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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

We were meant to live for so much more...
2004-02-27 - 6:11 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Sunshine of my life-Stevie Wonder

As you all can tell, I changed the font on here & the size. I thought the writing was way too tiny. Dammit, no friday five this week...oh well.

Mainly for most of the day I did a lot around the house..just cleaning and all that. That was exhausting in itself. I'm still not sure if I'm getting sick. I didn't sneeze yesterday, but my throat is still acting up so it's a close call. There was no drama though, everything turned out just fine. Ah yes, about Karen..she is getting that older dog she liked on Saturday. I'm very happy for her..I know she wants that dog so badly. Of course, she has a lot to do for it but in her mind, I guess the dog is worth all of the hassle.

I saw this Switchfoot video ("Meant to live") on MTV yesterday and since then, I am totally in love with them..lol. I really like their sound. I also ♥ the songs "No better love" by Young Gunz & "I wanna get to know you" by G-unit & Joe. :D I didn't see South Park last night just cos it was a continuation from one that I didn't see on Wednesday, so guess what I watched? Dirty dancing..AGAIN! heh. It was on TV last night. It's one of those movies I can repeatedly watch and not get sick of. =) I missed Friends cos I watched the After The Final Rose (The Bachelorette) special. It was VERY interesting. I won't talk about it cos then this entry's going to get EXTREMELY lengthy, and probably very few of you are interested in it..lol.

I have this urge to see a movie this weekend..I know that's not going to play out, but I want to see one dammit lol. I want to see one with Nate though. :( I'm SURE we'll see lots of them next month. =) Mom finished her training yesterday so she's going out with the family today. It's getting cooler out..for now which is nice. At the end of this weekend, I gotta look through the paper for a job. Sure, I won't be able to really work right now since I'm going to see Nate next month, but I still gotta look all next week so I know what to keep in mind for when I get home..and also so I won't get a hard time for going to see Nate next month.

Ugh, I need a shower today..my hair is getting stringy again. Well, I'm out. I think I'm going back to bed for a little bit and then have some breakfast. I hope you all have a great Friday & wonderful weekend!!! *hugs*

"One must lose one's life in order to find it."--Anne Murrow Lindbergh

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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