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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Tonnsss of surveyz.
2003-07-06 - 7:58 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: If it makes you happy by Sheryl Crow

Well, not much to write about. *shrugs*..looks like this weekend's going to be a washout..it's been raining all weekend. A bit depressing really. I wanted to rent a movie yesterday, but yet AGAIN..my mom wasn't feeling well.

Let's see..I helped someone out here on D Land, did a lot of shit online, talked to Nate, watched TV, listened to the radio/Cd's..about it. I am thinking me and evil eye can go to the movies today to see Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde IF my mom feels better. It's a good movie day. Since I don't want to see T3, The Hulk or any of that shtuff..a romantic comedy is always good..lol. That's IF she's up to it, if not..I'll be spending yet ANOTHER day home. :( ugh. Freaking stupid tropical wave!! Or, i'll BEG her to take me to blockbuster. I'll have to see. I had some MORE ODD dreams last night. One was that I was in a math classroom and some people from The Cosby show were sitting around me and I was the ONLY white person in the classroom.

In another one, me and michelle were chasing each other around stairs..which were slippery for some reason. Well, we weren't really chasing each other, just racing around with a lot of people just climbing stairs. I won the race, but I won because I cheated a bit and took some shortcuts.

In ANOTHER one..I was in a waterpark and I was going to walk in the water and there were a lot of tubes and shit and then I saw two gay guys kissing and it turned me on to see that!! Because I remember smiling in the dream. Am I a weirdo or what?! lol. Time to consult the dream book. The odd thing is, one of those guys was from Boy Meets World..he's the guy that played Jonathon Turner. Anyway, in another one I was walking around school and I saw two old friends..

Jinna and Nadya. They are mentioned in my cast page. They were walking around, talking and I was trying to talk to Jinna and it seemed she was sort of listening to me..but more listening to Nadya..and they completely just shunned me and left me out. And I was just following them around, being a tagalong. It was rather disturbing because I feel like I was the outsider MANY times in the course of our friendship though I knew Jinna WAY before Nadya came along. I felt very overprotective, and knew somehow that Nadya was trying to steal mt best friend at the time, Jinna away from me. Even now, looking back on it it makes me feel mad, and betrayed. Anyway...I want to see Warped [the Warped Tour] so bad like Jen nofaithleft will. It's going to be July 26. I want to see about ticket prices. I heard on the radio that The Ataris will be there so shit I wanna go! I'll even go alone if I have to. I just wanna say HEY to Asthen [Jen's twin]..hey gurl! junior89.

Ok..here's a SHITLOAD of surveys!!


first name: Stacey

middle name: Beth

last name: None of your businessss lol

age: 17 [18 in Sept]

location: Florida

gender: female

birthdate: Sept 10, 1985

hair color: brown

eye color:brown

ethnicity: caucasion (white)

siblings: Nope

pets: 2 Cats

school: done

year of graduation: 2003..GO CLASS of 03!!!

occupation: None yet.

current automobile: none yet.

living arrangements: house


school activities: Out of school

out-of-school activities (includes work): nothing right now..just relaxing.

awards received: Honor Roll

tentative plans following graduation: working soon, College next year.

school starts at (time): it started at 7:30

school ends at (time): it ended at 2:45

school is done for the year on (date): it ended for me on May 16, and for everyone else June 3. I graduated on May 30.

favorite class(es) this year: my favorite class was Psychology.

favorite teacher(s) this year: it was my English teacher.

have you ever skipped an assembly?: yep.

ever skipped class?: a few times.

ever lied to a teacher?: yeah

ever think back to those elementary school years and wish you could relive them?: hell yeah!! ALL the time.

ever had detention?: no..i got out of once..but that was the closest i've ever come lol..and that was in fifth grade.

ever been suspended?: no

do you remember your first D or F?: yep

if so, when was it, and what do you remember about it?: for Math..it sucked ass? lol.

do you buy a yearbook every year?: I got one in fifth grade, 10th grade, and of course Senior year.


do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: YES! (= RI ROVE ROU BABY!!!

if so, how long have you two been together?: 9 months.

