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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Good times. :)
2003-11-13 - 6:02 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey guys! I know I didn't update yesterday..so sorry! Yesterday was actually pretty busy. I didn't think it would be, but it was. This entry will be sort of daylogish because I am in a LOT of pain right now but I'll get to that soon...

First and foremost, THANK YOU to those on here who have really been my rock during times of loneliness, just times when I am really down and out and feel alone, you guys come and pick me up and make me feel whole. (Ooh that rhymed) lol. But seriously, you really made a difference and I owe pretty much everything to every one of you almost. Your friendship, your love, your words of support and encouragement mean everything to me in this world and I wish there was some way I can repay you. You guys are the truest friends out there, and I wouldn't be me without all of you. So thank you, and you all know I love you, right? :)

Anyway, so in the morning me and mom had Dunkin Donuts and coffee..mmm, yummy, deliciousness!! Then, we watched the inspirational show together. I got dressed cos mom told me that we were going out with everyone bowling yesterday. I swear to god, I have NEVER heard of a family that loves bowling as much as mine does in my entire life..lol.

So, we hung out for a bit..I watched Dawson's Creek and then we left around 12. We went out to lunch first, and we had to wait around for a while cos Dawn, her boyfriend, and Karen were all going to go out to lunch together. Oh wait, so I found out that on tuesday night they all had ice cream..WITHOUT ME! But my mom told me there was a good reason for it. So anyway, to pass the time we went to a drugstore. I bought a few things I needed like headache pills, etc. As did my mom. So after that we drove around a bit and then sat at the park just to again, pass the time.

Eventually Karen called and said that they were done eating and would meet us over at the bowling alley. So we waited there for quite a while until we saw them. Awwww dawn's boyfriend is SO nice!!! I was so looking forward to seeing him cos years ago when I did, we had really nice talks. He's an interesting guy and so cool to talk to. He makes you feel comfortable. He asked me a bunch of q's about myself, cos I know he likes me and cares about me. I got a lot of compliments but of course I blushed..lol. In fact, through the entire day I kept getting complimented. Wtf? Usually people don't even seem to realize that I exist.

I am the CRAPPIEST bowler in the world! I swear, they don't get worse than me. I've never bowled so bad in my entire LIFE! lol. It was mucho embarrassing. They tried to give me pointers but nothing helped. At least the score the second time was a little better. I think the bowling ball was too heavy because through the 2nd game my ring finger started to hurt, and my arm started to give out and it took so much effort to throw the ball down the lane.

Everyone else bowled pretty decently, except Dawn..she sucks as much as I do..lol. But we were all goofing around and encouraging each other and making each other feel good. That's what a family does. :) It just felt 'right.' So we bowled the 2 games, we were gonna bowl more but Dawn had to pick my aunt up from work so we had to leave. They all gave me big hugs as we left, and then me and mom decided to pick my aunt up cos we were closer to where she works.

We got lost a bit, but we picked her up. Shit, I left something out..Tom (dawn's b/f) asked us if we wanted to go see "Elf" today but what happened is, we're going to see it tomorrow cos today they are going to be with Dawn's friend. Anyway, after picking her up we took her home and then Karen was over there so we asked her if she wanted us to take her home but she declined. See, what happened is today we were supposed to go out to breakfast with Karen and all that but we're doing that tomorrow and THEN going to the movies with Dawn and Tom. So today we're not doing anything at all. I NEED a relaxing day..lol. I haven't gotten one in ages.

Plus, I want to be here to talk to my bunny so I am glad all that worked out. :) You know..I guess I'm not as alone as I thought, I know some of my family cares for me, I have all of you guys, and a wonderful boyfriend. I'm actually a pretty lucky girl. :o) And it's great to know that people believe in me, perhaps more than I believe in me. I'm working on that.

My mom is pissed cos Dawn keeps paying for EVERYTHING so I think Saturday night we're taking Tom and Dawn out to dinner, my mom's treat. Anyway, so we took my aunt home and then we went home. God, was I relieved. Of course, I broke a vow that I made to myself to REST MY ARM last night by NOT going online, and of course here I am now too..lol. Anyway, so we had chinese last night..mmm and then in the middle of dinner Sheila (my aunt) called and asked us if we wanted to go out to Denny's to have some dessert so we said ok. Of course I was all concerned I'd miss The Bachelor..lol. But I'll get to that soon.

We ate, and then I changed my clothes and we left..finally they showed 10 mins later, I got complimented AGAIN lol. It seemed like a lot of the conversation was focused on me. Wtf? lol. Anyway, mmm the dessert was soooo good!! Me and mom shared a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Tom and Dawn shared an Apple Crisp, and Sheila..had a Fudge Brownie something or other..lol. God, was it heavenly!

After that, we were all kind of tired so we paid and left and then Dawn and Tom were telling us about this thing on the Spike network that was hilarious that we must watch but I don't think it was on last night, and plus my stupid VCR wouldn't let me record anything. Anyway, so we said our bye's, then we went home..JUST in time for The Bachelor. =D Oh wait, on the way home Sheila's car kept being right next to ours so they'd all make funny faces out the window..lol. It was hilarious. So I relaxed, and watched The Bachelor. Hmm, it wasn't really too interesting. Just the girls telling all about Bob, and Bob made a surprise appearance. It was alright, I guess. Most of the girls statements and confessions didn't really stun me all too much, except for Meredith's. NEXT WEEK'S is the episode to watch! Where he picks between Estella and Kelly Jo. I'm rooting for K Jo all the way!!!

Anyway, after that I went to bed and here I am. My arm hurts SO bad that it hurts to reach for something or move it. The knuckle on my ring finger is sort of swollen. That's what happens when you don't bowl for a while, and then when you do you bowl TWO games..lol. It's too much for the arm and fingers. It's just very, very painful. Next time I am using a lighter ball! Ok, I realized that sounded perverted..a lighter BOWLING BALL! lol.

Ugh, I missed my Nathan wayyy too much. :( It would have been great to talk to him BUT I understood he had tons of shtuff to get done. I can't wait for today's talk. =D mmm. But god, it sucked watching Dawn and Tom PDA'ing. I got all jealous again. :( I just want that so much right now. Well, it's not much longer of a wait now. :) Just one more month, that's what I keep telling myself. I'd love to make this entry longer and just talk about life and everything on my mind lately and such but I don't feel up to it nor do I have the time at the moment. Next time, hopefully I can do that.

I'm going to go now. I gotta take a shower and eat and there's a LOT of people I must, must, MUST write to..lol. God, I am thankful that we're not going anywhere today. :) Well, we might be actually. And that Friends is tonight. Well, I hope ya'll have a great day and thank you again! I'd love to link all of you, but you know who you are. I just want to say a special hello to... Meaghann and.. Claire !!! Bye guys! *hugs*

Baby...God, I MISSED YOU! AAAAH! lol. You don't know just how much. I hope everything is going well, sweetie. We'll talk soon! :) Woo hoo! I love you very, very much. (K)

"Whatever you do, don't give up. Because all you can do once you've given up is bitch. I've known some great bitchers in my time. With some it's a passion, with others an art."--Molly Ivins

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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