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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Crazy little thing..called life.
2003-08-02 - 11:13 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Pardon me by Incubus

Hey guys!! I hope you're having an awesome weekend! =) Mine's been ok so far.

Let's see what I can babble about..well this morning I FINALLY finished Sorority Boys. I really like it!! It took me a while to get into it though..maybe because I wasn't feeling well or something but I found it so funny and it worked out for the best in the end. I recommend it to all of you!!!

I also shaved..FINALLY..I was looking like an ape..lol. That's what I HATE about being a chick. All guys have to shave is their face..they don't have to shave their legs, arms..YES..I shave my legs AND arms..lol. It's so annoying, but you got to do it.I also cleaned a bit..yes I did! lol I threw out the junk under my bed. Pretty soon I have to hop in the shower because my hair's getting straw like.

Today we [me, mom, aunt, and my cousin] wanted to play Miniature Golf but it looks like rain again and I just heard thunder. I'd MUCH rather go to see American Wedding anyway. My dad said he might take me though he hasn't seen American Pie [both of em]. I don't know about that considering he got on my bad side again by eating HALF of the pistacchios I got yesterday from Wal Mart..grr. I gave him a look that can kill and hid the pistacchios..lol. God, he eats everything he gets his hands on.

My mom told me yesterday that when me and my mom feel better that he wants to go to Orlando, to Disney. Of course, my mom doesn't want to be there with him and wants to make up any excuse so she can't go. She was going to tell him about the cats and who's gonna feed them but then she realized that my aunt can do that. As much as I'd LOVE to go to Disney, cos I've never been there the idea is not very appealing considering that it would be a four hour car ride, we'd have to stand on long ass lines and my dad would be bitching, groaning and complaining about that and the heat and the fact that we'd all have to share a room for the weekend and they both snore.

I know I'd be on the edge of the bed, possibly the floor getting no sleep and they will be at each other's throats..not a good thing. My mom said she's not going to bring up going unless she does, and if we DO go it would probably be in a week or so and we'd take his car. It just sounds like a bad idea to me, something out of a nightmare because all of us spending a weekend together is just too much..lol. We'll see though.

Speaking of my mom..she got her test results back. Guess what?? She's ok!! They said that her platelets aren't clumping, but she has to go back in three months for additional tests just for a check up. Woo hoo!! That was great news to hear. I'm a happy bunny.

Besides that, we went to Walmart yesterday and then after that we went to Wendys and I got a salad..YUM!! We were once again talking..this time about my grandma. My mom told me she wants to play my one year birthday party video for me to see what my grandma's personality used to be like. I am kinda not ready for that because my other grandma who died years ago is in it. Speaking of b-days..Mine is in 39 days!!! Yesh! I'll be an adult soon. Scary, huh?? :� No comments from the peanut gallery...lol.

After the salad, we went to a drugstore and I got a magazine and my mom got a few things. Then, we came home and I talked to Nate for quite a long time. We were just pretty much talking while he was watching the travel channel and he told me to go to watch it because they were showing hotels in Hawaii and Colorado. We decided we REALLY want to go to those. We have SO many places to travel to. I am so excited. I love seeing new places.

After that, I had some dinner and watched The Osbournes and took a nap. Then I called Nate and we talked till around 12, and I konked out. That was pretty much it for yesterday. Oh yesh, my mom fixed my cell phone so It doesn't do this annoying ring thing when I turn it on. Anyway, I better go..I have to shower, get dressed and then go to blockbuster to return the movies and do other things. Today is kind of up in the air as far as plans go. Buh bye. I hope ya'll have an awesome weekend!!! XOXO

Baby ..I can't wait to talk to you later!!! I miss you soo much. :( I'll let you know if i won't be here later. Have fun cleaning..lol. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Mmmmmmmuuuuuuuahhhhhhhhhhhh.

"True contentment..is getting out of any situation all that there is in it."--G. K. Chesterton

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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