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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Sick Easter Bunny!!!
2003-04-20 - 7:17 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I melt with you by Modern English

Hey everyone. First of all, I want to wish EVERYONE a VERY Happy Easter!!! :) Have fun with the dying eggs, the easter hunts, all of that shtuff you guys do. I on the other hand, don't celebrate easter OR passover..lol. But I wish I can bite into chocolate bunnies like the rest of you, and do all of the other easter related things.

This bunny is STILL sick. In fact, I feel a cold coming on..:( Throat is still fucked up, I now have a slight cough, my nose is starting to get stuffed, and I feel hot all the time. No, not hot in a good way..lol..So yeah, isn't it lovely to be sick on a holiday?! *yes, that's sarcasm kicking in* and back to school tomorrow..and it will be fun week..which means..pep rally. *groans*

Ohh..so yep, Friday..I spent all day home..just relaxing. Yesterday was much of the same except yesterday night mom dragged me out of the house. She felt it would help my sickness to get out of here. I thought the night was going to be terrible..but it ended up being pretty decent, MAYBE bordering on good. Yes, I said I pretty much enjoyed my mom's company..I know, I know..you're all in SHOCK right?! lol.

The one good thing is no arguments..she really surprised me with how cool she was. We had dinner and laughed a lot. She was just talking about something that's going to happen this week and I was just cracking up. It was like good ole times..when I was younger and we just laughed and had fun together.

Then afterwards, it was dark and we drove around the beach..we talked about all kinds of things..ok she mainly talked, and I listened and she told me all this stuff about my dad, from the past that kind of shocked me. She told me that he had an affair when I was 5. Or she thought he had an affair. But before, that when I was 5..she was actually happy with her life, with him..she said she overlooked a lot.

Then she told me and I quote :"When you meet the guy of your dreams, don't look for anyone else.." I was about to say.."Mom..I already HAVE!" lol. But I kept silent. Then she said she's married and shouldn't even be thinking about other guys so I told her that I don't think she should feel THAT bad considering she thinks my dad was cheating in the past. And now, oddly enough..he thinks SHE is cheating on him..it's all odd.

So anyway, like I said, we were near the beach so she decided to park somewhere and we walked on the beach a bit. It was great..there was a nice breeze. You could see all the lights coming off the hotels, and the sand wasn't hot. There were so many stars in the sky. It was pretty much perfect..it would have been better if I was with Nate instead of my mom though..lol. We didn't stay too long, cos obviously I'm sick. And then we went home. And that was my night.

Today I am not going anywhere. I was awake at 4..awake to a bunch of kids outside yelling and screaming and my dad leaving to go to work. Then I woke up with a semi stuffed nose..:( So I am going to lay low and read the rest of Part II of 1984..oh yesh, yesterday I managed to read SEVEN chapters of it..in ONE day. I am on chapter 9..and I am going to read Chapters 9 and 10 by the end of the day.

So I am going to eat, then probably lye down and play some music or something.

Anyway, again a VERY happy easter!! And do you all realize besides it being easter, it's also the anniversary of Columbine, Hitler's birthday, National Smoke out day..yikes. Oh, and it's my aunt's anniversary. And TOMORROW is Me and Nate's anniversary..yep lucky number 7..hopefully we'll get to talk on the phone. Well, buh bye folks. Be good little bunnies..ya hear?! Or momma bunny is going to run after you..hehe. Peace.

My Easter Wish

If I had only one wish

It would be to kiss your lips

If I had a second one

It would be to quench your thirst for love

If I could give your aching arms

A place to rest them, I would

If I could give my shoulder

to lay your head upon

I surely would

If I could take all your pains away

I would take them for my own

If I could make the stars shine during the day

For you I would have it done

If I could show the world all your beauty

I would paint it for all to see

If I had an Easter wish

It would be with you on this day

And every day after this

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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