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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Too early to think of a title...
2003-05-04 - 7:22 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: "The seed 2.0" by The Roots

Hey! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I think it's about time I updated. :)

So friday..let's see..as I was walking out of the car, I saw Carmen..she told me she called me because her boyfriend is so paranoid that the other people won't have their share of money for the limo so I told her to tell him to chill out and that I'm going to have the money.

Basically friday was all nuts cos the seniors were going to Grad Nite at Disney so someone came into our fourth hour talking about what to wear, and what not to wear and what not. I was feeling all headachy though..argh.

Then sixth hour was odd. Some girl came into our sixth hour and then the teacher started yelling "If you're going to grad nite then leave now..I'll mark you as here..just go and I won't tell anyone." So with that, 1/2 the class was out the door. I was one of the five people there. It was so boring!!! I wanted to shoot myself for not bringing my cell phone to call my mom and ask her to take me home.

So I ended up making small talk with this one girl, and there's this guy in the class who is disabled who walks with a walker, and he has a woman with him that helps him out and all that..i'd say she's in her 40's. She acts like a teenager though. She's so nice. Everyone in the class loves her. So she was asking me about prom, and the color of my dress and all that. Then she said I should do something with my hair because my hair covers up my face. She said I have a "pretty face" but I always hide it with my hair, which is true. So she said I should pull it back..hmm..that's interesting. I might think about that.

I am not sure now if I even want to get it cut..I love my hair long. Sure, it's annoying out here because of the heat. But it's so long, straight, and purdy.

I was just all pissed and tired and wanted to go home. I can't believe nearly everyone I knew went to Grad Nite..so yeah, I decided to go to the movies with my mom to see Anger Management.

Then, in the last minute my friend told me she needed a ride home so my mom said "Ok..sure" which she always says when a friend of mine needs a ride home. She was going to Grad Nite so she told me she'd bring me back a Souvenir. Fuck yeah!! but then later on..she wrote me an e-mail and said some Souvenir shops were closed, and they were stuck on the FL Turnpike for an hour, and a bus overheated..so they lost an hour. Haha..that sucks. She said it was a long night, but fun. But I wanted my Mickey key chain, dammit!! :( I heard Default was there, and next saturday NewFound Glory is going to be at Disney. Man..i'd KILL to see them. I can't though because friday is Prom and the next day, I'll be EXHAUSTED.

So FINALLY class ended. Me and Nate talked for a bit, until we both had to leave. I had dinner. Me and mom got to the movies sort of late, and it was raining so it delayed us. There were SO MANY people there. Which was odd because only earlier had I told mom "It shouldn't be packed..a lot of seniors are at Grad nite." But DOH! I forgot that a LOT of middle schoolers like to go to that movie theater.

So we got a spot ALL the way in the back. I didn't realize that a LOT of people were there to prolly see the new X men movie. So we got there JUST as the previews nearly ended..no food of course cos the concession lines were as long as HELL. Halfway through though, my mom felt bad and bought me a small popcorn and a sprite. Aww. : )

The movie was the NUTTIEST, craziest movie I've ever seen. My mom later on told me she has a crush on Adam Sandler..lol. Though she had never heard of him before. My mom is definitely not a movie person at all.

The funniest thing about the movie is when Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler were in the car, on the bridge and Jack Nicholson told Adam Sandler to start singing "I feel pretty..oh so pretty.." lol. I looked over to my mom, who was cracking up. That is one of my favorite movies now. It was definitely worth the wait!!!

The only gripe I have about it is it wasn't long enough. The movie started at 7:15 and we got out of the theater at 9:10. So yeah..I wish it was longer. Cos it was SO good. If you haven't seen it yet, get your ass to the theater and SEE it!!!

So that was friday. Ohh yeah..on Friday me and my friend decided we want to go to the Air and Sea show in Ft. Lauderdale today. Basically, it's on the beach and they do crazy plane tricks. It's going to be so much fun..but so crowded there. It's truly amazing to see though. So we'll be spending most of the day there, and then when I get home I gotta do homework.

Yesterday, me and mom decided to go to the mall. I told her I needed shorts so she said she'd buy me some. Oh..the shock..lol. We couldn't find shorts. Instead, we both bought two tank tops in Old Navy. Two basic tank tops with no designs on them. They are sexy though. :oP I got a black one, and a pink one. She got a black one, and a light blue one. I normally don't wear pink, but I don't have anything pink so I thought "Why not."

My mom bought me knee highs for the prom. She was going to get me panty hose but she said since my dress is so long, I didn't need them and only needed knee highs. We went through the mall and my mom said that she wanted to get a CD burner later on. She got one at Wal-mart but she couldn't figure it out and thinks a part is missing, so she's returning it. Oh well. Hopefully she'll get another one.

She told me that for prom she would paint my finger nails and toe nails Coral to match my dress..cos I told her I liked the color of her nails. So on Thursday prolly we will do that. Thursday is going to be crazy. I'm going to be swamped. I have SO much to do!!! And I haven't started the preparations yet.

