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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

MASSIVE rambling!!!!
2003-02-08 - 10:34 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: "It's times like these" by The Foo Fighters.

Current refreshment: Chocolate milk

Current state of mind/mood: Wanting to be lazy..lol.

What's up?! Yesh I know..I was SUPPOSED to update yesterday and I DID but stupid diaryland lost my entry so I will be writing it again..blah to YOU d Land..lol.

So here's the events from Wednesday to yesterday..this is going to be purdy lengthy so I can understand it if after a while you just clicked the X up on the right corner..lol.


Well wednesday was alright..when I first woke up I saw the Underneath it all video so of course me was berry happy aboot that. We FINALLY got the computer part in so now there are no more gray lines across the screen woopie! lol

But I hurt my hand..:( mom was out and the UPS guy came in and gave me the box..I was looking for the box opener to open it with and I couldn't find it so I used a pen to break through the tape..turns out I stuck the pen through too far and jabbed my hand..right between my thumb and index finger so now there is a cut there..oh well.

Julie was supposed to come over today to type up something on the computer because her's was broken..she fixed it though so she's not coming over.

We watched Colin Powell's statement to the UN in government class..fun fun..lol. Some girl in there handed out some prom paper to me..all I said was thanks, though it didn't interest me. Cos I am not going to that OR grad night which will be in Orlando..just a waste of money.

My English teacher tells us we are getting a Romanticism test next Friday..DOH VERY fitting for V-day..lol.

The cable guy came over and fixed our cable so now I get to watch my fave shows again.. woo hoo! :) hehe

Talkin bout that..Dawson's Creek was great..they had a party in Pacey's place to celebrate his success at his job..Pacey and Jack got a new TV for their place..it is a BIG screen and they called it their 'baby' lol. At this party, Joey was VERY drunk..yesh miss priss Joey Potter was DRUNK..lol..anyway they show scenes of Audrey and Dawson in L.A. at the rehab place and basically with that..Audrey thanks Dawson for really coming through for her and being there and shtuff..nothing too interesting.

Jack and Pacey are SHOCKED to hear that Emma is engaged. She is only engaged though to get a green card and shut up her mom. The guy is a complete LOSER and basically trailer park trash and obviously they are not in love. So they are upset aboot it and obviously discourage her from getting married.

Meanwhile, Joey tells CJ that Jen killed a girl (Abby Morgan)..so yesh CJ and Jen are at this party and they get into a fight because Pacey offered CJ a drink and CJ accepted but in his defense..he said that he was battling all night with whether he should have a drink or not. Joey tells David that her and Jack used to go out..well before he realized he was gay and that he posed nude for her for her art class. She also tells Pacey that he is still not over her..lol.

Pacey and CJ are I guess..under better terms. Meanwhile, Joey suggests a game of Spin the bottle..her, Pacey, Jack, David, Emma, Emma's low life fiance, Jen, and CJ are playing. So the bottle spins..Emma's low life fiance gets to kiss Joey..lol..Jack and Emma kiss..etc..THEN the bottle lands on CJ and Jen so of course they make out AND make up..lol..and go to the bedroom and you ALL know what will happen there..lol so the others are left but then Emma and that dude leave..Pacey spins the bottle..it lands on Joey..so now they have to kiss..Joey is VERY happy aboot this and wants him to kiss her..but just as it looks like he MIGHT the loser knocks over the TV..fucking it up..so now Pacey and Jack are all upset and Joey falls over drunk.

So at the end..Emma tells Jack that she is not getting married so Jack being the sweetie he is..offers to marry her for the green card and her mother's happiness. She turns him down though and says she needs to be on her own with this..so they hug. So Jen and CJ sleep together and work things out..with Joey's coat on them..lol.

Now..Joey is lying on the bed in one of the rooms..her and Pacey talk a little bit and she says that they never got to do something..so she leans in and kisses him..it's a pretty long kiss..so she says "Now..you're turn" and her eyes are closed. He looks at her and whispers.."You're right..i'm not over you..look at you." And then he kisses her on the forehead and walks out. Though I am NOT a P/J fan that was VERY cute and sweet.

Next week they get locked in a Big K-mart..THAT should be interesting. I wonder if they'll hook up..lol. I think if i'm pretty sure that was all for Wednesday..nothing too much of excitement though me and my fuzzy chaoscritter got to talk for a while.

Thursday..A LOT more interesting.

