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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

One headache after another...
2003-11-14 - 7:27 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey everyone. I wasn't online at all yesterday, only in the morning so I just read everyone's updates now. Yesterday was crappy..eck, very crappy. I am on limited time right now so I really can't make this long. Why, you ask? Cos I need to get dressed. We're going to have breakfast with Karen, and then going back to her apartment so my mom can get her nails done. After that, who knows. We were thinking about the movies, but it's not set in stone yet. Anyway...

So, I woke up..had some breakfast, did some dishes. Then I showered, watched some TV and talked to Nate till around 1. That was the BEST part of my day and the only part worth remembering..lol. We made up, but my poor bunny is sick. :( I hope he feels better soon. I hate it when he's not feeling well. :(

After we talked, we went over to the mall and had some lunch. Oh wait, we had some very INTERESTING conversations all day BUT I unfortunately do not have the time to get into them. :( Next entry I will, I promise. Anyway, after that we went over to the cell phone store cos my mom is having a lot of problems with her cell phone. She gave the guy that works there a piece of her mind, I was even scared just to be with her..haha. See, that's her personality..nice, till she gets pushed to her limit and then she goes into an outrage and her temper becomes very short.

She got what she wanted in the end, another phone, (the same type of phone, just another phone) BUT the store that they had the phone at was a half hour away which was not a good thing because we got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. My mom at this point was just beyond crazy because she was supposed to pick Sheila up from work and was afraid we were running late so she went into the shoulder of the road, cutting EVERYONE off and drove like a maniac to get to the next exit. Meanwhile, we get off the exit and there's traffic even on the STREETS! I think there was an accident.

So, we get to where we need to be but we can't find the store. So my mom is carrying on and screaming like a lunatic, calling that guy all sorts of names because of what she had to go through with the phone and then giving us a wrong location for the store. Finally, she was about to give up but we drove around some more and we finally found it. By this time, both our heads were pounding..mine from just all the stress, and from her yelling. God, I just wanted to throw her out the car at times..haha. But I held back my urge.

They gave her a hard time with exchanging her phone and we ended up being there for about 15 mins till they finally gave her her phone. By this time, we were supposed to be picking up my aunt in an hour so my mom drove like a speed demon to get to my aunt's work. So my aunt calls her, and tells her that guess what? She's going to be late in getting out of work!! So we rushed our asses off, got headaches for absolutely nothing. We got home, got some candy and waited for my aunt..FOR OVER AN HOUR!! She ended up not even getting out till 6.

By this time, I was so fricking achy, my arm was hurting more than ever..I still had a headache, my OTHER arm was hurting and I just wanted to go to bed. :( I was so stiff from being in the car more or less half the day. My mom wasn't feeling well either. It was a loooong day and seemed never ending. She did thank us for waiting so long for her though. I nearly konked out in the car..lol.

So we took her home, I crashed in bed..had my dinner upstairs, watched some TV, then I saw Friends (which was great and gave me MUCH needed laughs), and then I was just out cold. I wanted to get online to read all your updates but I could barely walk or type when I got home so I just decided to call it a night early. Basically, what annoyed me the most about yesterday was her going all crazy, making me go crazy as well..lol. It was just one headache after another. I still have a slight headache, but not as bad as yesterday. I'm still VERY achy though. Bleh.

Anyway, I promise the conversations will be in the next entry. I gotta start getting ready, and wake my mom up too. HOPEFULLY today is a much better, stress free day. The bad thing is, I might not even get to go online all day again depending what we do after we're with Karen. Grrr, cos I really want to talk to my bunny. :( I guess I'll prolly have to call him tonight.

Ok, now I am going. Have a great Friday and weekend, you guys!!! Bye! *waves and hugs* I shall be back prolly tomorrow to read all your updates and shtuff--and update myself. Take care!

The Friday Five ...

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.


2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.

Not applicable.

3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.

It relaxes me.

4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day.

Sometimes chaotic, sometimes boring.

5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.

Spending everyday with my lover.

"Love is happiness given back and forth."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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