if not, how long have you been single?:

are you still a virgin?: yes

if not, how old were you when you lost it?: --

how many times have you been in love?: a handful of times. this is IT though..real love.

who was your first kiss?: Rob

do you still talk to that person?: Hells No!!!

kissing - making out or romantic?: romantic

have you ever been hit on?: Yes.

what sexual things will you not do?: anal..that is GROSS..or a threesome.

have you ever had a bad sexual experience?: haven't had any yet.

if you aren't a virgin, would you change the way you lost it, and/or who it was with?: --

how old would you like to be when you

start having kids?: 20's..preferably mid 20's.

are you scared to fall in love?: I'm already IN Love. <3 and i wasn't scared. Something told me that he'd be the one..I am happy to say that I was right. Sure, we have our ups and downs but above all else..he's my best friend.

if so, why? and if not, whynot?: Love is the most powerful, amazing emotion EVER.


kind of chips?: regular..lays are gooodd..as are Ruffles.

flavor of popcicle?: cherry

flower?: rose, daisy, carnation..i don't care..lol.

tv show on wednesday nights?: it was Dawsons. :o(

screen name you have?: this one.

cookie?: Oreo

breakfast food?: eggs and bacon

brand of ice cream?: Ben and Jerry's

candy bar?: Twix or Snickers

brand of gum?: Juicy Fruit

sports player?: Derek Jeter

fast food place?: Wendys

book store?: Waldenbooks

movie you own? Now and Then


how often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day

what's your order of things you do in the shower?: I wash my body..use body wash..then I shampoo my hair and rinse it..use conditioner and rinse it.

do you change your underwear everyday?: yes ..DUH! lol.

how about your socks?: I don't wear socks.

do you ever wear clothes already in the hamper?: lol hells no.

do you floss your teeth?: nah

do you use q-tips?: no

how often do you wash your face in a day?: once-twice

how often do you wash your hands in a day?: after I use the bathroom

do you use the "5 second rule" when you

drop a piece of food?: LOL wtf?!

how often do you do your laundry?: when I need to wear something.

how often do you change your sheets?: not often.

do you make your bed?: everyday..sometimes every other day if I get lazy.

do you eat before you brush your teeth or brush your teeth before you eat?: before I brush my teeth.

have you ever been serving someone else some food, dropped it, and put it back on the plate?: LOL no.


what did you get your mom for mother's day?: I got her some flowers, a card, and some lotions.

what was the last non-minor injury you had?: the other day when I got a cut.

do you like your music loud or neutral in the car?: neutral..but it depends on the song.

what's the last dramatic event that's happened in your life?: When my cat died two years ago.

do you/have you smoked?:no

do you drink alcohol?: nope

did you know that, 'whit's got the magic stick?'(lol): lol I GOTS THE MAGICCCCC.

what would you do for a klondike bar?: nothing and everything.

have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?: nope..but i'd like to.

ever been in a hot-air balloon?: no but i'd like to.

ever ridden in an airplane?: yeah

if so, what's the longest flight you've been on?: to California 5 hours away.

can i get your number, baby?: BABY?! Who you callin' baby?!

if you had the choice to take your friends' pains in life away, or take yours away, which would you chose to do?: take my friend's pains away. They come first.

have you ever met an online friend?: nope but i've come close. :o(

do you dance around when nobody is home?: lol I dance around even IF everyone is home.

ever gotten sweet revenge on someone?: ALL the time.

if so, what'd you do? and who was it to? My ex b/f..Tim..hehe..hacked into his account and messed with some shit but i've done other things as well.

did you like 2gether?(mtv movie/series): it was Ok.

if you said no, i must kick you, alright?: hahahah..I AM SAFE!!!! =oD

turn on the radio or the tv RIGHT NOW, and

what song is on?: "Drift away" by Dolby Gray and Uncle Kracker


did you enjoy my survey?: yeah

do you love me like a fat kid loves cake?: "you know my style..I say anything to make you smile...." lol Fifty Cent wooo hoooo.

holla at the person who sent this to you: holllllaaaaaaa

ok, now say adios: adios

current time: 8:09 AM


First Bike: Aww...my cute little pink one with streamers, and training wheels.

