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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Weekend plans...
2004-02-28 - 6:41 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Megalomaniac-Incubus

Gosh, it is cold!!! Brr! I love this change in weather though. I'm definitely having my hot chocolate this morning. On a different note, I'm glad you all like the font change. =D

Today I'm going out, I hope! I don't even care where I go..I just don't want to stay home, bored, sitting around on my ass..something I've been perfecting for a long time. haha. My plans are up in the air though right now for today. I gotta talk to my mom about it this morning. The bad thing about today is Nate & I won't get to talk. *pouts* I'll miss him. But it's all good, cos we will talk tomorrow. I'm just going to try to think good thoughts and try not to let it get to me, or dwell on the fact that I am lonely and that I miss him. Going out should help me do that.

Tomorrow is going to be a long, busy, productive day for me. Today I'm just going to try to have fun with whatever I do. Tomorrow I gotta do my job search..all day..apply to some places..and then all day monday. Then Tuesday, spring my plans of going to AZ on my mom. I just need to really TRY. I think she'll go for it once she sees I'm really putting in an effort to look for a job. Tuesday will obviously be the day that we make the travel arrangements, provided my mom lets me go, which shouldn't be a problem. If I miraculously find a job, then I'm going to tell them that I'm going to AZ for 2 weeks and if I can start when I come back..either way, I'm GOING to have a job when I get back. Mark my words, I'm determined! lol. I need a change in my life. So, that's what's in the works right now for me for tomorrow and next week.

Gah, I can't wait to see Nate! It will be very soon..just a matter of about 3 weeks away. Time has flown by so quickly. =) Yesterday was alright, I didn't do too much really. I was disappointed that Reba was a repeat. I was really looking forward to a new episode. Ah well. :( I went to bed early cos I was so fricking tired yesterday. The extra sleep I got should help me today. We got a new phone for the kitchen yesterday..yipee! lol. Karen's getting the dog today, as I previously mentioned.

Crapp, I must go. I have to do dishes, eat, and get dressed. I have a late start this morning and must get moving. I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

"Enthusiasm is nothing more or less than faith in action."--Henry Chester

LOL this is SO true....

Daily Horoscope for February 28, 2004 (Virgo)

Hopefully you made a career choice recently,becauseif you are still sitting on your hands it may be fate or the universal creative Spirit that takes matters out of your hands. If not "God" then it could be your mate and partner that pushes you over the edge into action. Wow! I'm surprised at that accuracy lol.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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