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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-04-01 - 6:12 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I'm with you by Avril Lavigne

Ugh..yesterday wasn't the greatest..I don't think it was for many people on Diaryland for some reason. It wasn't a BAD day but it wasn't great. God damn it..this cold weather is chapping my lips more than usual..and yah..another part of my body is kinda..stiff..if you catch my drift..lol.

I got to school yesterday JUST as the bell rang..talk about good timing..lol. I just felt..stupid. Like nothing I did was right..for most of the day that feeling just kept hanging over my head. The only thing about yesterday that stood out was I FINALLY cleaned a bit. I threw out some junk in my drawers..I saw some things..papers..from my past from the last 3 years..that well..kind of upset me. I realized when I took them out and looked at them that I held onto them WAY more than I should have.

A lot of shtuff reminding me of Tim..and our relationship..stuff that had been causing my pain. Why was I holding on?! I guess I am just a pack rat..but now a lot of those memories are gone..thrown in the garbage. I finally feel like I've let go..it was nice to just crumble things up and throw them in a trash bag..it was a way of saying goodbye..goodbye to a painful 11 months that ripped my heart apart.

I still haven't cleaned up my closets..I was going to today but someone needs me..my Nate. And he always, always comes before anything in my life. When he needs me..no matter WHAT..I am always going to be there at his side..well not literally but I'm always going to be there for him.

I'm still having strange dreams..last night's was just really disturbing. Anyway, I missed The Challenge last night.. I fell asleep really quick. I didn't think I was tired..but apparently I was more so than I thought.

So today is my math test..I don't feel as prepared as I should be but I know a little bit of basics. Actually, the whole week I have tests..it just never ever ends. I found out my aunt wants to divorce her husband..it's about time! But I know she won't for a while.

Today is April Fools..(= Everyone be on guard. Ah the wonderful month of April..I've been waiting FOREVER for this month..god now that it's here..it just feels really surreal..like "Wow it's finally here..how did it get here Sooo fast?!" Shit..I left my binder in my third hour..it besta still be there. I think I screwed up on a Gov't test..part of the reason of why I had an off day was because my teacher said "Stacey..you were supposed to put the NUMBER there..not the words.." "Why don't you listen?!" And then she kind of rolled her eyes. I DO Listen! Blah! So tonight is Real World..Season finale and American Idol.Yeah!

Well..I am off. This plug..goes to my baby..chaoscritter. :)

Honey..I'll be here when I get home to talk to you. I hope you feel better, babe. You know I care about you..more than anything in the entire universe. I love you..keep your head up..okie? And please..please don't cry. Kisses.

"Cheerfulness, it would appear, is a matter which depends fully as much on the state of things within, as on the state of things without and around us."

--Charlotte Bronte

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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