Then last night, me and Nate talked. : ) Me and mom sort of got into a fight..of course, because we got along so well earlier. She decided she still wanted me to go out to dinner with her though, so we went out. It was pretty cool. : ) We sat outside and ate and it felt so nice outside because it was a bit breezy. The food was excellent. Then after, I asked her if she wanted to sit out on the beach, so she said sure. I wanted to watch the sunset.

It was one of those moments. Where everything felt right in the world. Where all my problems, and worries, and cares just didn't even matter. Sitting out there, watching the waves crash back to the shore, the colors blending together in the sky..couples walking hand in hand..the light breezes making my hair go back and sort of fly all around my face..it was just wonderful.

I realized I could sleep there..lol. It was so perfect. Just digging my feet into the sort of coolish sand. Me and mom just kind of made up..and talked. I found some shtuff about her past..hehe. Of course, me and being inquisitive. She told me what I wanted to know, and some shtuff she's learned about life, and her experiences. She didn't really hold back, which I really liked. I was afraid I was prying, and being personal but she said it is OK. I realized yesterday how lucky I am to be able to even bring up that shtuff with my mom, because some people aren't so lucky to have a mom so open like that.

She told me shtuff about her previous life before my dad that even HE doesn't know about..and her mom never knew. I somehow feel really speshul that she decided to tell ME that..shtuff even THEY don't know about. I told her her secrets are safe with me. : ) I asked her what she wanted for Mother's Day but she said she didn't know. I'll try and get her something nice though.

I was just lying there on the beach chair, just smiling. It's been so long since I can actually REALLY smile..and not a forced, phony, fake one..a real, genuine smile. It was amazing. I needed that time with my mom. I realized, I need her in my life more than I ever think, or want to admit.

So, that's it folks. I gotta eat, then get ready for the Air and Sea show today. It's going to be a LONG day, and we're starting out early. We are bringing suntan lotion and water. We'll need it..it's going to be HOT today. Before I go..here's the late Friday 5.

1. Name one song you hate to admit you like.

"I want you back" by N Sync..ducks..lol.

2. Name two songs that always make you cry.

"Tears in heaven" by Eric Clapton and I was going to say "What a wonderful world" by Louie Armstrong..but I don't want to be a copy cat..soo.."Wind beneath my wings" by Bette Midler.

3. Name three songs that turn you on.

"What's your fantasy" by Ludicrous, "Anywhere" by 112, "Too close" by Next.

4. Name four songs that always make you feel good.

"Free fallin" by Tom Pretty and The Heartbreakers, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue something, "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel, "King of wishful thinking" by Go West.

5. Name five songs you couldn't ever do without.

"Underneath it all" by No Doubt, "Shattered dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz, "Another night" by Real McCoy, "Glory days" by Bruce Springsteen, "Ironic" by Alanis Morisette

This is from a Forward I got on Friday. It's Soooo funny!!!

Finally a Barbie I can relate to. At long last, here are some NEW Barbie dolls to coincide with her and OUR aging gracefully. These are a bit more realistic...

1. Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens fashion frames in six wild colors (half-frames too!), neck chain, and large-print editions of Vogue and Martha Stewart Living.

2. Hot Flash Barbie. Press Barbie's bellybutton and watch her face turn beet red while tiny drops of perspiration appear on her forehead. Comes with handheld fan and tiny tissues.

3. Facial Hair Barbie.As Barbie's hormone levels shift, see her whiskers grow. Available with teensy tweezers and magnifying mirror.

4. Flabby Arms Barbie. Hide Barbie's droopy triceps with these new,roomier-sleeved gowns. Good news on the tummy front, two-MuMus with tummy-support panels are included.

5. Bunion Barbie. Years of disco dancing in stiletto heels have definitely taken their toll on Barbie's dainty arched feet. Soothe her sores with the pumice stone and plasters, then slip on soft terry mules.

6. No-More-Wrinkles Barbie. Erase those pesky crow's-feet and lip lines with a tube of Skin Sparkle-Spackle, from Barbie's own line of exclusive age-blasting cosmetics.

7. Soccer Mom Barbie. All that experience as a cheerleader is really paying off as Barbie dusts off her old high school megaphone to root for Babs and Ken, Jr. Comes with minivan in robin-egg blue or white and cooler filled with doughnut holes and fruit punch.

8. Mid-life Crisis Barbie. It's time to ditch Ken. Barbie needs a change, and Alonzo (her personal trainer) is just what the doctor ordered, along with Prozac. They're hopping in her new red Miata and heading for the Napa Valley to open a B&B. Includes a real tape of "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do."

9. Divorced Barbie. Sells for$ 199.99. Comes with Ken's house, Ken's car, and Ken's boat.

10. Recovery Barbie. Too many parties have finally caught up with the ultimate party girl. Now she does Twelve Steps instead of dance steps. Clean and sober, she's going to meetings religiously. Comes with a little copy of The Big Book and a six-pack of Diet Coke.

11. Post-Menopausal Barbie. This Barbie wets her pants when she sneezes, forgets where she puts things, and cries a lot. She is sick and tired of Ken sitting on the couch watching the tube, clicking through the channels. Comes with Depends and Kleenex. As a bonus this year, the book "Getting In Touch with Your Inner Self" is included.

I hope you're all having a great weekend!! Bye bye!!

"What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies." -Aristotle

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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