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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Survey thingy

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I got this from Anna annachan

1. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? Well, partly to my family, and the rest to Nate and maybe a FEW friends.

2. Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? Nate..alwayz.

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)? Personality-I wish I wasn't so stubborn. Looks-my hips/thighs can be not as meaty, and more bony.

4. What is the one thing you just have to do before you die? Travel the world.

5. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? A house for me and Nate!!..a car, everything me and Nate could EVER want, and every CD I can get my hands on, lol, jewelry, clothes, and of course help my family and some friends out and maybe get my mom her dream house, and give some to charity.

6. What do you want people to say about you when you die? "She lived a fulfilling life."

7. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? Usually anywhere from 20-40 minutes.

8. What would you like to be reincarnated as? A butterfly. Don't ask me why. lol.

9. Do you make fun of your friends? I try not to.

10. Do you enjoy talking to your self? I don't ENJOY it, it just happens..lol.

11. What's your biggest fear? Failure. Rejection. I can go on and on.

12. What would you have liked to be named? Something purdy like Vanessa or something.

13. What's your most prized (material) possession? Everything Nate has given me. (: And umm ok, ok..my photos, though they aren't material, and jewelry.

14. What songs bring back the most memories? Too many..one that definitely stands out is "Breakfast at Tiffanys" by Deep Blue Something.

15. What's the largest organ in the human body? Um... I thought this was about me? Okay, okay. It's the skin.

16. Do you have a bar trick? Nope.

17. Could a pack of wolves have done a better job raising you than your parents? Ha..yes. It's almost like I raised myself because I've had to learn many things on my own.

18. What do you look for in the opposite sex? I'm not looking. (:

19. If you were given one day to live what would you do? Be with Nate alll day. Just spending precious time with him. Can't you tell that I'm in love?! *sighs*

20. What's your best physical feature? My nose.

21. What's your summer job? I didn't have one, I'll have one this summer though if I can get my scared/lazy ass to fill out some apps.

22. What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted? All the beatings I've gotten, all the emotional abuse I've endured, all the shtuff getting hurled at me, yeah, I think that's enough.

23. What have you learned about love? More than I ever thought I would. Don't look for love, let it come to you. Wait for it, and it will alll be worth it in the end. Don't let go of it. Don't rush it. Be patient. It has MANY ups and downs, but it doesn't matter, it only matters that you have someone to share them with. It's fickle. It's heartbreaking. It's amazing. It helps you to be stronger. It's the best feeling when you know it's true in the whole entire universe.

24. How have you changed in the past year? Wow, I can't begin to say all the things that have changed, including myself. I think differently and I see things differently, and I've discovered who I am and what kind of person I'll turn out to be. I've found true LOVE finally..and of course that's changed me, for the better. I've had to deal with a lot, which is helping to make me, ME.

25. What's your way of escaping reality? Writing. It's definitely my outlet and helps me to get out my feelings & emotions.

26. What hair problems have you had? I had lice in first grade..I know..gross right?! lol Of course, I get the occasional dandruff.

27. What's the most annoying thing people tell you about you? Something obvious. I don't know.

28. Have you met any celebrities? Well, I've SEEN some, but not talked to them.

Questions from Sommer's email.

1. If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why? Walk on the moon. The sun is too bright.

2. What color do you think best describes you and why? Blue, because I'm chill and down-to-earth.

3. Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? I'm on my way to already doing that.

4. Which sense could you not live without, and why? Hearing, I have to hear music. Music is my life.

5. Have you ever written on a mirror? Nope.

6. If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why? Kept my mouth shut about something..well, actually..no, not as been as honest as I was. That's my downfall, I tell it like it is, which sometimes I can't do.

7. Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors? Outside..mm..being around nature, star gazing..very cool.

8. What is the most beautiful thing in the world? Little things..like the color of the sky, a sunset, etc.

9. Name one person whose changed your life for the better? Err... Everyone changes me in some way. Not sure which one changed me for the better.

10. What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in? Talking to my bunny.

-What do you...?-

1. What do you think of the way you look? I guess I'm okay.

2. What do you think about your attitude? It's pretty bad at times. :

3. What do you think about life after death? I think it's the preperation for the next life [after life].

4. What do you think about karma? What goes around comes around, I definitely believe in it. What you do is definitely going to come back to either haunt you, or help you. Your actions have consequences and repercussions.

5. What do you think about love? Didn't I answer this?! Well, if you have it you're truly blessed and fortunate because some people never even find it. If you've found it at least ONCE, you're lucky.

6. What do you think about fate? I believe in it. BUT! There is such a thing as free will. Fate gets you to a certain point, but it's up to you to get the whole way there. Meaning, I think Fate and Free will are intertwined.

