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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-08-29 - 8:02 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I have nothing by Whitney Houston

Hey hey. Well, again can't make this entry too long. My mom's leaving right now to get us bagels so I am using this opportunity to make an entry.

I got my eyebrows done yesterday. It hurt like a BIATCH!!! NOT fun at all. I nearly cried twice from the waxing, but the plucking didn't hurt so much. It took around 15 mins and I was told not to touch them afterwards.

So, then I got online and talked to Nate for a couple of hours and then ate and lyed down and actually fell asleep for an hour, though I didn't want to because for some reason when I lye down, my cramps get worse. *shrugs* so I woke up and then decided I wanted to go to Blockbuster with my mom but I couldn't find anything I like, so she took me home and went out to go groceries. When I feel better, I might have to go grocery shopping with her to get stuff for when Nate's here next week. She's going to mop my bathroom floor this weekend too cos it needs it badly.

There's TONS of drama over here..well no fighting or anything..just a stupid thing my dad did. Basically, he was caught speeding in our community..no one pulled him over but I guess they had a radar gun so they knew how fast he was going. They sent him a letter today saying he never replied to the first letter they had given him about it..though he claims he never got a summons and this is his first one. They've claimed it's been two weeks. So now they are fining him $100 for speeding.

My dad says he wasn't speeding and never got a letter so my mom told him to fight the fine in a grievance committee. My dad CLAIMS he's innocent yet he seems very apprehensive about fighting this. My mom basically is coaching him on what to do and say. And she already typed up a letter for him to send to the people in this community. Knowing my dad it's VERY possible that he was speeding, but it's so funny with his luck, how they picked on him over EVERYONE in this community. So my dad's going to say this is his first summons and try to fight it, because my mom thinks he should and that if he doesn't it will show that he's guilty.

I just kind of rolled my eyes when I heard what was going on because this is not the first time that my dad has been in trouble for speeding. He's gotten plenty of speeding tickets before. So, yep..that is the mini drama happening in the hell house..lol. Of course, it's going on his record and the insurance rates are going to be sky high.

Anyway besides that yesterday was just relaxing, and boring. Ugh..my head's hurting again. :( After I eat i'm going to take another Tylenol and lye down and use that thing that plugs into the wall. Anyway, I watched the VMA's last night of COURSE.

Coldplay's performance for me, was the highlight of the night. I loved 50 Cent's too..basically all the ones I knew I'd like. HOWEVER the beginning SHOCKED me. I KNEW that they were going to have a re-enactment of Madonna walking down a wedding cake in a wedding dress for their 20th anniversary..but I didn't know that Britney and Christina were going to be walking down the cake too. The shocker was when Madonna KISSED Britney right on the mouth. I was like.."Wow..history has just been made!" lol. Cos just like the Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie kiss that everyone talked about, EVERYONE's going to talk about this too. LOL then when they cut to Justin's face he didn't look too pleased at all.

Justin T, Coldplay, and Beyonce won the most. Beyonce's performance was awesome. Chris Rock was funnier than ever! He had some great zingers in there. I thought it was so cool when the two surviving members of Run DMC came out, and when you saw P diddy come out in a Barry White shirt. I thought the whole thing with Eminem and the puppet was cute too. Good Charlotte had a great performance as well..smashing their instruments into the amps and shtuff just screamed out "ROCK STARS!"

I missed the ending though and didn't get to see who won Viewers Choice or Best video of the year. :( Argh..I freaking fell asleep so I missed Metallica's performance too. I also thought it was cool to see Duran Duran back together, getting that award and it was funny when one of the guys thought they were getting Punk'd..lol. and I was cracking up when Jack Black came on and was making fun of Michael Jackson last year with the award and wearing the same outfit he did and talking like him..lol. I think Ashanti looked awesome and I was surprised when Dave Navarro came on with Christina Aguilera..he looked like crap though with that half shirt and leggings..lol..I didn't like her 'feather duster' outfit either, but it looked a lot better than the stuff she usually wears.

I loved Mary J Blige's performance as well. Hell, all the performances were awesome. :) They had TONS and tons of celebs there. It was totally crazy. I am so glad that Linkin Park won an award cos they sure as hell deserved it. And I was happy when Pharrell came out. I'm glad 50 cent won too. It was just very, very cool. I am sure they will play it a handful of times over the weekend. : ) Then I can see the ending.

Oh yeah..our washing machine is working for now so it's all good. Here's the Friday Five ...

1. Are you going to school this year?


2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?

I graduated in May of 2003.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?

My favorite school subjects were English and History.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?

My least favorite school subject was Math.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?

My 5th grade teacher. She was just so nice, and very 'hip.'

Well I better go..not feeling too good. Nate wrote an AMAZING, AMAZING screenplay so check that out or you'll REALLY regret it!!! Once you start reading it you can't stop! lol It's THAT addictive. I am totally in awe of his talent. He's going to make it BIG someday. He's going to be here soooo soon. That's what's keeping me sane right now..lol. But also making me nervous..lol. It's just I can't believe after all this time..I'm going to see the love of my life. *sighs*

Fuzzy ....I'm so proud of you. You are one of the best writers out there and I am not just saying that because I love you, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I'll talk to you soon!!! kisses

Have a great Friday everyone. XOXO

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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