The day started off STRANGELY. I was having a late start cos I felt like SHIT..I swear I thought I was going to puke and pass out at the same time..I just felt 'icky.' So anyway me and mom leave the house to go to hell..it's already 7:10 which is VERY late to be leaving the house. I am walking out the door till suddenly she says to me "SHIT..I locked the house AND car keys in the house." DOH mom..god that woman is such a FLAKE at times. LUCKILY we have a spare key outside..hidden somewhere but she couldn't get the key out so I had to do it myself..meanwhile I was REALLY pissed cos I didn't want to be late..so we finally staggered out of there at like 7:15..luckily, I made it right on time..well miraculously..I KNEW from there it was going to be one of those days.

Thursday was also not good cos it was the day of the math test. I was purdy confident with myself because I THOUGHT I knew the shtuff VERY well and I said to myself "This will be a piece of cake." YAH RIGHT! I didn't really know ANY thing on there. I FROZE..that's how I am with tests..I THINK I know the material before the test, and when it comes time to take it I realize I don't know any of it and freak out. Well I did something BAD..I cheated. See, everyone in your row has the same test as you..so I *PRETENDED* to stretch but meanwhile, was trying to look at the answers of the test from the girl in front of me. I managed to get a few answers but did the rest myself. I know that was bad and she is just as sucky in math as me but she tries harder. Yesh that is not a good thing to do but I NEED to pass that class. Hopefully I did alright, but i'll have to see.

3rd period was better..Rob was absent again..:) we also had a fire drill..hell yah! hehe We haven't had one of those in A WHILE..I love em..it's funny to see everyone run outside in a panic like their hair is on fire..lol. My dumb dumb teacher kept us in there though and looked outside but FINALLY we left with everyone else. It was nice to get some fresh air though and get out of class for a few minutes.

In Art class we got to critique everyone's work but we only got to a few when everyone started complaining and no one was really into it. So we got to finish our shtuff..I added some contrast to mine and another thing to it and I will STEAL my boyfriend's word..lol and say it was purdy 'spiffy.' lol

Thurs was also the day I decided to go V-day shopping for my sweetie..:) So I tell mom that we are going right after school..of course, she don't seem so excited aboot it..so anyway, we get there and I am *TRYING* to look at the card's and walking through the card aisle. But meanwhile, there is this really old guy asking the woman that works there where the biggest cards in the store were and OF COURSE they had to be RIGHT near ME! lol Mom is getting really pissy and moody as hell at this point and just wants to get the heck out of there. So the guy takes out three HUGE ass cards and asks me which I like better..they are for his long lost love..they were seperated for SIXTY THREE YEARS!!! and found each other again..AWW! hehe I am such a sap..of course mom rolled her eyes..she is soo sentimental lol *SARCASM is OOZING out of me right aboot now.* I think that is soo sweet and he said it has to be something VERY speshul for her since they have been without each other for so long. So I picked out a card that I thought was really romantic and nice and said "I like that one." So he said "OK that one it is." And proceeded to tell EVERYONE in the store aboot this wonderful woman he was apart from..aww I felt like I was going to tear up..lol.

So finally after he left..I picked a card out that I liked..got a few things..wanted to get A LOT MORE but mom was ready to KILL me I can tell..got really really mad and walked out as I payed for the shtuff and went to the car. So I pay for it..leave..and I get in the car and I KNEW she was shooting fire out of her lol cos as she backed up someone *ALMOST* went right into us and she yells out "LEARN HOW TO FUCKING DRIVE." daayum! lol I was afraid to even talk to her..so I said "Thank you for bringing me here." So she said "You are NOT welcome." Okk..and starts a fight with me..so we got into a HUGE blowout. We get home..I don't want to talk to her at this point..I don't even look in her general direction and I don't even want to breathe the same air as her. That woman just took it WAYYYYyyyy too far this time and pushed me to a limit that she shouldn't have pushed me to.

And it's funny cos I am sitting here online and the song "A song for Mama" comes on the radio by Boyz II Men..I LOVE that song..it is aboot them singing aboot their mother's and how much they love em..GRR! how come in life when you are trying soo hard to run away from something, or someone..there's something always there to remind you of em?! WHY?! gosh! lol

I was kind of upset cos I didn't get to talk to my sweetie..he had jury duty and shtuff and I knew we wouldn't talk till Fri..anyway..

So I am sitting here..mom is barbecuing..and she gets really mad when she's barbecuing and no one is helping..I didn't want to help obviously. So then she asks me to put the light on..so I SMACKED the light on or thought I put it on..lol..so then she comes in here and says "You turned the light on wrong." Okk..I am TRYING to remain calm but as she leaves I guess she heard me cuss under my breath and says "You better not have an attitude with me young lady..because you WILL suffer the consequences and be on my shit list..and that's a place you DON'T want to be" And is just going on and on..so I put my radio on and BLASTED IT..lol. God that woman annoys me.

