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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Come as you are.
2003-06-14 - 7:37 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Come as you are by Nirvana

Hey everybody. I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. (: Me, I'm just tired as hell right now. I can barely keep my peepers open.

Yesterday after I wrote an update..let's see..had dinner, listened to some music, read my magazine, put on some aloe though it didn't do a damned thing..I still look like a tomato and feel like the fire is spreading even MORE..and I watched TV.

I then fell asleep around 11, waiting for Nate to call. I had a BAD dream..involving my mom that freaked the shit out of me, so I woke up a half hour later scared, and hurting like hell and couldn't go back to sleep. I grabbed some mountain dew, which kept me up..and decided to call Nate. The convo started out not so good, I guess I was a BIT bitchy from being so tired and all..but then as I woke up, it got better and better and we didn't want to leave each other. :(

I didn't fall asleep till MORE than an HOUR after we talked. Insomnia bites!! I just kept thinking and thinking and thinking..sunburn was hurting..THEN it was getting too hot in my room, so I had to take the blanket off..and when I finally did, is when I fell asleep. I only slept like 4 hours..I'm a freaking zombie.

No more blanket!! It's waayy too hot out for that. This morning I have to take a shower..argh..I am going to feel the pain 10000 times more. My mom's going over to my cousin's to get her nails done. It looks like rain..so I am staying here, and I think when my mom returns we MIGHT go to the movies..but I doubt it, cos most likely right after she comes home, we're going to dinner. I don't know WHY tonight if my dad's taking off on Monday. *shrugs* Maybe we're going out tomorrow?! Who the hell knows. But, I'll prollly be around for most of the day.

Mmm..I can't wait to sink my teeth into a donut soon..my mom got some donuts and coffee yesterday..yummmy. Me LOVES the chocolate w/ sprinkles.

I THINK that's all I wanted to talk about. Just wait..I'll realize right after I click "Done" that I KNEW there was something else I wanted to say..lol. Oh well.

Sweetie..I'll prollly be here when you get online later. I'm glad you liked the movie last night. (: Though I ALMOST didn't let you leave your house to see it..lol. I love You!!

"Distance is the key to love's eternity."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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