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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

All kinds of shtuff!!!
2003-02-24 - 5:52 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: "Stellar"-Incubus

Current refreshment: Nothing.

Current state of mind/mood: Introspective.

Here's a bit of what happened yesterday..

Firstly me and mom went to blockbuster so I can rent a movie..movie of choice..Blue Crush..yes! a girly, surfer movie. I like what i've seen of it so far but I have only seen the first 1/2 hour. I think it's interesting. Now I want to learn how to surf..lol. :) And it also has an element of friendship..STRONG friendship and professor Hetson's daughter on Dawson's Creek is in it. I have to finish watching it today.

Anyway, after that me and mom took a walk on the beach. I couldn't actually go IN the water cos I wasn't wearing a bathing suit..but you know. And on the way there we took pics of the scenery..and of the palm trees and shtuff..mostly for Nate..lol. Everything's for Nate.

Oh, on saturday I mailed out the shtuff for SAT's..aaH! lol. I am finally growing up and am taking the damned test in April. *chews on nail*..lol. The beach was sooo nice yesterday. Just purrfect. Unfortunately, I had to endure lots of PDA's..blah. Hum..what else..about it really. Nate didn't call last night. :( I figured he wouldn't since the night before he told me that he was going to a Pow Wow.

Well LAST sunday me and mom went to an Indian Reservation..I liked it A LOT..was very interesting. It's interesting to see new things anyway. To experience new things. It was down in Tamiami..about an hour away from here. Mom bought herself a dream catcher and I got an Indian necklace. The dream catcher is sooo cute. She hung it up in the car.

This week I get to sleep in Wed and Thurs..woo hoo! 10th graders are taking FCAT and ME a 12th grader would be the only one in my 2nd hour on both days so I am sleeping in till 11:30. Fri I am supposed to take a pic with a cap and gown on but I decided to strike that out cos it isn't required.

On sat we didn't get to go to Miami obviously..mom was feeling like shit. She is still having tummy ache problems. :( Poor thing. So saturday was my day of relaxation..and doing homework and sunday was my fun day. We were actually supposed to see Linda on Sat cos she is in from Cali taking care of her dad cos he has Dementia and he fell. I heard there was an earthquake in Riverside (where Michelle lives) on Sat..I hope she is OK..I need to find out. We were supposed to go Gambling and shiit! lol cos I ALWAYS win everytime we go and some extra $ would be NICE! Oh well..gotta wait for that job I will get in late April. And then hopefully when I graduate in June I can get a car.

Let's see..V-day of last week rocked. Nate sent me all kinds of shtuff..I haven't talked about that yet so here you go..he sent me a dozen red roses..aww they were BEAUTIFUL!!! unfortunately, saturday they died so I had to throw them out. :( He also sent me a bear of his that I call "Fuzzy" that he sprayed with his cologne..aww it's soo precious and he told me to hug it whenever I want to give him a hug..so I hug that bear ALL damn day..lol.

He also sent me a blue/green bear (blue being HIS fave color..green being MINE.) I haven't named it yet, but I will. It's the cutest thing. And then he also sent me altoids..a pack of two because he *KNOWS* how much I love em..*smiles.* Also a 1 hour phone card cos I kept bitching aboot how I didn't have one..lol. And now I can call HIM!! Also dove chocolates cos I am the HUGEST chocoholic..haha..a card :P the most SAPPY card EVER! :)..a letter..2 candles..one that to ME smells like Coconut..and I LOVE coconut..and one that is green that is bigger. He also sent a scooby necklace kit.."Rooby Rooby Roooo!" lol. AND the CRAZIEST gift of ALL..lol..a first aid kit.

A lot of you are prolly sitting there with a puzzled look on your face going "HUH!" well..that's cos I am *VERY* accident prone..lol.

