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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Saturday night.
2003-08-03 - 9:28 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Brick by Ben Folds Five

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoy the surveys in the previous entry.

Here's the belated Saturday 8 ....

1. When you get credit card offers in the mail do you just toss them or shred them?

I don't get credit card offers.

2. When you receive email advertisements, have you ever clicked on them to see what they are, or do you delete them?

I delete them.

3. Do you use you real mother's maiden name when asked for it, or do you make one up?

I would use her maiden name, yet I've never been asked for it. =�

4. Do you carry your actual social security card with you or maybe just a copy missing a number or so?

I don't carry around a card with me..I think my mom has mine..but I do know my social security #.

5. Do you use your real phone number or address when filling out surveys or forms or make one up, perhaps transposing numbers?

Are you kidding?! lol. I don't use it at all.

6. As a child, did you ever where a shirt with your name on it, or if you have children does any of their shirts have their names on them or are they all non descript?

Lol YES actually!! It's sooo tiny, pink, and says "Stacey" in red letters.

7. If you shop online, do you use several credit cards, maybe even your debit card or do you use just one credit card only and perhaps with a low balance?

I don't shop online.

8. Do you give out or confirm your social security number just because they ask it of you, or do you make them confirm your identity another way?

Who's they?? lol.

Anyway, yesterday was pretty cool. I don't have any major complaints. Basically, after I updated..it did rain..I showered and I was getting cramps..GRR..so I was just relaxing.

We then decided to go out to dinner later on because my dad was bitching about how his vacation has sucked cos all it does is rain. Oh yes..we had a long talk..he decided to come in here and talk to me AS I'm sitting here in pain, gripping my stomach to talk about my aunt, what he wanted to do over vacation, etc. THEN he talked about college and the financial situation here and blah blah. My mom was out at the time getting us lunch but I was hoping to GOD that she'd come back soon..lol.

Basically, he wants to go bowling next week..to the movies..and I already mentioned Disney..gah. So anyway, we went out to dinner in my dad's car. Dinner was really good..mm..I had salad, garlic rolls, an Iced Tea, Veal Cutlet Parmigana, and Linguini. YUMMY! I was the main focal point of the dinner though I was trying to keep to myself. Of course, my dad made fun of me. *rolls eyes* Oddly enough, my mom tried to defend me. They were just talking about how I was as a kid and stuff.

I was starting to feel better after this luckily and me and her argued over who would sit in the front with him..I won the argument..hahaha..lol. So I got to sit in the back. Anyway, then we went to Blockbuster to return my movie, and then we went to the mall.

The mall was cool, there were TONS of people there for some reason. We basically just walked around a lot and I went into a CD store. BIG mistake lol I saw TONS of Cd's I want..grr. Anyway, I was looking through the tape section and I saw the New Incubus Tape [Morning View] was on sale for $4.99 so I bought it! Hells yeah!! Incubus rocks. We went into the book store..then after that I got a drink and we headed home. I had to sit with him on the way back..grr. lol.

I watched some Bewitched when we got home and I went to bed. That was pretty much it for yesterday..so overall it was an OK day except me and Nate didn't get to talk at all. :( I know we'll get to talk later. =D Gah I missed him sooo much.

You know..as much as I LOVE the song "Into the groove" by Madonna..that Gap commercial is kinda getting annoying that she does with Missy Elliot considering I see it every two seconds...lol. Anyway, this morning has rocked because I listened to the all rock station this morning which I haven't done in AGES and heard some songs I haven't in a while and reminisced. I love nostalgia...lol. You know what I want to do tonight..just go to the playground across the street and sit on the swings and star gaze. I haven't done that in such a long time. I will, if it doesn't rain.

Me and mom got into another talk about Denise cos she sent me an IM with her and Denise yesterday. Well, I better go. I think I'm gonna do some cleaning soon. I'd love to go to the movies, but who knows when/if that will happen. My mom's in a pissy ass mood so I know to stay away. Anyway, I hope ya'll have an AWESOME Sunday!!! Buh bye. XOXOXOXOXO.

Song: When it's over by Sugar Ray/ Name of love by U2

Stacey is the #211 most common female name.
0.101% of females in the US are named Stacey.
Around 128775 US females are named Stacey!
source namestatistics.com

Beth is the #199 most common female name.
0.11% of females in the US are named Beth.
Around 140250 US females are named Beth!
source namestatistics.com

UPDATE: It is now 10:53 and raining so me and my dad are going to see American Wedding later. I gotta get ready so bye bye.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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