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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Sooo fricking happy!!!
2003-02-25 - 6:12 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song I am listening to: Santa Monica Boulevard-Sheryl Crow

Current refreshment: Not drinking

Current state of mind/mood: Sooooo fricking HAPPY!!! =D

Why am I soo damn happy?! MY fuzzy chaoscritter has RETURNED!! Can I get a HELL YEAH?! LOL. I cannot WAIT to talk to you later baby!!! God you have NO idea HOW much I MISSED YOU!! But, ALL of your friends and I am sure mine have an idea..lol.

Anyway I will get onto my entry cos I barely have any time for it. So yesterday in the car on the way to the school..instead of a Beatle's song coming on the radio an Eric Clapton one does. It was "Wonderful tonight." I love that song. So I turned it up and sang so then mom goes "WOAH! wait a min..since WHEN did you like Eric Clapton..I thought you HATED him...you know your dad likes him..you like all of the things your dad does."

I TRIED to remain calm but let me just tell you..at that point the thought of punching her seemed VERY appealing. Of course, I held myself back and just gave her a look. Cos she KNOWS and as everyone else does..how much I HATE being compared to OR even PUT in the same sentence as my father. Grrr! So then she started making fun of the song which she does with practically every song I like..god I just wanted to jump out of the car.

I just remembered something I failed to mention last entry..Senior skip day is next Mon!! Woo hoo! You know who'll be skippin. ;) And it's kick ass cos I get a 3 day weekend. AND! tomorrow and thurs I sleep in till 11:30. :) And NEXT week besides it being a skip day I ALSO get to sleep in Wed and Thurs..woo hoo!!

Blah..next Tues is Chris's birthday..he USED to be a best friend of mine. We haven't talked since September..basically I used to write him ALL the time and he never took the initiative to write ME so I got really really SICK of writing to him..it was pointless. I am debating if I should send him a card or not considering he hasn't really been a friend to me.

Oh, so I finished Blue Crush yesterday..GREAT movie!! :) I am glad the girl did SOO well in the end..she deserved it AND she made the cover of Surf girl magazine which was a dream of hers. The lesson in that movie: If you wipe out..or fail..try, try again..get out there and keep trying..don't let a fall discourage you..always get back out there.

Ohh it just cames to mind I also forgot to watch what I saw on Sunday night..I watched Star date! on E with Gary Coleman..it was the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER seen lol. He seems to be a "sore loser" though..I was cracking up. He looked like the girl's little brother..lol. It's like going on a date with your lil bro..though you can tell by his facial hair that he is not a kid.

So anyway yesterday was Ok..Adam was sick..I swear I thought he was going to PUKE on me!! lol..eww. I am doing soo well in Art right now..I am very happy aboot that. :) So I got home..watched Blue Crush..took a shower..watched some TV..listened to music..studied..and then watched 7th heaven.

That's about it. Today is going to be great..I hope. Gilmore girls and Real world tonight AND! I get to watch it cos I can sleep as late as I want tonight.

I am about to put up 2 songs that I really really like. So enjoy..till later..buh bye!! *waves* Sweetie..do I even have to SAY how much I can't wait to talk to you later? LOL. Yes! James Taylor is coming to Coral Sky ampitheater in June..I HAVE to go to that..I have always been a fan of his.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." --Blaise Pascal

You're running into a ton of obstacles when it comes to getting the things you want, Virgo. Don't let them persuade you to give up � you deserve these things, and you'll appreciate them that much more if you have to work harder for them. BLAH! lol. That's my horoscope for today. Ohh and Gaby gabriella83..thank you, thank you..thank YOU for the layouts..lol. : )

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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