I DID do a few dishes because even though I have been feeling like shit..I haven't done any dishes in a while. So I finish and by this time..Friend's is on. As always it gave me LOTS of laughs which I DESPERATELY needed. Basically..Joey likes living with Rach and Emma but Emma cries a lot and screams a lot. So Joey and Phoebe talk and they say how PERFECT Ross and Rach are for each other and don't understand why they are not together..so they come up with a plan..and Phoebe does her plan laugh.."HAHAHAHHA" lol.

They are going to have Ross and Rach go on a blind date..but these will be BAD blind dates. They both have someone for both but then Joey realizes he set Ross up with his perfect woman..she likes to do crossword puzzles so then they decide they want Rach to go on a bad date with a terrible guy and have Ross be stood up.

So Rach asks Mon and Chandler if they can watch Emma cos she is going on a blind date. They say sure..so Mon finds out she is still ovulating and tells Chandler she wants to try for a baby. They want to have sex..BUT not in front of the baby..so then Emma falls asleep so they have sex in their room.

Meanwhile Rach is on her date..it's TERRIBLE..the guy is U G L Y lol and CONSTANTLY putting himself down and saying how much she is out of his league and too beautiful for him and that he has nothing going for him..he's just a real downer..boring and gross. So anyway, Ross is looking for his date in the restaurant..of course she doesn't show and the waiter keeps coming back to check on Ross and later finds out they all tried to make him stay there to make bets on how long he'd be there..lol..they feel bad for him so they give him a free crabcake appetizer. Meanwhile, Ross is upset aboot it and tells the waiter he's been stood up. So the waiter says "You don't think she came in here and left when she saw you..do you?" LOL..OUCH..and Ross leaves.

So Mon and Chandler are done having sex and walk out of the room and realize Emma is gone..the reason is is because Joey came in to see how things were doing and was wondering why Emma was left all alone and realizes the door to Mon and Chandler's room is closed. So he takes crying Emma out and Mon and Chandler are PANICING because she is gone and look for her. Mon calls up Rach and Rach tells Mon that the date is TERRIBLE so the guy starts crying..lol. So then she says "Emma is..here!" Lol and Rach says "What do you mean?" But Mon hangs up. Joey is back with Emma and says that he heard noises coming from Mon and Chandler's room so he took Emma out. So now Rach's date is over and it was realllllly bad..and Ross's never came obviously. So they both go to Central Perk and say how it is VERY strange that they had Rach have a bad date and that Ross's never showed. But she asks him if maybe the girl saw him and left..LOL.

So at this point, Joey and Phoebe are looking through the window and then Ross and Rach come to find out that yesh, they did it on purpose so, Joey and Phoebe RUN and Ross and Rach RUN after em..lol.

At the end, Joey and Ross are in the restaurant and Joey says that they have been stood up and wants a free crabcake appetizer, too..lol..the same waiter is there and tells them to look at the guy in the corner cos they are making a bet on how long it will take him to cry..LOL of course, the guy ends up being Rach's date..it was such a HILARIOUS episode. :)

So then afterwards..the Real World is on MTV..*tuesday's episode* that I had missed..it was really good. Though I felt soo bad for Arissa..I can relate..my family CONSTANTLY causes me grief, and brings me down too. I thought it was soo cool how Arissa's roomates were there for her and really showed that they cared and made her birthday very speshul while her family just pissed her off to no end. I don't want to go into it cos I have other things to write aboot though. I loved the whole Frank/Emily thing..I thought it was cute..and it's cool that they are together though it took him a while to figure out what he wanted. I LOVED when they showed the Gondola rides..it looks soooooooo romantic. :)

Anyway, I realized that on Thursday it was a year since Rob asked me out..don't ask me how I knew that..oh because I wrote it down on a website lol saying it was a good day and I remember why..I am very good with remembering dates and shtuff.

Woo hoo I LOVE THIS SONG! "It's times like these" by the Foo Fighters..FOO POWER! lol & 7 more months till I get my license. =O)

Anyway I had a dream thurs night..it was STRANGE. I was 18 or something like that and all excited..*shrugs* I dunno. I guess everything happens for a reason.

Onto yesterday (Friday and todaY)

Yesterday was OK..I got a 98 on my keyboarding test.. :) woop woop! lol I was sooo tired though and STILL am.

