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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Mucho surveys.
2003-08-03 - 9:17 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I got this one from Liz

Full name: Stacey Beth -------------

Nicknames: Stace, Stacerz, BUNNY!!! Roonatic, Spacy, Sweetie, Stace-away, etc.

Age: 17.

Sex: Chick.

Name three bad habits you have:

1. Worrying.

2. Picking at my lip.

3. Thinking and overanalyzing every little thing.

Name four scents you love:

1. Cool water/Adidas/Obsession/Tommy GirL

2. Cinnamon

3. Bread.

4. Flowers.

Name four animals you like:


2. Tigers

3. Dolphins

4. Cats

Name four television shows you love:

1. Dawsons Creek

2. Friends

3. Real World/Road Rules

4. American Idol

Name four drinks you regularly drink:

1. Chocolate Milk.

2. Root Beer.

3. Dr Pepper.

4. Fruit Punch.

Name four random facts about yourself:

1. I can swim under water, but not well above it.

2. I LOOVE Star gazing.

3. Sunsets fascinate me.

4. I'm an Italian food freak.

HOW about ONE extra?! lol.

5. I was fussy as a kid, and EXTREMELY emotional and isolated myself from other kids, but besides that I never was bad or did anything bad.

Name four random facts about your family:

1. My granfather barely escaped The Holocaust.

2. My grandma was a lesbian.

3. My uncle (aunt's brother) is the black sheep of the family.

4. My aunt had twins (Dawn and Karen) and my cousin Scott's wife has triplets.

Have you ever...

1 Fallen for your Best Friend? Unfortunately..I am sure it wasn't reciprocated, nor do I care right now anyway.

2. Made out with JUST a friend? No.

3. Been rejected? That's a pain we all have to go through.

4. Been in love? YES!!! Right now. (K)

5. Been in lust? Yes.

6. Used someone? I'm sure..yep.

7. Ever been used? ALLL the time. *sigh* But I allow myself to be used I guess.

8. Cheated on someone? Yep..but I don't feel bad because I got cheated on.

9. Been cheated on? Yes..which led to why I cheated.

10. Done something you regret? Who hasn't? However, I am trying not to cause regrets are useless.

Who was the last person......

1. you touched? My mom.

2. You talked to? My mom

3. You hugged? My mom.

4. You instant messaged? Nate

5. You kissed? ?? don't know.

6. You yelled at? Dad.

7. You laughed with? Mom.

8. You had a crush on? none.

9. Who broke your heart? Mike.

Do you...

1. Have Piercings? Nope.

2. Have a boy/girl friend? Yesh..I love you honey!!!!

3. Floss daily? No.

4. Like to groove to the music? Heck yeah!!!

5. Think you are cultured? I could be more cultured, but I think right now I'm ok on that.

6. Like to drive fast? No

7. Believe in God or Devil? Not sure about either one.

8. Believe in The Closet Monster? LOL no.


1.What should you be doing right now? Nothin really.

2. What are you listening to? the radio.

3. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Nope

4. Chicken or fish? Chicken..I dislike fish.

5. Favorite Season? Autumn

6. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? Sure is.

7. What would your dream date be? with Nate when he gets here..going to the beach at night, taking out a blanket and him lying there, and me lying in front of him in his arms..hearing his heartbeat and breathing and listening to the waves together, and watching as the waves crash back on the shore, staring at the stars and whispering how much we love each other, kissing, nuzzling...*sighs* :) mmm.

8. Single flower or a dozen? a dozen..the more the better..LOL.

9. Silver, gold or platinum? gold.

10. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home..because there aren't other people around.

11. Roses or wild flowers? Roses

12. Silly or serious romance? Serious.

13. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? Marvin Gaye...may both these wonderful singers rest in peace.

14. Do you consider yourself romantic? COMPLETELY and HOPELESSLY!!! lol.

15. Watched a sunrise/sunset? Yes...oh boy.

16. Which spice girl is your favorite? lol was Baby Spice.

17. Favorite Disney Characters? Lion King characters.

18. Favorite fast food? Wendys

19. Favorite book? 1984

20. Favorite Sports teams? NY Yankees

21. Favorite song? TOOoooo many..check out my playlist.

22. What room is your computer in? The den.."family room."

23. What is your shoe size? ranges from an 8-9 depending on the shoe.

24. Happy or Scary movies? Happy.

25. What will you be when you grow up? I don't know...a grown-up person :-P

26. Who do you consider your best friends? Nate. Simple.


/ Time begun: 8:53 AM.

