outlet" mall. We walked around for a bit, and were going to go see my cousin's b/f..but I said I had enough excitement for the day. Plus, you all know who I wanted to talk to..lol.

We talked for a bit, till as usual my mom chased me off. I ate dinner, then called him and we talked till around 11, and I was so out of it, and went to bed.

Today has been blah. Of course my mom's in a mood..what else is new. She doesn't feel well, still..so she's being all crabby. She hinted around that if i'm bored I should "clean my room or bathroom." So, after I click "Done" I gotta clean my bathroom. Fun Fun, huh?! lol. Plus, it's raining and thundering so oh well, can't go out. :

I'm thinking of maybe making my 101 things longer later, but I'll see. Ohh yeah, there's MORE drama going on around here. My dad's fed up with my aunt's husband and is going to tell him off for something, and tell my aunt off. And..my aunt doesn't take shit from ANYONE, and neither does her husband..ruh roh..WW III's going to come about VERY soon.

I had a dream last night that someone raped my repeatedly. It was SO odd and disturbing. Then they went about and destroyed my house. I looked up Rape and this is what it said: This can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your internal rejected emotions. Rape in dreams is very different from rape in real life.

Hmm..interesting. I love analyzing dreams. (: Soo..time to clean my bathroom. Road Rules is tonight..Woo hoo..off the chizzain, and tomorrow's Real World. Argh! I'm going through Nate withdrawals..I need my bunny fix..lol.

Honey: I miss you sooo much, baby. :*( it sucks not being able to talk to you for a day. You know I'm thinking of you. I Love You!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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