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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My thoughts...
2003-08-01 - 8:37 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Against all odds by Phil Collins

Hey..before I write an update..here's this week's Friday Five

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? I'm CRAZY so usually around 6..lol. I've always been an early riser.

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? Nope..and pretty much the same.

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning? I go to the bathroom.

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day? God..forever..lol..hours pretty much..the most like two hours.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?

I rarely go out for breakfast but mmm Denny's has good breakfasts.

My dad is the biggest idiot on the face of this earth. I know I've said this one billion zillion times but since he's been on vacation things around here haven't been fun filled. My mom's bitchy cos she's been sleeping on the couch in the computer room which is giving her headaches, and of course having him around can frustrate anybody. He's been trying to joke around and be friendly but it comes off so fake. He's so freaking transparent.

Well here's a shining example of why I just said what I did..he was making coffee and he DROPPED the coffee carafe (sp?) on the floor which of course is GLASS so now there was glass ALL over the floor, scattered everywhere. Of course, my mom was screaming her head off cos she'd have to vacuum. *rolls eyes* lol. Oh well. He's being SO fucking annoying. I can't WAIT till he goes back to work..I'm sick of seeing his face..LOL..I know that's mean but if I could trade dad's I'd do it in two seconds. I am dreading telling him about Nate coming here. Oh well..I'll have to soon.

Wow..it's a new month..It's August. Nate will be here soon!!! Woo hoo!! =D I am going to do my countdown soon like I did last time he was supposed to be here. I can't wait for all the stuff we're going to do. But especially like he said, going to the movies where we get to be ALONE..no annoying, evil parents around and get to hold paws [hands], cuddle, and kiss a bit. *Purrs*

Well, since I feel somewhat better..[YAY!!!] I am going to probably clean a lot this weekend. I don't know if I'm starting today or not because I STILL have to watch the rest of Sorority Boys later. Gah..lol. I've been putting it off but the movie is due back Sunday. Anyway, my mom is getting her test results back today..I know everything will be fine. Thanks to those who said they are praying for both me and Nate's mom's. It means a LOT to us.

American Wedding comes out today!! Hells yeah!! =D I saw the preview for it a few nights ago on FX. It looks NEAT. I was also watching the first American Pie. Also coming out this weekend is 'Gigli' with J Lo and Ben Affleck but I heard it got sucky ass reviews and that they had NO onscreen chemistry. I believe it cos I was watching in an interview him talking about J lo and he just didn't get that 'glow' that you get when you're talking about someone special. To me, it seems kind of a publicity stunt. I STILL want to see How to deal.

I hope this month turns out well. Last month wasn't one of my better ones, for many reasons but I know many good things will happen. :) Yesterday was my uncle's birthday..the one I HATE..of course my aunt called up here to tell my mom about it..lol. So my mom said "Hell no I'm not calling him." It's sad what's going on in our family. It's all divided and torn apart, but he made it that way. It's no one's fault but his, and his wife's. Ooh I forgot to tell ya'll that he moved already to Las Vegas..heh..he and his wife will gamble their lives away there. *rolls eyes*

So anyway, yesterday I was feeling so crappy..I had the WORST cramps so I called Nate and we talked for a while. (: Then I ate some lunch and when I was feeling a little better, I came downstairs to watch TV with my mom who was also feeling like shit..this lead into a talk that we got into for a few hours. We talked about relationships, homosexuality, transgenders, people online vs people in person, stuff like that. What I got out of all this, is that I am much more open minded than I really thought, with ding ding..her being close minded. The things she was saying kind of disgusted me.

I just didn't agree with her..I mean of course her opinions are her opinions and opinions can never be wrong, but I think I know quite a bit of things. The key here is that I UNDERSTAND things better than she does. I find it easy to put myself in people's shoes and see where they are coming from and why they act the way they do..again, the whole empathetic/psychology aspect in me which is VERY strong.

Basically, my mom thinks that same sex marriages SHOUlDN'T be legal, but I think "why not?" I'm all for it. I am however not for opening up a gay school in New York because to me, it means that you're telling them that they are different and alienating them. It sounds like it's going back to segregation to me when black people in the past were looked down upon. It's just giving extra attention. I am digging all these new gay shows coming out because I think homosexuality is definitely becoming more accepted and I think society is becoming more open minded as well and you can really see where gays are coming from and the lives they live..they are not any different than anyone. It's about who they are attracted to or love, but there's so much more to them than that.

With the whole relationship thing..she was saying how you should never settle and be desperate and you "get what you THINK you deserve." I did agree with her on that because I feel that if you think you should be treated like shit, all you will attract is low lifes. If you think you deserve only the best, you will be handed only the best. It's all about how you see yourself. Like the saying says "If you respect yourself, others will respect you."

About people online vs people in person..I said to her that TYPICALLY people that are outgoing online, are reserved on the phone..of course there are exceptions..but a lot of people are different online than they are in person. Online you can be who you want..people don't see you, they don't see your body language so a lot of deception can be happening. A lot of people aren't who they appear to be on the net and it's easy to get sucked in their trap. There ARE people that are true to themselves and genuine but it's HARD to differentiate between the two. I guess you just have to go with your gut..and that applies to pretty much everything in life.

As for transgenders, my mom thinks they are "gross" and that this world is "sick." I really don't understand a whole lot about it but I however think that you don't have to be the sex that you were born with..you can always change it if you feel in your heart that that's not who you are. I don't think you should just go about your life being someone you're not, you should be what you want to be. So I definitely don't see them as "Freaks" as she said.

As far as me being who I am, I think I am true to who I am on the net and in person. But with Nate, sometimes I "tip toe" around things and don't say what I TRULY feel and say what I think he'd like to hear, but I promised to stop censoring myself because if we have a fight, we have a fight..it doesn't mean we love each other any less. I'd rather be myself than have a fight, rather than regret saying what's really on my mind.

Ok, that's enough "deep thinking" for this entry...lol. I was watching Real World last night..well, tuesday's episode. Christina is just so ODD. What the heck is up with her fascination with eggs?? lol. I hope she does move out and in with Adam, because I think Chris and Ace would be better off sharing a room. Anyway, what the hell? Is every guy in the world named Chris?? lol. It seems like there are a LOT of Chris's in this world..speaking of which..my mom pretty much knows what to say to his mom...Wow they are coming in a week. I'm kinda nervous cos I don't know just what to say to him but I am sure it will turn out ok. We are both quiet people so I am sure a lot of talking won't be happening anyway.

It's been raining a LOT over the past few days. It's supposed to rain today too but it doesn't look it. Anyway, I better end this because I need to start getting ready plus my dad needs the phone. Me and "her" are going out for lunch and to walmart [wally world as Nate says..lol] to get some things, and I have to get some crap for myself. So buh bye ya'll and have an awesome day and weekend!!! :) XOXO

Honey I'll be on to talk to you later when I get home. I miss you and love you sooooooo much!!!! Mmmmmuuuuuuahhhhhhhhh!!!

"Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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