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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I've had a great weekend...
2004-05-23 - 4:14 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I've had a really great weekend so far. : )

Today I went to the beach with my dad..we spent a couple of hours. It was pretty hot out so the ocean was SO heavenly. Mmm. It was so relaxing..just reading my magazine and playing my CD player, listening to the waves crashing. I love the beach! Though it gets crowded pretty fast.

When we got home I took a shower, and now here I am. Soon I have to go to the grocery store..there's some stuff that we need and that I need, i'll have to make dinner (since my mom won't be home), and then later on clean my bathroom cos it desperately needs to be cleaned in the worst way. Yuck.

I'm on a roll..I've went out two days in a row..haha. Oh, so yesterday was good too. For some reason, I was in a good mood all day. Hmm. We went out for lunch, then we went out to the park. I got a BIT red there..but nothing major. Oddly enough, I was redder in the park than at the beach..lol. That was prolly cos I put sunblock on at the beach. Anyhoo, from there we went home..I talked to Nate for awhile and then we went out to dinner.

Dinner was good..no animosity or tension at all. Wow. heh. Then, we walked around the mall. I bought Gloria Estefan's greatest hits CD for $12.99 (not bad). It's reallly an awesome Cd..I've wanted it for awhile. Then we came back home, I read some of my magazine and then Karen came over. We were going to go to the movies with my mom's friend but she bailed out, so of course we went..where else..BOWLING. lol. Our family's livelihood. It was fun though!!! A great time. Of course we bowled like shit in the second game but it didn't matter. So, then we went home..I went to bed. And that was Saturday.

I love bowling..it gives me a workout. Speaking of that, I am making a vow to exercise and try to workout more..I need to. All I do is sit around like a lump of potatoes..I need to get my blood pumping..lol. So anyway, that was my weekend..it was just different from all my other weekends. It was nice to get out for a change, break my routine. I needed that so much.

Next week I'll have to start looking for a job again. I've gotten away with not looking lately, but I really have to get my ass in gear here. I already got another talk about it. My dad has been his usual asshole-ish self..it's not like we bonded or anything..and it sucks that he's on vacation but oh well, nothing I can do. I can't wait until he goes back to work.

Shit..I better go. My dad wants to go food shopping now. Then when I come back HOPEFULLY Nate will be online. We just talked like 4 hours ago but I miss him. :( I have it bad...lol. Have a great week, my friends. <3

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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