First best friend(s): Michaelann and Michelle

First real memory of something: My 1st B-day party

First car: none yet.

First date: never been on a "technical" date. :(

First kiss: Rob

First break-up: Tim

First job: none yet.

First screen name: lol I don't remember..I think it was awsomegrl91 or something odd like that.

First self purchased album: Mariah Carey-Music Box

First funeral: My grandfather's in '96

First pet: a dog named Frankie.

First piercing/tattoo: none yet.

First independent home: none.

First house/flat/apartment: my parents..in New York.

First credit card: none yet.

First love: Tim

First enemy: Tara..this chick who used to shovel sand on me in the sandbox in pre school for "fun." lol.

First big trip: California in '94

First play/musical/performance: chorus in third grade.

First sport you played : volleyball?

First musician you remember hearing in your house: Boyz II Men

last library book checked out: don't remember.

last movie seen: in theaters? hollywood homicide..rental..Just Married.

last book read: 1984.

last cuss word uttered: "Fuccckkkk"

last alcoholic beverage drank: Wine.

last food consumed: strawberries.

last crush: JC.

last kiss: Rob. UGH.

last phone call: Nate

last tv show watched:

last time showered: Friday morning. Tis time for another!

last shoes worn: my adidas sandals.

last cd played: All American Rejects

last item bought: I don't even remember.

last downloaded: songs

last annoyance: My mom..what else is new.

last disappointment: Not sure.

last word written: sure

last key used: e

last word spoken: "Go back to sleep"

last sleep: last night

last im: Carly/Nate

last weird encounter: don't know

last ice cream eaten: friday night.

last time amused: yesterday

last time wanting to die: sometime last week..around tuesday/wednesday.

last time in love: NOW!!!!! =D YAY!

last time hugged: yesterday.

last chair sat in: my computer chair.

last lipstick used: it was a few days ago..Jane or something like that.

last shirt worn: I am wearing my green AE shirt right now..before this I wore my red one.

last time dancing: yesterday.

last webpage visited: www.emode.com


10 Bands You've Seen Live:

1. Nine Days

2. Soul Decision

3. Jordan Knight (I KNOW he's not a band)

4. Righteous Brothers

5. Michael Fredo

6. LFO

7. Destinys Child

8. 98 degrees

9. Meredith Brooks

10.Deborah Cox...and there's MORE..but I honestly can't remember. ALL of this was when I was on my "pop music" craze..lol.

9 Things You're Looking Forward To:

1. HOPEFULLY going to Warped?

2. Sept....to be with Nate then..I'm turning EIGHTEEN..woo hooo!!!

3. Seeing Nate blush....aww.

4. Having our first kiss as a couple.

5. December when we get to be together again.

6. My first car/first job..ok, that's a lie but the car isn't..lol.

7. For Nate and I to finally be together forever.

8. To go to NYU.

9. To have a successful career that is fulfilling.

8 Things You Wear Daily:

1. Underwear.

2. Tank Top/ Tee Shirt

3. Shorts.

4. Jeans.

5. Bra.

6. My necklace.

7. My anklet.

8. My bracelet.

7 Things That Annoy You:

1. insensitive people.

2. people who are posers.

3. people who are close minded/homophobic

4. fake, insincere people.

5. racial sterotypes.

6. People that can't spell

7. immaturity

6 Things You Touch Every Day:

1. myself (NOT that way, pervs!)

2. my boombox/cd player/walkman

3. the tv remote.

4. computer keyboard/mouse.

5. my cats.

6. door knobs.

5 Things You Do Every Day:

1. listen to music.

2. daydream.

3. watch tv.

4. eat/sleep

5. Talk to Nate, either online or on the phone.

4 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With:

1. Nate, of course!! :)

2. Friends

3. my mom, the woman won't live forever, ya know.

4. my cousin..I GUESS lol..just to get to know her better.

3 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

1. Now and Then

2. Coyote Ugly

3. Breakfast Club

2 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment:

1. "Why don't you and I?"- by Chad Kroeger and Santana

2. "Underneath It All" by No Doubt, mine and nate's song.

1 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With:

1. Nate..my fuzzy bunny. Mmmuuuuuuaahhh.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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