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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I can do this...
2004-02-29 - 6:44 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Hanging by a moment-Lifehouse

Thank you guys for leaving me such sweet notes and e-mails! It has made my day already!! You all are so wonderful and I'm so honored that any of you would call me your friend. It means the world to me. :) All of you do.

Yes, I got to go out yesterday! If I didn't, I would have gone crazy...lol. Here's what I did..I went with my mom and aunt to get their nails done. That wasn't too great cos I had to stand outside, in the cold. lol. Stupid me only wore a sweater, and nothing over it. That could be why I was freezing my ass off. Heh. From there, we went clothes shopping for my mom. She needed a few blouses for work, so we helped her pick out some. Then, we went to Wendy's and had lunch. Mmm! Their salads are SO heavenly.

We called Karen and found out her dog is sick. :( Poor thing has temperature. I think it's just complications from the surgery it went through on Friday. The dog had a hysterectomy so it was recovering from the surgery. In my opinion, they let her have the dog too soon. I think when we got off the phone with her, she was giving the dog an ice cube. It needs a lot of water or it's going to get dehydrated. Hopefully, the dog will be ok. She definitely needs to call the vet next week. Ugh, my throat still hurts. :(

Anyhoo, we then went to a furniture place cos my aunt needed a table from her foyer. She wanted to throw the table she already had away. We found a BEAUTIFUL table..so she bought it. I didn't get to go to a movie :( cos we had to wait around for the delivery guys to bring over the table. So, we went back to her house, just chilling, watching TV and then we had dinner. Mmm, it was good..everything. The convo at dinner bothered me though cos we were talking about gay marriages. Of course, my aunt is against them. My mom didn't say too much.

My family can be SO close minded sometimes. Gays are people too..if they are in love, they have every right in the world to be able to get married and want to legally spend the rest of their life with someone, just like a straight couple. Love comes in many different forms. People are people, love is love. Sure, traditionally it's a man and a woman getting married but I think gays should be able to be married too if that's what they want.

Anyway, after dinner we helped her get rid of the table and re arrange shtuff. Then the table came. It looks AWESOME in her house!! I'm glad it came when it did cos I was starting to get really sleepy. lol. In fact, I was sleepy for most of the day just cos it was so gloomy and cold outside. It was FREEZING in her house, so I was happy to go home. I went to bed when I got home, but didn't sleep well at all. :( I guess I just have a lot of anxiety about today. It's going to be a long, busy day today as I said in my last entry. I really hope I can come through for myself, for my mom, and for my Nathan. I'm just trying to believe in and have more confidence in myself. I have a lot riding on me, a lot of pressure, expectations to live up to but... I can do this!!! I KNOW I can. Just giving myself a pep talk..heheh.

I missed Nate a lot but I tried to think of good things..it helped. :) I reflected on the times we had together when I was there, and the times we'll have together next month. Unfortunately, we won't get to talk til tonight. :( We're going to watch the Oscars on the phone together. :D It's ok cos I'll be busy this morning and afternoon anyway searching for jobs. I'm going to try as hard as I possibly can. I'm not letting ANYONE down here. Most importantly, myself.

God, I'm glad this month is over. I'm very much looking forward for next month to come!!! Well, I better go..I have someone to write to and a lot to do. So, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekends! *HUGS* Thank you guys again!!!

"Though distance separates us now, you are never out of view, for looking in my heart, all I see, my love, is you."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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