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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

LOOnngg Monday.
2003-02-04 - 6:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: Every breath you take by The Police

Current refreshment: A tic-tac..lol my last one.. :-(

Current state of mind/mood: Been wondering WHY I am having the dreams I have been having.

What up?! Well I still feel like utter crapola..lol..my tummy aches..=( but it comes and goes.

I am soo mad! My TV crapped out ALL LAST NIGHT..so that means I didn't get to see the Challenge..GRR! And my TV is still fucked up..hopefully it will be fine later so I can watch my Tuesday shows.

So I ended up listening to music..which is my alternative to TV..ended up listening to the WHOLE Rock Steady CD! lol The only song I NEVER listened to "The waiting room"..I FINALLY listened to but I didn't like it all that much.

Ohh my mom screwed up dinner last night..she was making a beef stew and she put it on a high flame and the thing BURNT..I was wondering why I could smell it ALL the way to my room..which is upstairs. So I am sitting there..in my broken chair..lol..doing homework and BLASTING some rock songs and singing along at the top of my lungs and I didn't even hear mom come in and then I looked to the door and saw her standing there laughing! lol Then she said "It's so loud in here!" So me all embarassed..walked over to the radio and shut it off. So then..this is the conversation..Mom: "I burnt dinner and messed it up..would you want a chicken parm sub instead?" Me: "Yeah, sure, whatever." lol So then she left and I blasted the music again..hehe.

Ohh I want to tell ya'll aboot the really nice thing I did yesterday morning. In my school we are doing this thing called "Penny for patients." It helps out people that are terminally ill and have cancer..and now my teacher is taking money from people..spare change..for whoever wants to donate. I realized I had extra money in my pocket so I gave in ALL of it. You should see all the smiles I got. My teacher looked at me and said "Thank you Stacey." And I just simply smiled..it felt soo good to help out people..because I wanted to and I love making people's days brighter. I felt like I helped humanity..my measly change might help put a smile on someone else's face. :)

So anyway..my mood changed when I got to 3rd period..I HATE that class with a PASSION. I like the subject..I just hate the people IN the class. Specifically the guys..they are such dogs with the things they say and since I sit around all the slimeballs I have to endure hearing conversations about "tagging" which means fucking girls..and which girl is hot and shit..god I swear..most guys think with the head in their pants rather then the head with their brain in it.

I am soo sick of it..I *TRY* not to pain attention or listen but it's difficult when they are talking loud enough so you can hear them. I just shake my head in disgust. Yesh there ARE decent guys..hell I am with one..but the majority..scum..especially this kid Rob in there..he LOVES to fuck with me so yesterday someone called out his name and he said "Sorry I am just soo mesmerized with Stacey over here." So I just rolled my eyes so he said "No really I am..Stacey is soo hot.." God I just wanted to smack the taste out of his mouth..and knock him out. That kid is just riding HIGH on my shit list..I CANNOT stand him.And..I have to see him today..:(

Anyway..woo hoo v-day is coming up..and I am getting something for my baby tomorrow prolly. :) I might go today but since I have 2 tests tomorrow..I will most likely go tomorrow. I have to make sure, it's nice..whatever it will be.

So anyway when we were eating dinner my dad started talking aboot RAW so I was like oh I know people who like it and someone that went to it..you should SEE the twinkle in his eyes..lol..he genuinely seemed interested..so he said he used to know someone who went to ALL the RAW events..wow some people are just dedicated. I mentioned it was in Ft Lauderdale a while ago and he said "Yeah I know." He LOVES that shtuff..so then he asked me if I still talk to John..(I mentioned him in my Cast page.) So I said "No..it's been a while." I just didn't want to get into that.

SO then he said to me that I look pale..yesh I know dad..I don't feel well..DOH..lol.

Oh I met someone new yesterday..I was hangin with Julie and Bridget and one of Julie's friends came to sit with us and I remember her from my US History class last year so she asked me if I was in it and I said yeah so we just talked for a bit. She is really nice. :)

GRR I just checked out my bolt horoscope..it is the EXACT same as it was the other day..fuck my mom is snoring..I HAVE to get out of here..LOl..ohh onto my dreams..the other night it was aboot Chris..my guy friend who I have known for almost 14 years..and that he took me to prom..okkk I don't know WHY I would be dreaming aboot that..maybe cos his birthday is next month..then last night it was someone else..*shrugs* I don't know WHAT is lurking in my subconscious.

R.I.P. DAWSON'S CREEK---GRR from Alloy.com.. READ THIS..

It's official: The rowboat has finally sunk. The WB announced that Dawson and crew will abandon ship with a two-hour finale on May 14, and who can blame them? After six seasons of playing angsty, self-aware, verbally superior high schoolers (now college students) on television, the four principal stars (James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Joshua Jackson, and Michelle Williams) want to officially pursue their film careers. According to USA Today, the final episode may jump ahead two years to show what happens in the characters' post-grad lives. Our prediction? Joey will continue to wrack her brain over the pro's and con's of relationships with ex-boyfriends Dawson and Pacey, while Jen laments her former fast-girl ways. Same as it ever was! :( BlAH! but hey at least the finale will be 2 hours! =) and not until May so a LITTLE bit of time left to enjoy the creek.

MY HOROSCOPE from Alloy.com

Why does it seem like your friends are ganging up on you for no good reason? If you're tired of explaining why everything you do is wrong, spend some time alone today. Some quality time with your fave CD will put you in a much better mood. did that yesterday..lol.

Ok I am really out NOW! lol buh bye..

Sweetie..I'll talk to you later..am looking forward to it..Love ya thiiisssssssssssssss muccccccccchhhhhhhhhh. =-)

"Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows, we guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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