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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Luckily there's no gun around....
2003-08-28 - 7:10 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey hey! Can't make this too long once again..cos..I need to eat, get dressed, and get out of here to go to my eyebrow appointment at 10:15. Not looking forward to this! My head feels like it's taking on a life of it's own..it's pounding stronger than a drum so after I eat I'll prolly take a Tylenol so when I get my eyebrows done, the pain won't be so bad. That's the LAST place I'm going to for the next few days. After I get home, I'm going to rest for a bit before me and Nate talk.

I didn't sleep at all last night really. :( Between this b/s, cramps, and thinking and stuff it was hard for me to sleep. I'm like a zombie right now..oh well. Anyway, yesterday was interesting for certain reasons. I can't get into any detail, because as I type this my mom is sitting right behind me and I KNOW she wants to go online plus I really need to lye down.

The guy came for our Washing Machine but it's not fixed. The Water Valve needs to be replaced and he has to put an order in, so we can't use the Washing Machine for quite a while. So later, after my appointment my mom's going to my aunt's and is going to use her Washing Machine. It sucks, but hey..what can you do??

The VMA's are tonight. I look forward to em every year so I'm quite excited!! I am most definitely looking forward to Coldplay's, Good Charlotte's, and Beyonce's performances..ok..and 50 cent's one too. It should be HUGE this year and Chris Rock is the host so of course it's guaranteed lots of laughs.

I was watching Nick and Jessica's newlywed show yesterday and gosh, she makes me sick. She's so jealous, and whiny and selfish. God, I wonder if I come off like that sometimes. I really hope not. :( They don't seem as in love as one would really think though. I think her attidude and ways really bother him, but I am SURE he's no peach either. It's interesting to watch and see how another couple handles and deals with problems.

Anyway, mmm mom got me a salad yesterday..was soo good. AND she got me some ice cream last night. : ) I basically just talked to Nate, lyed down and watched TV, and helped my mom clean out the fridge a bit. There is something I wanted to talk about BUT I'm saving it for tomorrow, when Nate talks about it. Soo...:P lol. You'll just have to wait.

I want to see Mars dammit! It seems like everyone's seen it but me! lol Ok, a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but still! Argh! haha. I am sooo nervous..only FIVE more days till Nate's here. It's all so surreal..it's kind of like that feeling that comes over you that says "Pinch me if I'm dreaming". lol. It FEELS like a dream. Holy shit! It's raining right now!! Not sure if that's such a good thing seeing as how I'm going out in three hours. It was raining overnight too. Anyway, like Nate I am feeling a bundle of emotions but I know that we are going to have the time of our lives. I need to figure out what outfits I'm going to wear this weekend..lol.

Here's the Daily Zen ..

Do you remember your first best friend? How old were you? What happened to the relationship?

Yes, very well because she was my next-door neighbor. I was VERY young actually. Well, after a while the friendship disintegrated into nothing because we became older and developed different interests and just grew apart and then just before I moved, we just stopped talking altogether. It's kind of sad. I wonder if she's still there, or even remembers me but no matter what..I just wish her all the best in life.

NOW I'm leaving..lol. I hope this rain stops! :/ Frig! It looks like a monsoon! Well bye ya'll! Have an awesome Thursday!!!

Honey ...we'll talk soon..guess what? I LOVE YOU!!! (K)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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