/ Name: Stacey

/ Birthday: Sept 10.

/ School:out

/ State: FL.


Have you ever


/ Been kissed: yes

/ Done drugs: no

/ Eaten an entire box of oreos: lol nope.

/ Eaten sushi: eck..no.

/ Been onstage: yes

/ Been dumped: yup.

/ Has anyone ever been unfaithful to you? yeah

/ Gotten in a car accident? yep.

/ Watched Punky Brewster? YES!!!!! lol.

/ Watched the Smurfs? no.

/ Hiked a mountain? no

/ Stayed home on a Saturday night just because? yeah.when don't i? lol.

/ Seen the White House? no



Opposite sex


/ Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex? nope..I LOVE someone. :)

/ Do they know? uh huh.

/ Does anybody like you right now? yeah..

/ What do you look for in a woman//man? not looking.


Your friends


/ Who's your funniest friend? Whitney.

/ Who makes you laugh//smile the most? everybody.

/ Who do you e-mail the most? no one really.

/ Who's the loudest?we all got to be crazy some times

/ Who's the shyest? me??

/ Who's parents do you know the best? michelle's and chris.

/ Who are you jealous of? none

/ Who has the best room? i dont know

/ Would you ever go out with one of your friends? I already did that..lol.


In the last 24 hrs


/ Had a serious talk? yes.

/ Hugged someone? yep.

/ Gotten along with your parents? LOL surree.

/ Fought with a friend? no


Do you like to


/ Give hugs? yes�

/ Give backrubs? yeah

/ Take walks in the rain? hell yeah!

/ What color is the floor//carpet in your room? the carpet is a purplish color.

/ What was the last cd you bought? Coldplay and Good Charlotte but last night I got a Incubus tape.

/ If you chew gum, what kind? all kinds.

/ What did you do last summer? ??? don't know..I'm drawing a blank..lol.


About you


/ Gender: chick.

/ Age: 17

/ Nickname[s]: Stace, Stacerz, BUNNY, etc..

/ Hair color: brown

/ Skintone: fair.

/ Any birthmarks? yeah..on my right foot.


Which one


/ Of your friends is most likely to grow up to be a model? Carly.

/ Of your friends knows the most about you? Nate, chris, michelle, etc.

/ Of your friends is likely to be a comedian? whitney.

/ Of your friends have you known the longest?� Michelle and Chris since I was 4.

/ Of your friends you know most about? alot of them

/ Best friend[s]: Nate.

/ Of your friends are most likely to end up in jail? l i dont know




/ Food: Italian.

/ T.V. Show: Dawsons Creek

/ Drink: Root Beer, Dr Pepper, Iced Tea, etc.

/ Movie: Now and Then

/ Actor: Josh Hartnett

/ Actress: Julia Stiles

/ Restaurant: Rotelli

/ Place to be: My room.

/ Song:� "Underneath it all"

/ Singer//group: Lifehouse

/ Sport: basketball

/ Color: green

/ Candy:� sourpatch kids, sourpunch straws, skittles, starburst, snickers, twix


Have you ever


/ Been to a concert? yes

/ Been in a different country? nope. :(

/ Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes

/ Cheated on a test? yes

/ Smoked? no

/ Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else? lol yep.

/ Stalked someone? lol yeah..

/ Played strip poker? no




/ Single or taken: taken

/ If single, are you looking for someone?�

/ If taken, how long have you been? 10 months, will be 11 this month.

/ Who was your biggest crush? the ONLY person I have a crush on is Nate.

/ If you could go out with anyone, who would it be? i'm happy with Nate. *purrs*

/ Have you had a lot of bf's//gf's? nah.

/ Longest relationship: almost a year.

/ Could you be in love?i am in LOVE...love baby!!!!