Mom and me are talking again but I am keeping my distance. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I had another mother..maybe I am adopted? lol I KNOW I am not. She went on a BAD Date last night..lol..well I don't really know if it was a date but the guy was a stick in the mud basically..very boring and had no personality. He built him up though and tried to be something he wasn't..*sighs*..why do people do that....try to be other people when they can just be themselves? Just be yourself! Don't put on an act for someone else or be fake..just be YOU. That's why God made you YOU.

I came to the conclusion yesterday that I NEED a job BADLY..but not right now..I have to wait till Nate leaves in April..cos obviously I can't work right now. So when he leaves, I will have to look for some applications and a job..it's DEPRESSING..I am ALWAYS broke and just sick of it. So hopefully after april, I will be in the working class lol it will be perfect too cos fuzzy will be in College and we won't talk as much as we usually do anyway and he will have less time for me :( so I might as well keep myself busy and get paid lol any place would be lucky to have me..i'm a hard worker.

I have to mail out the form for SAT'S next week and need to figure out what Colleges to pick that they can show my scores to.

Hopefully this weekend I can go to blockbuster and buy the video for "A walk to remember." A DVD player *WOULD* be nice though!!! lol. I feel like i'm stuck in the 80's. Shit! seems like Tues I will be stuck in my 1st hour for FOUR hours cos of FCAT testing for Sophmores.. I think I am just going to take that day off..lol.

WOO kick ass! it's gonna RAIN today..it's good anyway cos I am STUCK at home doing a fricking president report that's due NEXT WED that I haven't even STARTED yet..lol..I'm such a procrastinator. It has to be three pages and we need a poster for it and shtuff. I will be working on that all day today. AND we have to present it orally..grr! We were talking aboot the whole war situation in Gov't class yesterday..looks like we are going into war..god A LOT of casualities are going to be lost..a lot of innocent people dead..it's going to be horrible..fuck up our economy and everything and it turns out everything will go into effect next fri..v-day..grr.lol. I heard they might be targeting NYC again..WHY my home city DAMN IT..attack FL..lol.

In my school they are selling out the results to those Compatibility valentine's survey thingies we are getting back that we filled out. They are also selling candy grams and carnations and roses. The only thing I DON'T like on v-day is seeing couples exhibiting MASSIVE PDA's and make out sessions..makes me want to have Nate right HERE right NOW..lol..only 2 more months.. :) and our FIVE month anniversary is exactly a week after v-day.

Well my 'friend' is purdy much gone but I still feel weak and slightly nauceous..but I'll be ok.

I heard there was an interview with Jacko lol on thurs night and that he's completely LOST HIS MIND..lol. The guy is crazed!

Ohh my cousin's new 'job'..the one that was too good to be true, is..it was a scam. Poor girl. If ANYTHING seems to be too good to be true, then it prolly is..lol.

Yesterday ROCKED me and my baby got to talk ALL NIGHT cos like I said, mom was gone and we both didn't feel well. We picked out baby names..for the future though we have A LOT of gurl's names and NO guy names..lol. I am going to try to work on that later for us. So we talked for HOURS aboot everything..it was the best..thank you baby.

The spitter called me last night GRR! he said it was because his e-mail address wasn't working..*coughs..yeah right..coughs*..lol..he wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movies last night but I never called back OR wrote back. hehehehhe lol.

This morning I gave mom the shtuff to mail out..so hopefully she will get to the post office in time honey..if not she said she will mail it on Monday..grr I'd prefer her to do that today.

Holy shit the keyboard just FELL ON MY FOOT..fuck! The thing is my keyboard shelf or compartment on the table is VERY wobbly and always falls down..this time my keyboard AND MOUSE fell with it RIGHT ONTO where my gash is and the scrape..grr I was CRYING from the pain..:( So now my foot HURTS More..fuck! I have thee WORST Luck in the WORLD.

And cussing the thing out..lol. Hmm I am thinking of putting up a page with just pics of me on here? What do YOU think??

So yesh today I am doing the report and might go out to dinner later if I feel better. Speaking of which, I hope you feel better honey and get LOTS of rest..and maybe you can put up the fantasy later? ;) hehe. I love you soooooo much fuzzy wuzzy bunny.

OK I need to work on the report and at least START It lol so I am gone. I will be back tomorrow perhaps. Have a great weekend all!! Sorry aboot the MASSIVE rambling..lol. Peace. Oh! And I put a story up on onehotpoet soo check that out. WELCOME BACK sweets73 Mariah!! :)and excentrique mon-mon I just read your entry and felt the SAME way you used to about v-day. Maybe Dre will come around? I don't know but I have a feeling that one day, you will be a mommy and a great one at that.

"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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