7. What do you think about yourself? I am a work in progress. I know I'm not perfect. Who is?! I have a long way to go before I even resemble the person I'm proud to be, but overall..I think I'm ok. Hell, maybe more than Ok. I have a good soul. :D

8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard? There are people who have it worse. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. The bad times, just mean that I'm going to get to the good times eventually.

9. What would you give your life for? Whoever I love or whatever I believe in.

10. What do you think about your first love? Geezus. Ugh. It was definitely a learning experience, I'll tell you that. He created soo many issues. Because of him, I was soo cautious of who I gave my heart to, I built a wall around myself to not let anyone in so I wouldn't get hurt. I became wary of guys, and afraid they were going to cheat, so I'd be suspicious and untrusting. But I came out of that so much stronger.

11. What do you think about the first person that loved you? He was the first person to love me. Ok, I just told you what I think about the relationship, it had SO many ups and downs. One day, he'd tell me he loved me, I was the only one, he couldn't see himself being with anyone else..then the next day he'd put me down and make me feel like a piece of crap. It was a fucking roller coaster ride. Then, he was horny as hell, and yeah..would always talk about what he'd do to me..then he made himself sound like he was a god and the smartest person on earth. He was overly jealous, a flirt, he cared too much of what his friends thought. He was immature, a coward for distancing himself and for not telling me he wanted to break up, he hardly had respect for me, and he told me a bunch of lies. He told me he loved me all the time, but I don't believe he truly did. He broke up with me to go out with another girl, then realized he missed me and wanted me back. What do YOU think I think of him? lol But oddly..I was stuck on him. I just couldn't even bring myself to break up with him, I FINALLY did..but I was soooo in love with him, so addicted to being abused. I gave him EVERYTHING I had, and he just broke my heart.

12. What are you scared of? Failing, not making something of my life.

13. What would life be without friends? It would be a lonely, lonely life, that's for sure. We all need friends.

14. Without family? hmm..I could probably live, but right now since I depend on them so much, it would be a shitty life.

-Do you...?-

1. Do you write in a journal or diary? Only in this one.

2. Do you keep an organizer? No, I have a photographic memory.

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Lust at first sight. Love is when you KNOW the person. Lust is when you like the looks, feel the attraction, the sparks, the chemistry, the infatuation.

4. Do you believe that every person has one soul mate? There's definitely that one person that was made for you, and meant to be in your life, someone you connect with on the deepest level possible..absolutely.

5. Do you believe in god? I think a higher power exists, but I'm not sure that it's necessarily a "god." Everyone needs something to believe in though.

6. Do you believe in everyone (even the beyond helpless)? I think everyone has good and bad in them. You just have to want to stick around to see the good. Everyone's got that angel/devil on their shoulders.

7. Do you believe in having a good education? Yeah. It's important. It opens doors for you in life. It helps you have a successful career and sound intelligent.

8. Do you believe in horoscopes? If it applies to my life at a given moment, then yes.

9. Do you believe in yourself? When people around me believe in me, it's easier to believe in me.

10. Do you shower daily? Every other day.

11. Do you cry easily? Yep, at times. I can be an emotional wreck, especially when hearing a love song, or watching a romantic movie, or even talking to Nate. (:

12. Do you believe in Heaven? No, but I believe in a heaven-like place.

13. Do you believe in hell? No.

14. Do you believe in reincarnation? Yeah, I think our souls come back as something else. I think after we die, we just live a few other lives, our soul still lives on while the rest of us dies, and we make up for what we did in our waking life.


1. Band? Lifehouse.

2. Singer? Michelle Branch..she rocks! I wish I can write songs like she does, and play the guitar as well as she does.

3. TV Show? Dawsons Creek, Friends, Reality shows [real world, road rules, american idol, etc], south park, dog eat dog, i love lucy, the cosby show, wonder years, full house and step by step [Shuddup!] lol, Gilmore Girls, 7th heaven, etc.

4. Movie? Soo many..check my profile. My absolute favorite..Now and Then..definitely.

5. Actress/Actor? Sandra Bullock and Josh Hartnett

6. Drink? Root Beer, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Sunkist, Iced Tea, etc.

7. Role Model? Julia Stiles.. I don't know..lol. I think she's a great actress.

8. Day? Wednesday

9. Ice-cream? Double Fudge Brownie

10. Quote? Whatever won't kill you, makes you stronger.

11. Song? Underneath it all by No Doubt

12. Holiday? New Years.

13. Season? Autumn

14. Color? Green

15. Flowers? Roses

16. Book? 1984

17. Subject? English

-What do you think of when you hear...?-

1. Dog? Slobbery, but cute creatures..lol.

2. Warm apple pie? American Pie!! lol.

3. Socks? Footsies.

4. Fish? Eck.

5. Nails? Toes, fingers.

6. Swimming? pool.

7. The # 69? Orgasms hehe..[cumming, dear] LOL.

8. School? hell hole for 12 years of my life..lol.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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