But I have the best boyfriend..seriously. I am very much in love. On v-day I also got a card from Marcus and a card and a little box of chocolate from Adam along with Sweetheart candies..yum!! lol. And mom bought me a box of chocolates and a little stuffed animal. Mom bought dad a *CHEAP!* box of chocolates and a card in the LAST MINUTE lol. Dad of course commented on them to me saying they looked "tacky." lol. And dad bought her the same thing. God their marriage has *TOTALLY* went down the drain.

It's sad really when your own mom tells you that she is not going to be with your father NEXT valentine's day. I wonder sometimes on how I will deal when they get a divorce..*sigh* as much as I hate my dad it won't be easy.yes there's STILL a shitload of tension around here.

Well last week I FINALLY presented my project..I think I did Ok..might have stuttered a BIT too much though. When I finished the teacher said "Good Job" though I thought I took WAAAYy over the alotted THREE minutes.

Let's see..what else can I completely RAMBLE about..lol. Wow! This is the LONGEST entry I have wrote in a looong time. That is SAD! lol The research paper is coming along. Adam promised me we will finish it this week. I still watch those shows I ALWAYS ramble about..lol. I found out some interesting things about my friends last week and oh yes like I told you I got rid of the spitter!! woo hoo! He is no longer my friend..I think I snubbed him enough for him to get the picture and Liz helped with that too. So we no longer talk. :) yay! lol. I am so mean sometimes.

You know what I found out about myself over the last few weeks? I am VERY honest to a fault. I really didn't think I was that blunt..I NEED to stop though cos me and Nate got into a fight on Fri..yes our anniversary. Obviously we made up..which we always do so now it's "All good." And on Saturday I got a few things off my chest that have been bothering me..mainly me and my insecurities and insane jealousy that is completely un-necessary. And we just talked about all kinds of shtuff. He is TRULY my best friend.

I am failing Geometry..it is scaring the SHIT out of me cos now I MUST pass 4th quarter or else summer school for me and it being my senior year..I DEFINITELY don't want to go through that!! *sigh*. I need to be more ambitious. Mom does NOT think at times lol..yesterday a Beatle's song came on the radio and I started singing..I LOVE to sing though I can't if my life depended on it and she said to me "Why do YOU like The Beatles?" .."cos Nate does?" Mom..ugh..I CAN have my own likes outside of Nate..I have liked The Beatles for a LONG time..if she even TRIED to get to know me at times, then she would know that. Why do people automatically ASSUME just because you are with someone you either have to like EVERYTHING they like or that you only like something cos THEY do? *sigh*

I got those compatibility results back *shivers*...lol..ugh. haha. I am also very proud of myself..I feel like I have been a better friend to people lately and I like that. I don't think I was a very good friend before.

Alright I think that's it..oh and I hear aboot the Grammy's last night..Norah Jones KICKED ass!! she is AMAZING! Have you HEARD the song Don't know why?! Damn. And John Mayer..woah. Great talents. If I can think of something else to ramble aboot..I'll do it next entry..lol. God I had the WEIRDEST dream last night!! My mom and cousin were being attacked by monsters and were fighting them with LIGHT SABERS! lol yesh you read right and you don't need to rub your eyes. lol *shakes head.* And for some reason my old friend Jinna was in it. I kind of miss her..I just wonder what her life is like now..where she is heading..if she's happy..I just can't help it. I think she is one of those people I will never forget aboot. Everyone has someone like that in their lives..whether it be a friend or whatever..someone that will be in your heart forever.

I am out for NOW. Never fear..I'll be back! lol. Woo hoo my Aunt is in Alabama right now. :) yah lol. She can get really annoying.

Buh bye all *waves.* Have a nice day!!

"We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die."--Albert Camus .. What do you think of THAT?! Inspiring..no? And baby..I MISS YOU!!!I can't wait till you get home. Go look at your mail..hehe.

PS: I am looking at some layouts and THINKING of writing a poem in the coming week so check back for that shtuff. Okie dokie..copasetic? lol.

You're feeling adventurous today, Virgo. You've got all sorts of crazy urges...so, what's stopping you? You have some free time early this week � indulge your fantasies. Well, the legal ones, anyway. Hmm..interesting. ;)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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