/ Are you still a virgin? yes

/ If not, when and where did you lose it? --

/ Who did you lose it to? --

/ Do you regret it? --

/ If so, when and where are you going to lose it? hehe..dec..hehehe LOL..*blushes*

/ Who will you lose it to? Nate.

/ Will you regret it? nope, heck no.

/ Have you ever recieved oral?� no.

/ Have you ever given oral?�no.

/ How did it feel?

/ If you fucked, what song did you lose it to? --

/ Have you fucked with your crush or bf//gf? not yet..hehe...lol.

/ What's better..being on the top or bottom?�

/ List all the positions you've tried: none.




/ What is your worst habit? cracking knuckles.

/ What gets you really mad? bunch of stuff

/ Scariest moment: when i almost drowned.

/ Happiest moment: talking to Nate.

/ Do you curse too much? enough.

/ How do you feel about homosexuals? I accept them to the fullest.

/ Would you ever be a homosexual? no

/ Do you dress like a slut//prep//thug//snob//sporty//or just plain normal? normal

/ Are you a hottie with a body or a cutie with a booty?� LOL nope.

/ When was the last time you showered?�yesterday afternoon.

/ What color pants do you have right now? not wearing pants..;)

/ What color underwear do you have right now?�blue.

/ What was the last thing you said? ?? not sure.

/ What was the last thing said to you? ?? not sure.

/ What is your computer desk made of? wood

/ What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? 5555..lol...riiight.

/ If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red.

/ Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Nate.

/ Do you have a lava lamp? no

/ How many buddies do you have on your buddylist? 97.

/ How's the weather right now? mix of sun and clouds..more sun though.

/ What did you do last night?� went out with family...we went out to dinner, blockbuster, then to the mall.

/ Last person that you talked to on the phone:� Nate

/ Who do you admire the most? Nate.

/ What is the nicest present you've gotten? Nate's love. :)

/How do you eat an oreo? normal

/ Fav M&M: brown.

/ What makes you happy? Nate, friends, etc.

/ Fave CD: Rock Steady.

/ Who are you thinking of right now? Nate.

/ If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Colorado.

/ Do you want to have kids when you grow up? yes.

/ What would you name them? I have a list...lol.

/ Who means the most to you? Nate.

/ Height: 5' 6"

/ Are you a meanie? who me?? No way!!!


do you like fish?; not at all.

what kind of music do you listen to?;� i like anything..except classical and country.

have you ever seen toy story 2?; yep.

what kind of bike do you have?; it's red and I don't know who makes it.

what is your favorite store in the mall?; Rave.

have you ever been to an outdoor ice skating rink?; yep.

how old were you when you got your first real kiss?; 16.

when you go to a restaurant, do you place your napkin on your lap?; not usually.

do you like orange tootsie roll pops?; yep.

have you ever burned a cd?; nope.

have you ever called something "gay"?; yeah..stupid me.

do you have a cat?; yes..2 cats.

will you name six languages?; English, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, German.

what is your nickname?; Stace, Stacerz, Bunny, Sweetie, Stace Away, Roonatic, Spacy...etc.

do you like school?; i graduated.

do you go to church?; no..i'm jewish.

have you ever prank called a business?; no

do you brush your teeth twice a day?; yep.

do you have any friends named jane or joshua?; nope.

will you make a random screen name?;� nah.

what brand of printer do you have?; Hewlett Packerd.

do you like sharks?; NOOoooooo.

what state to you live in?; FL

have you ever touched a monkey?; no�

do you like capri sun juices?; yeah

do you like your parents' car(s)?; yeah they are both cool.

have you ever been to another country?;nope. :(

who was your first boyfriend?; Tim

do you own toe socks?; no

have you ever eaten a grape while in a grocery store without paying for it?;� LOL I might have to try that.

have you ever snuck out of your house?; no

do you have a dvd player?; nope. :( GRRRRRRRR.

would you say that overall, you're a nice person?; yeah...TOO nice sometimes.

do you and your parents get along?; not really.

do you have a cellular phone?; yeah.

do you have a tree in your backyard?; palm trees.

how many different fruits do you have in your kitchen?; not sure.

do you like this random survey?; yeah

did you know i'm going to go now?; ok....

so, i'll talk to you later, okay?; k later.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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