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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Wally world adventures!!
2003-08-22 - 7:52 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Hypnotize by Notorious BIG

Hey guys. Guess who went to Wally World TWICE yesterday?! lol..yep..me! haha.

Before I get into WHY..here's the Friday Five

1. When was the last time you laughed?

Yesterday..me and my mom have these really ODD sayings that I am not telling ANYONE cos ya'll won't get it..trust me..lol.

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?

Nate on wednesday. :( But all is fine now. :) (K)

3. Who was the last person you emailed?

Derek..just now actually.

4. When was the last time you bathed?

I haven't bathed since I was a kid. I prefer Showers..plus there's no bathtub in my bathroom anyway.

5. What was the last thing you ate?

Chinese food..mmmmm.

Well, after I updated it started raining like I said, so I played some computer games. I went on a game site and placed number 5 which is huge for me because usually I don't ever place at all. :o) Ya'll are prolly lost right now..soo..moving on...lol..

Me and mom decided that we ARE getting a TV in here. So, we did nothing for an hour..I just pretty much played the casino game after the online game, then the weather cleared up so we went to Wally World. GUESS who I saw going in there JUST as we went in? An ENEMY of mine from when I went to school. We were friends, and then just stopped talking because we are two totally different people. She used to talk shit about me and Julie, and we talked shit about her. GRR. So, walking in there I was trying to hide my face..lol.

I haven't seen her in months and I actually hissed walking in..lol. Anyway, I think she did end up seeing me though but she looked straight past me. So anyway, we found an Emerson TV..a 13 inch that has a TV/VCR combo for ONLY $96 which is A LOT less than my TV which is also 13 inch and isn't even a TV/VCR combo. Great deal huh? So we got that, and then we bought a furniture throw for the couch cos the couch looks like shit. My mom said she wants to get a TV stand in a thrift shop. Anyway, so then we came home..she's leaving the TV in the box for now because a guy is coming on Tuesday to clean all the rugs and he has to move furniture out of the way. I'm excited cos I'm sick of looking at my stained up rug..lol. Then on Wed someone is coming to fix the washing machine.

We finally have a long distance plan on the phone..woo hoo! lol. We went through some shit with it, but all is fine now. Of course my dad doesn't get it. God I feel bad for my mom..she's with a cynical, miserable, ignorant, immature, ASSHOLE. I know she's not happy..we talked all about it yesterday. I really hate talking about it cos then I have to deal with reality but she's just frustrated and I can understand.

So, I just relaxed..we had some dinner. I decided that I am going to vacum my bathroom floor today because it needs it BADLY. Plus it's raining so I might as well do something productive. I think I'm gonna go clothes shopping this weekend..I need Pajamas in the WORST way. I just told my mom about it and she agrees. I also want to rent a movie sometime this weekend. I'm sort of in a movie watching mood because of the rain.

My dad was giving me a hard time again last night but I guess my mom calmed him down. I got asked at LEAST 5 questions about Nate yesterday cos I made the stupid mistake of being in the same room as him for 5 mins..never again! lol. So last night as I was lying down in the dark listening to the radio I kept thinking I was hearing my dad talking..yes I was losing it..lol. I was just being paranoid. What a stupid fuck. I swear to god..I loathe the guy more and more everyday as my mom does. He's so negative and skeptical about everything..ugh.

I had some crazy dreams to match as well. Part of it reminded me that I need to wear my new sneakers soon instead of my flip flops all the time, to see how they fit and to 'break em in.' So this weekend I'll wear em.

Anyway I better go..my tummy is rumbling..prolly cos I'm hungry and I need to let my mom be online. Me and Nate are going to talk soon. :) Awww he's so cute..did ya'll see the entry he put up in endless-luv? My CUTE, dorky bunny! :P lol.

Have a great Friday and weekend you guys and I will *try* to come back later. Peace out! I prolly will cos i'm not going out. XOXO

"It takes courage to lead a life. Any life."--Erica Jong

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

Song: I am a rock by Simon and Garfunkel

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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