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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Look at the stars.
2003-02-05 - 5:50 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: Have you ever seen the rain? by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Current refreshment: Nada

Current state of mind/mood: A jumble of thoughts =)

Talking aboot the rain..the weather forecast says we may be getting some today..aboot damn time if I do say so myself. :) WARNING: This entry will be VERY mushy..so if you don't like it..don't read it. :�

Well anyway, yesterday was not too bad..Rob wasn't there so that made in good..lol..my art teacher liked my artwork. :) Woo hoo!!

Dinner was funny..mom got her AARP statement in the mail..which is Social Security so we were teasing her aboot getting old..lol.

Eww this girl Sherry that I wrote aboot a LONG TIME ago..(she's the girl that followed me and the spitter around at the homecoming dance) asked me yesterday if Jeremy showed me the pics from homecoming yet..mind you I can't stand her..so I said no..but I said it bitchy like..lol. Yes, sometimes even sweet me CAN be a bitch..especially yesterday. :� Woo woo! Next week we are making Chocolate Milkshakes in my nutrition class! =)

The cable is STILL out. The cable person is coming today between 1-5 so woo hoo I will get to watch Dawson's tonight. :) And mom will be at a meeting tonight so at least I will get peace and quiet.

I got to see the Challenge yesterday..after I talked to my fuzzy chaoscritter I turned on the TV and though the reception SUCKED I managed to watch most of it until the sound went too. Wooo hoo I think I am psychic..lol I have been predicting A LOT of shtuff that has been happening to me in my mind..hmm :)

Puck was actually TOLERABLE. For the first time EVER..well only because it was his wedding day. Wow Jamaica is just soo beautiful and a great place to get married. Even though 6 of the girls didn't show..the majority were there. I thought it was soo cool how Blair stuck up for Ellen..and he did it in a tasteful way..was very cool aboot it. They wore funky outfits with leaves and shtuff..lol.

The wedding was amazing though. When they were saying their vows, I cried..yesh I am a girl on her period dammit! lol Even Puck..mr.evil cried. And he mouthed "I love you more than anything." AWW!! :) It is soo rare to see Puck like that. It was soo speshul. And Betty cried too. It was very sweet..the whole thing. All that ran through my mind is Wow..that's going to be me and Nate up there someday..exchanging vows..so I was just grinning like some crazed loon..lol.

Shit I have 2 tests today..and one tomorrow I MUST study for and pass which is Math. Tomorrow I am going valentine shopping for Nate too. :) This is for you baby..

The Definition of Love

by Barbara Shefflin and John LeVine

Love is the power

in the center of your soul,

that makes you feel needed

and wanted and whole.

It is the force within

that heals the wounds of life,

that eases your anguish

and lessens your strife.

It's giving and caring

and kindness and sharing,

it's trusting each other

and never comparing.

It's the foundation of which

your soul is built upon,

that never will die

and will always live on.

Anyway..next topic..lol..mom was barbecuing Lamb Chops yesterday..it was purdy late..maybe around 6:30 or so and I looked up and saw the half-moon and the stars. So I started star gazing. I looked at the brightest star and wished upon it..and started to think how we are insignifcant specks compared to those billions of stars in the night's sky..and I just pictured a night..2 months from now where me and Nate will be standing there..looking at those same stars..together..right now I am looking at them by myself and wondering what everyone wonders and in 2 months we will be holding each other and doing that exact same thing I am doing by myself..it will be the best night of my life.

Well..I had some MORE dreams last night..this time they were aboot YOU honey..and for some reason my grandma was in them. I don't know why..I think it's cos she's been on my mind A LOT lately. I don't really remember them but I know I saw you clearly baby. :)

AWWWW!! folks you HAVE to read this..I am in tears right now..my boyfriend sent me this quote..

'if i could paint the night sky to make it more beautiful or radiant, i'd use the image of that i've of you in my mind onto the night sky, so everyone in the world could see just how beautiful the sky can be.'

That is soooooo sweet!! Thank you babe for that one. I LOVE YOU.=o)

I'm out. :)

"There's no place that I could be without you..honestly."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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