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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-08-23 - 9:24 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Losing my religion by REM

Before I start rambling as per usual..lol..here's the Saturday 8

In my past, I regret:

1. Being so shy..I could have met so many more people if I wasn't so closed off.

2. Letting everything get to me like it did..STILL going through that. I haven't learned yet. :/ But yet, I went through a lot in my life with my dad.

3. Being in a rush to grow up.

4. Telling a friend of mine off..it wasn't right.

In my past, I regret not doing:

5. Not dealing with my problems and being an ostrich..I'm STILL going through that at the moment. I was so bad that I thought of just ending it all but now with that experience I know I have to face my problems or they will just haunt me.

6. Not telling people that I moved because I didn't want to deal with saying goodbye.

7. Not taking enough risks..that's why my life isn't where I want it to be right now.

8. Not appreciating things or people in my life when they were around. Folks..don't ever take anything for granted because it's always going to be around.

Now, realise that these experiences have made you the wonderful, unique person you are today, and embrace them! (I had more regrets but 4 is all you're allowed for each) :) But I can't go back and change anything so I can learn from all of it and become a better person.

Here's the Daily Zen

Tell us about your neighborhood ... your neighbors, the look, the feel, things that you like and things that you would like to change.

I like my neighbors. To the left of us is a middle aged, married man and woman with no kids from Boston. The woman is very sweet, caring, and fun. The guy is more reserved but they are very nice people. Our neighbors to the right are from Georgia. The woman is very friendly, and funny and the guy's a dick..lol..but the woman is nice. :) We were pretty much blessed with cool neighbors. I like that it's relatively quiet..WELL that is unless the kids come to play at the playground across the street. The scenery is cool cos there's a lake right near our house. I just wish the walls weren't so thin cos you can hear what's going on in the next house.

Here's a SHORT survey before I get to the entry..


the whatever question survey*

what do you buy when you first walk into a store? I don't buy anything really.

who and when did you last kiss? Robert, last year.

how many phones do you have in your house? 4

what do you really love? Nate

do you have a cell phone? yes

what color is it? Gray

what makes you really happy? Nate, music, writing..life SOMETIMES.

how many hrs do you sleep for? Usually around 6 or 7.

what have you been doing lately? Not much really..just cleaning.

do you talk to strangers who im you? ...

how many keychains do you have? none.

what do you think about school? I graduated..but I hated it when I was there.

thanks for filing out my survey: no problem.

So yesterday was cool. :o) Me and Nate got to talk for nearly SIX hours. You know..he has so much insight and he's just so amazing. I mean..read his new entry.. His new entry . He's the best person to talk to. He's so inspiring, he inspires me everyday. Me, I've been through enough in my life so I have a certain wisdom..but he has more wisdom than I know I'll ever acquire in my entire lifetime. I haven't been blessed with many things, my childhood wasn't the best but I'm making up for that now because I chose the best possible person for me. (K) And I guess I am lucky for what I do have.

I never thought I DESERVED someone like him, but now I know that I do. I am a person, I count..I deserve the best. That's why I guess I am picky..you have to be when it comes to love so this way, you can be with the most amazing person and weed out the crumbs that aren't right for you. I've figured out why I am so fickle..I guess I just love the initial excitement of something and once that fades, my interest goes with it..I'm glad I'm not like that with love though..I chose wisely..well now yes, in the past I fell for the jerks like most girls do and jumped from bad guy to bad guy..I made many mistakes. ButI can never be bored with love because everyday I feel that initial spark and magic again, the passion has not fizzled out..it's always there..just like I've never lost my passion for love, and I hope I don't lose my passion for life in the bad times. The one thing I can always count on is my zest for life, and love..for learning and growing. It's the stability in my life. I used to not have it, so I am glad I do now. I feel like I've turned over a new leaf. Sure, I have carried around some baggage but I know I've changed in a positive way..and that way is from going through things. I've sort of grown up. If only now I can apply certain advice I give to people to my own life, I'd be all set.

A new person has added me..and this new person needs my help. I need to show this person to have faith in love again, and to not give up on it because this person was hurt. From hurt, you need to get back out there again , but just be more careful who you trust next time around. I hope I do change your perceptions on love..all of yours..well, from the people that don't believe in it. I hope to get you to think. If I can do ONE thing..it would be that. Don't give your heart out too fast..people have to earn it..only give it to the worthy. Just like people need to earn your trust. Same with sex..don't just give your body away fast because people will use it up. Someone will tear your heart up if you give it to just anyone. Give it to someone with a beautiful soul, inspiring, and amazing. That's the only way to go. Don't be scared of being alone, because just going through the experience is worth it. The BIGGEST risk in your life, is not taking one..period. If you don't open yourself up to love..the heartbreak, the hurt you will not know how good it can feel most of the time..you WILL miss out. We need to know how to make it on our own before we can look for a partner anyway. I feel like sometimes I have an enormous weight on myself..well I put it there to make in impact, to inspire people..to get them through things, yet at the same time I don't mind it..maybe in a way I don't because I don't want to deal with my own life? lol. I'm getting there though..just like with life you have to work at it..you have to work at relationships and friendships. They aren't going to get to the point you'd like them to be on your own..you need to put your share in..same with school..same with anything.

Just don't let anything though get in the way of what you want..go after it full force..live your life to the fullest and live everyday as if it's your last..and open your heart and mind to love..don't close your heart up because you're going to miss out on a great person that way. Keep your faith kiddos. :o)

Well anyway..onto more 'light' stuff lol..I have to go with my mom soon to return the furniture throw cos it's too big and we are going to a thrift shop to look for a stand for the TV. I cleaned a bit more yesterday cos some dust started to accumulate. Vacuming the floor didn't do shit so I have to do a last minute mopping. I HOPE to go pajama shopping tonight as well. Well, I better get dressed. Have a great day..live it up, laugh, love. CARPE DIEM (seize the day in latin.) =� XOXO

Baby ..I don't know when I'll be back. :o( I'll prolly be out for most of the day unfortunately. :( You know how Saturday's are..you don't have to wait around though. I'll be back tonight. Please, please, PLEASE leave me a time to call you...ok? *kisses* I love you so much, fuzzy and I know my heart will stop when I see you in 10 days. You are my everything. You make me better just by being in my life, just by loving me and I can't thank you enough. (K)

"It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it."--General Douglas MacArthur

Song: Nick of time by Bonnie Raitt

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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